Chapter 6: The Fight

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-Skipped to Friday of next week-

Nikki POV:

   I asked Anthony a while ago why he tagged me in that picture. He said he just wanted me to see. He's such a moron. I wonder if his girlfriend knows that he still drools over me?

   I was so happy it's a Friday. It was the last period of the day. Which for me is math. Anthony was in this class with me. All day he seemed grouchy. I mean, he's always rude and obnoxious. But today he just seemed mad. But I really didn't care.

   When class ended I walked outside alone. I didn't want to be near my so called "friends". I saw Anthony run out of class. He looked like he needed to be somewhere... I walked outside to my car. My spot was taken this morning so I had to park a little farther away today. As I was walking I heard moaning. No not in that way. It was coming from an alley that was behind the school. As I got closer the noise became louder. The moaning soon sounded like someone was in pain. I got curious and walked down the alley. There was a dumpster back there. When I heard voices I hid behind it. I tried to see who it was. "She's mine so stay away from her." I heard a familiar voice. Anthony. I was shocked to see him here. Who was he talking to? "Really? That's not what she said. And I don't want to be with her anyway." I heard another familiar voice say. I moved my head to try to see who it was. It was Jack. Anthony had him shoved against the wall and was scarily close to him face. "Good. Keep it like that." Anthony said. I've never seen him look so infuriated. He looked horrifying. But I was too mad to care. Jack nodded nervously. And what Anthony did next is what almost made me gasp. He punched Jack in the side of his head and he fell to the ground. I clamped my hand over my mouth to keep myself from screaming. I stood up slowly and moved away from the dumpster. My legs were wobbly. Ive never witnessed someone actually getting beat up. It terrified me. I moved a little closer to them. I didn't speak until I was far away from the dumpster. I didn't want it to look like I was spying. "Hey!" I shouted as I walked over to him. He spun around and looked at me wide eyed. "What are you doing?" I asked him angrily. He smiled at me. "Just teaching this nerd a lesson babe." He said while coming closer to me. I pushed him away. "I said don't call me that! And leave him alone what did he do to you?!" I said. He looked down at Jack, who was awake but just lying in pain. "Why do you care? He's worthless." He replied. "No he's not! And stop hitting him!" I shouted. He chuckled. He pulled me closer to him. I tried to get out if his grip but he's extremely strong. "You know you want me." He almost whispered. I moved my right arm and slapped him. "Get off of me!" I said. He just looked at me for a second. Then he let me go and pushed me away. I got up immediately. Anthony left after that. That's it. He just walked away and left. I looked over at Jack. The side of his head was bleeding, his lip was cut, and he had a few bruises. "Oh my god..." I whispered as I walked over to him. I knelt next to him. "Jack! Jack wake up..." I repeated while shaking him. He was still breathing. I attempted to lift him up. He wasn't feather-like but he defiantly wasn't really heavy either. Don't get me wrong it was still a struggle, but I managed to stand him up. Well, more like propped against the wall. But he was still sort of standing. "Jack...Jack can you hear me? Please, talk to me. Are you ok?" I asked frantically. He mumbled something that I couldn't make out. Think Nikki, think. He was hurt and couldn't walk very well. I set him back down on the ground lightly and left to get my car. I ran as fast as I possibly could. There was hardly any cars left in the parking lot. I got in my car and drove to where the alley was. I stopped, got out, and opened the passenger door. I ran over to Jack and helped him walk to my car. I buckled the seatbelt and ran around to the drivers seat. I drive off as fast as I could. Well not really, I could go up to 160 mph. I was just going 50 or 60 mph. But I was still speeding. I didn't care. I drove towards my house. I kept talking to Jack on the way there. His eyes opened. "Jack! Oh God, you're awake! Are you ok?!" I said in shock. He mumbled again but I still couldn't tell what he was saying. His eyes started closing again. "No! Jack stay awake!" I shouted. He didn't stay awake. I kept glancing at him to make sure he was ok. He had his head leaning against the window; his blonde hair getting smashed between it and his head. I drove faster. I got there in about five minutes. I put my car in the garage and got out. I helped Jack out of the car. I put his arm around my shoulder and my arm around his waist as I helped him walk inside. Crap... How was I gonna get him upstairs? "Jack, please wake up!" I whined. He opened his eyes slightly but they closed soon after. I walked over to the stairs, leaving Jack sitting in the living room. There weren't too many... Maybe I could help him up... I guess I should at least try... It was just one small flight of stairs... I walked back over to Jack and helped him walk like the last time. "Jack, if you can hear me, please try to walk..." I say. His eyes opened slightly. They closed but not all the way. It was like he was squinting. And to my surprise, he started walking slowly. It took about ten minutes to get him to the bathroom upstairs. He was taller than me, so for me to be able to reach him he had to sit on the counter. He laid his head against the mirror behind him. I cleaned the cuts and put bandages on them. He winced in pain when I cleaned it. I tried talking to him but he wouldn't respond...

