Chapter 22

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- I'm sorry it took me so long to update this fanfic, but I was very busy with school... I hope you enjoy this chapter! x -

"We can't possibly trade that book for something like a magic bean!" Emma said, because she knew it wasn't THAT valuable... Or was it?

"I think we can.. but we need to find someone who thinks the book is worth that much.. Or, better said, we need to find the person who wrote the book because I'm sure he lost it and wants it back."

Emma was startled. The person who wrote the book? She had never even thought about the fact that someone must have written the book. It was all about her life, and Killians life. It was very strange to think that someone wrote that. It made her question her existence.. If she was just a character from a book, that meant that she was something someone had come up with.. She had never been herself, but she had always been some kind of poppet in a fairy tale...

Emma started to become dizzy because of all those thoughts and she sat down for a moment.

"So, what you're saying is that we need to find the author of the storybook?" Killian raised his eyebrow and asked the question to Henry.


Emma closed her eyes. The author. He knew EVERYTHING about her and she wasn't sure how to feel about that.. She had always been a person who was good at hiding their emotions, especially because she was a princess. Or, was a princess. Is or was?

Emma wasn't sure if she was ever going to see her parents again. They were going to another realm once they had a magic bean but maybe they weren't going to the Enchanted Forest.

Emmas thoughts ran all over the place, and nothing made sense anymore.. She knew they had to find the author but what did they have to offer for that? 

"Where do we start?" Emma asked as soon as she felt the dizzyness go away.

"Do we need some way to.. maybe.. summon him?" Killian asked.

"I don't know.. But I'm pretty sure our friend Rumplestiltskin knows about the author.." Henry said sarcastically.

"Should we... Should we give him the ring?" Emma asked, on which Killian turned his head towards her and his eyes were full of panic.

Of course they were. Killian traded his whole life for that ring and now she is offering to give it up like it's nothing? Killian felt a sudden rage of anger but he tried to hide it. Maybe she didn't mean it like that?

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