Ginny's Eleventh Birthday

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(A/N This is just a very short chapter about Ginny's birthday. Harry got her a present because her brothers told him about her birthday. It is also from Ginny's view of things since it's her bday.)
Ginny woke up on August eleventh and remembered that today she was officially eleven. She jumped out of bed, when she realized it was only 5 a.m. She got back into bed and decided to sleep for another hour. Percy walked into her room and saw her still sleeping.
"Really, Ginevra?"
Percy was determined to use her real name. Percy went over and woke her up. Ginny bolted upright at getting shaken. Percy snorted.
"Took you long enough." and left.
Ginny checked her clock. 7:30!!! She jumped out of bed and put on a sleeveless blue jumper and a pair of white shorts. She raced downstairs to find her entire family and Harry sitting at the table.
"Sorry, I overslept." She said blushing.
"It's okay, dear, eat some breakfast and then you can open some presents."
Ginny sat down next to Harry and tucked in. After all breakfast was cleared, Mrs. Weasley brought in a long package. Ginny took off the green wrapping paper and gasped. It was an enlarged photo of her family with Harry. She hugged her parents and set it to the side gingerly, not wanting to bend it. She would hang it up later. Ron had gotten her a book on the HolyHead Harpies, Fred and George got her a box of pranks, Percy got her a book called Ways to Study for O.W.L.S. Charlie sent a small model dragon that flew around her palm. She giggled as it blew fire, it tickles her wrist. Bill got her a book titled, Ancient Egypt Curses. All her presents were done and she stood up with her poster, Harpies book and the dragon flew around her head. Harry brought up Percy's book, the twins prank stuff and Bill's book up to Ginny's room. She took out her wand and used a sticking charm her mum had showed her on the family picture and hung it right a over her bed, so she would see it every night before she went to sleep and every morning when she woke up. Harry was standing near the door and she raised her eyebrows at him. Ginny was a little hurt that he didn't get her anything but it didn't show on her face, (she hoped) and she pushed it down. It was stupid, she didn't really expect anything. Harry pulled out a badly wrapped, small, lumpy gift. Ginny smiled and unwrapped it carefully. It was a broom cleaner kit. Ginny wrapped her arms around Harry's neck and gave him a kiss on the cheek. She then blushed and hugged him tighter. Harry didn't know why she was so emotional. He just bought her a cleaning kit. She leaned away and Mrs. Weasley called them down.

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