Jack J POV:

   I was walking to my car when I heard someone shout "Hey nerd!" I've heard this voice many times before. It was Anthony. He's a dumb jock who needs a life. He's been bullying me for a while now. I sighed and turned around to face him; knowing what was coming. He pulled me into an alley when he approached me and shoved me against a wall. He immediately punched me in the stomach. I winced. "What do you want?" I spat. He had a pitiful look on his face. "I don't want you hanging around Nikki. She's mine so stay away from her." He said. "Really? That's not what she said. And I don't want to be with her anyway." I replied. "Good keep it that way." He said. He has anger issues. I nodded nervously. But that wasn't enough for him. In one swift motion, he punched me in the side of my head. I collapsed to the ground. I closed my eyes but I could still hear everything. I heard a girl's voice. But I couldn't tell who it was. I heard Anthony and the girl talking. He said something like "You want me." Which made me think it was Nikki. I opened my eyes slightly and saw Nikki slap him. He pushed her an walked away. I could hear Nikki talking to me but I couldn't figure out what to say.
   Next thing I knew I was in her car and she was still screaming at me. I guess I was in her house now. She told me to walk, I did. She was directing me and telling me where to go.

   "Jack...are you awake?" I heard her ask. I opened my eyes. I saw Nikki. Her face was pale. She looked scared as her eyes searched mine for answers. "Yeah...uh...w-where am I?" I asked. She blushed a little. "Um at my house.." She answered. "Why...were you trying to kidnap me?" I asked jokingly while looking around. I was sitting on a counter in a bathroom. "I saw Anthony hitting you and I stopped him." She said. I chuckled. "He'll never stop." I mumbled. "What do you mean?" She asked. She can be so clueless. Well I guess I shouldn't complain too much. She did bring me here and helped me. "He's been bulling me for a few years now." I said. I know she knew he bullied me a few years ago. But she didn't care then. "What?! I thought he stopped!" She shouted. "No...why would he stop?" I said. She thought for a second and walked away. I heard her swear under her breath. "He's dead to me." She said. I smiled. "Thanks for uh....helping me..." I sputtered. She smiled, but her smile soon faded. "No problem..." She mumbled while walking away. I jumped off the counter. I winced a little when I stood up but followed her into what I'm guessing is her room. She grabbed some Carmex and handed it to me. "Here, your lip is cut." She said. "Thanks..." I said while putting it on. "So, why are you helping me?" I asked. She looked at me for a second before she spoke. She sighed. "I always wished someone would've done this for me." She said sadly. I gave her a look of confusion. "What do you mean?" I asked. She sat on her bed and looked me in the eye. "You have to promise not to tell anyone about this." She said seriously. "Uhh lemme lost your virginity already?" I said jokingly. She gave me the death stare. "No. I won't until I'm married. I know you think I'm a moron but just listen to me for a second!" She said angrily. I put my hands up defensively. "Ok, ok I promise!" I said. I sat next to her. She sighed again. "I was bullied my whole life and when I got to high school is when I became popular." She blurted out. I just stared at her for a second. "You were bullied?" I asked. She nodded and looked down at her shoes. I was at a loss for words. "Did your family know you were bullied?" I asked. She didn't reply immediately. She then unexpectedly hugged me, tight. It's like she was clinging on for dear life. I sat there for a second, but eventually put my arms around her lightly. I wasn't sure how I should take this. "Are you ok?" I asked. I looked down at her and saw she was crying. There was a damp spot on my shirt from her tears. "Sorry..." She said while gesturing towards my shirt. "It's ok. What's wrong?" I asked her. She looked at me. Her emerald green eyes were glossy and her mascara was running. "My family is gone..." She said quietly. I put my arms around her again. She buried her head in my chest. "My mom died, my dad left me and my sister, my sister died, and now I'm living with my aunt." She said. I felt terrible. Why did I bring this up? "Nikki I'm so sorry..." I said. "It's fine..." She sniffles. She then pulled away and got up. She walked in the bathroom and in a few minutes she came back with her makeup off. She looked kinda cute now that she wasn't wearing another face. It was getting late now. It was almost 11:00pm. "Its getting late...I guess I should go..." I say. "Umm yeah...I when I drove you here I left your car in the school parking lot. It's too late now anyways, and we have a guest room." She said. "So you want me to stay?" I asked. "Uhh yeah...if you want...I mean it's totally up to you..." She sputtered. I chuckled. She's so awkward when she isn't in school. It's kinda cute... "Ok..." I said. She smiled at me. I love her smile.

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