Chapter 11: Notes

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-Skipped a few days-

Nikki POV:

   Molly was really mad the other day. But whatever. I couldn't care less. I was on cloud nine. I wonder if he's gonna ask me the dream I had. I mean, I had that dream and he coincidently kissed me that same night. But I wouldn't have it any other way.
   Anyway, back to reality. AKA my worst enemy. It was Friday. Thank god. The school day was almost over. I was in math. Unfortunately I still sit next to Anthony. But he hasn't talked to me for a while. So that's good.
When the bell rang I grabbed my bag and got out if that stupid class. I know Jack has PE 6th period. So I went there when class ended. I saw Jack. He was playing basketball with some other guys. He was really good...and it was pretty hot if I do say so myself... I sat on the bleachers and waited. He didn't see me. I just watched him.
   After about ten minutes he realized I was there. He smiled at me and ran over to me. "Heyyy!" He said happily when he approached me. "Hi!" I replied. "I'd hug you but I'm sweaty." He said. I laughed. "You're really good!" I said, gesturing towards the basketball court. He smiled. "Eh not really..." He said modestly. "Um, yes you are!" I praised loudly like a parent. Cringe worthy, I know. He smiled again. "Thanks. I'm gonna go change." He says while walking away. "Ok..." I said. I walked back over to the bleachers and pulled out my phone.
   Jack came back within minutes. He hugged me and kissed my cheek. "You ready?" He asked. "For what?" I asked curiously. He smiled slyly. He grabbed my hand and we walked out of the school. "Will you go out with me?" He asked confidently. This is literally my dream. Am I dreaming again? I punched myself. "Ow.." I hissed quietly. Jack looked at me oddly. "Are you-" I cut him off. I smiled. "Of course." I reply. He smiled cheekily. "Ok, cool...I'll let you know when..." He said mysteriously. I gave him a confused look. "What do you mean?" I asked. He smiled. "You'll see..." He said. He walked me to my car. "Ok then..." I said. "I'll see you later..." He says while walking away. "Jack wait!" I said too loudly. He spun around and walked back over to me. "You ok?" He asked. I put my hand on his cheek and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulled me closer to him, and kissed back. I pulled away after a few seconds. "Yeah...I am now..." I said. He smiled and started to walk away as I got in my car.

Anthony POV:

   When class ended I saw Nikki practically run out of the room. I followed her and she went to Jack. What the hell does she see in him? It made me mad when they started kissing and holding hands and all that. I'm still in love with her. I've been in love with her. Cheating on her was the worst thing I could've done. But I thought I could get away with it so, what the heck. I did it anyway. But she found out. I left the other girl now. So I'm single. All these girls have been throwing themselves at me. It's been really hard to ignore that. But I'm trying to get with Nikki. I figured that if I can win her back again, she'll get some common sense and go back to her regular life. Meaning she'll hang out with Erin, Ashley, Mitchell, Drake, and I again. And hopefully be mine again. But I have to get Jack out of the way. I tried knocking some sense into him, literally. But Nikki came in and "saved" him. And I've tried talking to Nikki but she won't listen to me. Jack claims he doesn't want her. But he does. Everybody does. She's hot. But they can't have her because she's mine. Simple as that.

Nikki POV:

   What did jack have planned? I like it when he keeps me guessing. But at the same time I just wanna know. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to wait.
   I got home about an hour ago. I was doing science homework. I'd like to give a special thank you to the stupid teacher who gives me homework on weekends. *Hint my sarcasm* I was almost done with it when I heard a knock at the door. I got up and answered. There was a tall brown haired guy standing there. He had blue eyes that we're similar to Jack's. "Heyyy...can I help you?" I asked. He smiled. "You must be Nikki." He said. I nodded slowly. "Yes, that's me..." I said. "Nice to meet you. I'm Nash, one of Jack's good friends. He's given me strict orders to give this to you." He says while flashing me a huge smile and handing a note to me. I gave him an amused and confused look before looking at it. The note read:

Hey beautiful, I have a surprise for you. But you'll have to work for it... Just follow where the notes tell you to go.
PS, I hope Nash doesn't hit on you too much. He's kinda weird....

