Chapter 14: The Decision

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Anthony POV:

   Nikki's lucky that Jack was there. But I'm not done yet. I don't give up that easily.

Jack J POV:

   Gilinsky seemed kinda scared when I told him about what happened at school. And he was shocked that I stood up to Anthony and actually punched him. I don't know....I guess when I saw Anthony touching her it just made me mad. But I don't regret it. He deserves it. He still thinks that Nikki is "his". She's not something that you can just claim and say she's yours. And apparently he doesn't get that. And in case he forgot, she's dating me. Not him. In fact, I think her exact words were "he's dead to me." What impression does that give off to you?

-Skipped a couple weeks-

Nikki POV:

   It was almost the end of the school day. And it was Friday! Jack said he was sick so he didn't come to school today. So instead of walking to PE I went to straight to my car. But before I did I put all of my stupid books in my locker. Because I didn't have homework either! I love days like this.
   As I shut my locker I got an unexpected and unwanted surprise. It was Ashley and Erin. "Hi Nikki!!" Erin said bubbly. I raised one eyebrow (because I'm awesome and I can do that) and said nothing. "Aren't you gonna talk to us?" Ashley asked innocently. "I certainly don't want to." I stated and started to walk away. They followed. "Why not? We're your best friends." She added. I spun around. "You are not my best friends." I say. Her fake innocent face turned into a look of disgust. "Look I don't really care what you think. But I know that you don't love Jack. This has to be fake because he's a nobody. You used to have everything. What happened to you?" She says. I wanted to slap her across the face. But I didn't. I'm too nice. "I do love Jack. And I got tired of being around you. It's not fake." I said quickly. I didn't want to be around them anymore. I walked away again but they didn't let me leave. Erin tried to grab my wrist but I pulled away. By this time everyone was out of the school and the halls were empty. "Just come with us." She said. "Hell no." I said sternly. They gave me pitiful looks. "You'll regret that." They said. Suddenly I saw Anthony come up behind them. "C'mon babe." He said to me and tried to pull me. I got away from him and started to run away. I had no idea where this was going. But unfortunately for me, Anthony is one of the fasted runners here. He caught up with me and threw me over his shoulder. I started hitting him and screaming but no one heard me. Ashley and Erin were following behind him. They took me to some old classroom and shut the door. Drake and Mitchell were in there too. "What the hell! What do you want?!" I screamed. They all just looked at me with the same horrible expression. Anthony was the only one who spoke. "Don't you miss being popular?" He asks. "No. If this is what it meant to be popular then absolutely no." I stated. He chuckled. "We only did this because we had to tell you something." he says with a stupid smirk. "What?! What could be so important that you have to make me your hostage!!" I shouted. He smiled and stepped closer to me. "Lemme put it like this. We don't want you to be with Jack, he doesn't deserve you." He started. I felt anger building up inside of me. "So we had a perfect idea to get you back with us." He says. He kept getting closer to me until I couldn't back up anymore. "Stay away from me." I say firmly. His stupid smile quickly changed into a look that I always feared. "You don't want Jack hurt right?" He said. I stayed silent. "They stay away from him and forget about him. I'll never even think about bullying him again if you come back with us and be my girlfriend again." He said. I started to speak but he didn't let me. "And if you don't..." He hesitated. "If you don't I'll hurt him and you more than ever. I'll really make you regret your decision." He says. I stayed silent. It was taking all of my courage to speak now. "Why do you care?" I barely choked out. He smiled creepily. "I- We. We want to be popular. And people stopped treating us like that when you left us." He said. "You s-" I started but he shut me up. "The choice is yours. You can either make Jack suffer. Or you can be loved and popular again." He said. I said nothing. Then all of them left. Anthony gave me one last glare before he left. When I knew they were gone I left and ran for my car. How could I choose. I didn't want to be with Anthony. But the last thing I want to do is get Jack hurt. He doesn't deserve this. He's too nice and kind and sweet. How could I tell him this. I can't just leave him. I love him. But I don't want him hurt....

A/n Hi guys! Sorry if this chapter sucks... I didn't mean to go this long without updating😁. But I'll try to write some more drama soon. But it'll start with this chapter. I might post another chapter this week...idk. Bye!

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