The Duel

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Harry sat next to Ginny's bed. He held her hand tightly and Hermione say on the other side holding Ginny's other hand. Ginny had been out for almost two days now and it was Sunday afternoon and Harry's panic was steadily growing. Just as Harry thought his panic could reach no higher, Ginny started to thrash in her bed. She then screamed Harry's name and the Hermione's and bolted upright in the bed sweating like mad and crying. Hermione flung herself at Ginny and gave her a bone crushing hug and Harry had to pull Hermione off Ginny to comfort her. Ginny cried into Harry's shoulder and Harry rubbed soothing circles on her back. Soon she calmed down and was ready to speak.
"I-I saw you guys die and it was all because of me! I was being punished and my whole family hated me and I was expelled from Hogwarts and bunch of terrible things!!" Ginny explained and started crying on Hermione's shoulder.
"Ginny" Hermione tried to get the girls attention,
"Ginny!" Harry said a little more urgently. This time Ginny looked up at Harry and Hermione and apologized.
"You have nothing to apologize for Ginny!! That dream is fake. We are right here for you." Hermione said.
"Thank you guys." Ginny said, "What day is it and how long have I been out?"
Harry and Hermione looked at each other and Harry said,
"After you got hit with the bludger it was a bit chaotic. Wood grabbed your broom, so it's okay, I flew under you and caught you while Fred and George grabbed the bludger and put it away and Ali and Ange helped me get you to the ground. That was Friday. Today is Sunday." Harry explained.
Ginny looked shocked.
"Two days?!? I've been out for two days?!?!?" Ginny exclaimed.
"Er... yes. We were worried that you would miss classes!!" Hermione said. Harry gave her a look and she added,
"Okay I was worried you would miss classes, but still."
~~Time Lapse to Potions with Slytherin~~

Harry, Hermione, and Ginny entered fifth period potions that they had with the Slytherins. Snape had the directions on the board and told the class,
"Brew me a Antidote to Common Poisons and this will be on the next test, so memorize the ingredients." Snape then left them to their thoughts and everyone started. Ginny and Hermione were very good at potions while Harry wasn't exceptionally brilliant at them. Harry thought he was kind of good, but Snape refused to give him a good grade. Harry didn't really care because he got good grades on his essays and group projects, mainly because Hermione was there. Ginny groaned and started to get out the needed ingredients. She loved potions, but hated Snape for the way he treated Harry.
"Could that slime-ball treat you any worse?" Ginny had told him one day in the common room. Harry had just shrugged and continued with his charms homework. He didn't know why Snape hates him, but he didn't really care as long as he got a passing exam. Hermione was practically skipping on the way to the cupboard. She loved every single subject, no matter what. They started their potion and when class was over, Snape had awarded Gryffindor, with much pain, 5 points for brewing the potion perfect. Then again he also took away 10 points for Neville's cauldron exploded. So during the potions class Gryffindor managed to earn -5 points. Harry didn't understand how it worked, but he wasn't intent on finding out. On the way out Hermione's bag looked like it was about to break. Ginny was helping her and telling Hermione that she shouldn't put so much stuff in her bag.
"Yes, but how am I supposed to have it all?!?" Hermione exclaimed exasperated.
"Oh, I dunno, maybe get a bigger bag, or you could leave some stuff behind." Ginny teased.
"Fine I'll leave some of my extra quills and notebooks tomorrow. Happy?" Hermione said.
"Very." Ginny replied.
Hermione wasn't watching where she was going and bumped into Harry's least favorite person on earth. Next to Snape of course.
"Watch it Mudblood, I don't want dirty blood all over my new robes." Malfoy snapped at Hermione who had fallen to the floor. Harry helped Hermione up while Ginny was turning red in the face. Uh-oh. This was never good. Red meant code red and when you are the cause of code red... run. Malfoy sneered at Ginny as she turned red.
"What did you just say to her?" Ginny whispered calmly. Bloody Hell this is a mega code red, Harry could tell from the venom that was dripping from her every word.
"I said, don't stain my robes, Mudblood. I should say the same for you, you blood traitor." Malfoy spat at Ginny.
"You're a sad excuse of a wizard, Malfoy." She threw him down. Malfoy managed to keep a straight face, but his eyes shined with fear. Harry had no sympathy for Malfoy, but when Ginny gets mad, it's scary. Malfoy then kept talking, which was a very stupid move.
"Listen here, blood-traitor..."
Malfoy never got any further. Harry punched him in the face and Malfoy held his nose.
Hermione was very pale and was trying to hold Ginny back who was yelling insults at Malfoy. Just then Professor McGonagall walked around the corner to see this scene. Ginny fell silent as McGonagall gave them all detention. When she was gone Malfoy said,
"I challenge you to a duel Potter. Tonight at midnight. In the Trophy room."
Malfoy and his goons started to walk away and Ginny stomped her foot and Malfoy scampered away.
"You're not thinking of going Harry. Right? Harry Potter I forbids it!!" Hermione tried to plead with him.
"Hermione, I have to! If I don't I'll look like a coward." Harry told her.
"You are too Gryffindor for your own good!! We could be given detention!! Really Harry think it through!"
"Hermione please I have to."
"Noble prat." Hermione told him and smiled. Ginny smiled at all three of them and said,
"Well, we need a spell and I have just the one."
~~Time Lapse to Duel in The Trophy Room~~
Harry, Ginny, and Hermione were almost, almost. They ran into Neville and had to take him along to prevent getting told on. They snuck successfully to the Trophy Room, only to realize Malfoy wasn't there.
"It's a setup! Everyone hide!" Ginny hissed.
Ginny dove behind a trophy case and dragged Hermione with her. Harry grabbed Neville's arm and pull him behind a rather large display. Mrs. Norris came in followed by Filch. Hermione's eyes went wide and she put a hand over her mouth. Ginny held her breath as Filch walked out. She slowly stood up and ushered the others to do the same. They quickly left. Harry heard some foot steps and pointed toward a door. They ran toward it, and found that the door was locked.
"Alohomora" Hermione whispered. They slipped through just as Mrs. Norris passed the door. They pressed their backs against the door. Hermione let out a little squeal.
"Mione, shhhh!" Ginny hissed at her.
Hermione pointed forward. Harry's eyes went wide as he saw the gigantic three headed dog. Ginny yanked open the door and everyone ran out. She slammed the door shut and took off running. They got to the fat lady and gave her the password, panting.
"I would appreciate you not waking me up next time." She said.
They mumbled their apologies and walked in.
"I'm going to bed before either of you have a smart idea to get us killed. Or worse. Expelled." With that Hermione stormed upstairs. Ginny shrugged and followed her. Harry and Neville went up to their dorms and Harry fell into a dreamless sleep.

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