   I smiled as I read it. I looked up at Nash, who was still standing in the doorway. "So...should I change or...." I said. He shrugged. "To be honest you look hot right now so....I'd just stay the way you are." He said. I chuckled. "Thanks. Jack said you'd hit on me. You must be very predictable." I said. He laughed. "Yeah I guess..." He said. "So what now? He said to follow where the note tells me to but-" I started but he didn't let me finish. "I know exactly where to take you." He said while gesturing to his car. "Ok gimme a second..." I say. I ran back upstairs quickly and changed my tee shirt to a oversized pink sweater. I was already wearing leggings and black and white polka dot Converse. So I was good. I ran back downstairs and went with Nash. When we stepped outside I felt the cold fall air hit my face. But it felt amazing. I prefer cold over hot weather.
We got in his car and he drove us to...the park? "Ok. Sorry cutie but I have to leave you here." He said. "Uhhh...." I started. But I stopped when he handed me another note. "This should tell you where to go." He said. "But if I'm going places don't I need my car?" I asked. He shrugged. "Well this is all Jack's idea. So....I don't think so..." He says. I nodded. I got out of his car and stepped outside. "Have fun!" Nash shouted as he pulled away. I opened the note and it read:

Hello again gorgeous
Go to the place where I first started falling for you. You probably don't know where this is. But I'll give you one hint. It's behind school.

   Ok so now I have to walk to school. Luckily everything around here is fairly close to each other. The school was about ten minutes away. And I'm a fast walker. I got there in half the time I thought I would. When I got there, there was another guy standing there waiting for me. He was standing in the alley! So that's when he started liking me? Well that makes sense...
   I walked over to him. "Hey I'm Shawn! You're Nikki I'm guessing?" He asked. I nodded and smiled. "You're one of Jack's friends right?" I asked. He nodded. "Her ya go!" He said while handing me another note.

Go to the place where you used to go every Tuesday and Thursday.

   I smiled to myself as I read it. I thanked Shawn and headed for the football field. The school was already closed so I wasn't worried about getting caught.
   When I got there I saw another guy waiting for me. "Hi! I'm Cameron Dallas!" He said happily. "Hi! I'm Nikki! Lemme guess, another note?" I said. He smiled. "Nope!" He said while handing me a rose. "Aweee!" I exclaimed. "You were right though. There's a note with it." He said while handing me the note. It said:

Hey cutie,
Guess where I got this?

   What? This was the most confusing one so far. Cam saw that I looked confused. "He's talking about the flower." He stated. "Ok..." I said while thinking. There was a flower shop downtown, which wasn't far from the school. I thanked Cam and left.
   I arrived at a flower shop within a few minutes. When I got there I saw a car and Jack G standing next to it. "Jack?" I asked. He had his back to me but tired around. "Hey! There you are!" He said. I smiled. "So what now?" I asked. He handed me another note.

Hey baby girl
This is one of the last ones you'll have to read :) Leave it to Jack now... I'll see you soon...

   I couldn't stop smiling. He's so sweet. I looked at Jack G who was watching me read it. "Ok then. Where are you taking me?" I asked. He opened the passenger door for me. "You'll see..." He said while hopping around to the drivers seat. We were driving for what felt like a while. Maybe about a half hour. We stopped at a mountain. It was a cliff. "Where are we?" I asked in amazement. It was beautiful. And the fall night only made it better. "You're final destination." Jack said. I smiled as I stepped out of the car. "I have one last note for you..." He said. Before I could read it he said: "I'm sorry I must get going. But you'll be fine without me..." He said in a fake British accent. He started to drive away. I smiled. I read the note:

Finally, the last one! My hand is hurting now...but you're worth it. :)

   I felt like I was about to tear up. But I didn't. I was too happy. I just looked around for a second. This place was beautiful. How have I never come here before? I didn't even know it existed... I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt a pair of hands over my eyes. "Guess who?" Someone asked. I smiled. "Jack?" I asked. Even though I already knew who it was. He uncovered my eyes and turned me around. "Hey beautiful." He said. "Hi handsome." I say. He pecked my lips and hugged me. "Glad you could make it." He mumbled against my neck. "Me too." I said.

Rest of chapter continued in chapter 12😝

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