Chapter 21

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"We don't have the ring," Killian said once again. Rumplestiltskin looked very confused.

"But....?" He started and stared at Killian and Emma.

And he disappeared. He left a purple-ish fog.

As soon as he was gone, Emma ran towards Mary and Henry to see if they were okay. They only had a couple of bruises but besides that, they were good to leave again.

"We need to go to another realm," Henry said.

"How?" Emma looked at him. She still didn't believe that he was her son. She couldn't even remember how it had happened, and when, why, where, etc. The only thing she knew was that he claimed to be her son. Which was ridiculous. How could she have had a son, without knowing it? Who was his father? She thought by herself.

"With a portal... We need to get our hands on a magic bean," Mary said, continuing to set up Henry's plan.

"Yes... And how do we get one?" Emma said, you could hear the sarcasm in her voice.

"We need to have something valuable to trade it for.." Killian said, "Like I traded the Jolly Roger for a magic bean."

When he said that, everything that happened between them in the Enchanted Forest came back to her. It had been such a long time since they had falln into the portal.. She still didn't know what exactly had happened when they went to the wrong realm, and both of them ended in different places. So much had happened since then.

She kind of wished that everything could go back to the moment that she had felt truly happy. When Killian had proposed to her, and they were going to find a new home together, without the stupid arranged marriage and without her parents to disagree with her marrying a pirate. He had told her that she is his home. Everything could have been perfect, but it turned out to be even worse than back in the Enchanted Forest. They were being followed by the most powerful wizard of all time, who wanted their wedding ring. THEIR WEDDING RING! What could possibly be weirder than that?

But they couldn't go back. They had to continue this. For Henry. For Mary. And for themselves, if they didn't want to be seperated by Rumplestiltskin.

"But we don't have anything valuable," Emma said. It was true, they didn't have anything with value. They only had themselves.

"No, it's true.." Killian said.

But Henry did something unexpected, and got the Storybook out of his backpack.

"We do have this, and it's worth more than you could ever imagine," He held up the book.

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