The Train

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Ginny shook Harry's cot and yelled,
Ginny shook Harry every syllable. Harry looked over at Ginny, then his clock, and then groaned and flopped back down on his cot.
"Gin, it is 5:30 in. The. Morning. Please go back to bed."
"Oh, Harry, I would if I could, but I'm just to excited!! How are you not?!?" Ginny said. "I'm excited, but right at this moment I'm more tired."
Ginny huffed, "Fine." And walked out of the room. Harry chuckled and laid back down and closed his eyes. Harry's eyes popped open when he realized that Ginny had a point. There was no way he could go back to sleep. Harry sat up and grabbed his Potions textbook. He started to read and before he knew it, it was 6:30. Harry had read half of his textbook. Harry put his Hogwarts trunk together and put on Ron's muggle clothes. Harry double checked to make sure he had everything and then fed his owl, Hedwig. Hagrid got her for Harry for his birthday. Hedwig was a beautiful snowy owl that was very social. Harry went downstairs and found that only Ginny and Percy were at the table. Percy was ready, big surprise, and Ginny was eating eggs while bouncing up and down.
"I have never seen someone so eager to go to school!" Harry exclaimed.
"If you think I'm excited, Percy always is the first one to go through the barrier and is the first person to have their robes on. Heck, Percy has his robes on before he even hits the barrier!" Ginny started giggling and Harry laughed. Fred and George walked down with Mrs. Weasley walking behind them yelling,
"You two are going to make everyone late, now eat your breakfast and pack you trunks! And no more planning joke stuff until next summer and even then they are banned!" Mrs. Weasley's face was covered in cream colored powder as she scolded the twins. They must have pulled a prank on her. Everyone was ready and done by ten. They had to get there by 10:50 if they wanted to catch the train. Harry got his trunk and helped Ginny with hers and the got into the Ministry car. Ginny sat next to him and Percy next to her. The twins sat in the back with Ron and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley sat in front with Mr. Weasley driving. they arrived at Kings Cross Station at 10:45 and everyone hurried to get on platform 9 3/4 by running through a wall, which Harry found extremely fascinating. It was 10:55 and Harry was helping Ginny get her stuff in their compartment that they shred with a average height girl with large bushy brown hair and large teeth. She went off to hug her parents and Harry and Ginny went to say goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. Mrs. Weasley started crying at the fact that all her "babies" were going to Hogwarts. She gave Harry a bone-crushing hug and Mr. Weasley shook his hand. It was 10:59 when Harry and Ginny raced back to their compartment and sat down just as the train began to move. Ginny told Harry and the girl that she was going to go change into her robes. Harry took this as an opportunity to introduce himself to the bushy haired girl.
"Hi, I'm Harry. Harry Potter."
"Wow, I read all about you!! I'm Hermione Granger."
Harry blushed and Ginny came back and Harry left to go get changed. He had trouble with his tie and asked Ginny how to do it when he got back. Ginny laughed at the odd way Harry had tied his tie and re-did it for him. Hermione was already changed and the three took up a conversation about houses. Ginny, being the only one who grew up in a magical environment, explained each house and their traits.
"I hope I'm a Gryffindor," Ginny explained,"My whole family has been in Gryffindor and I don't think I'm suited for any of the others."
Hermione thought Ravenclaw sounded straight up her alley and Harry thought Gryffindor, like Ginny. Just then the door banged open and a pale boy with slicked back pale blonde hair walked in with two big, buff boys. (A/N I lost my copy of the Philosopher's Stone, so I'm doing this part as much as I remember😢)
"I heard that Harry Potter was here. Is that you?" The boy sneered at Harry,
"I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy."
Ginny snickered and Draco said,
"Think my names funny do you? Well I don't need you name. Red hair, freckles? You must be a Weasley."
Ginny glared at Malfoy and he turned to Harry,
"You'll soon find that you wouldn't do well to associate yourself with the wrong sort. Come with me I can show you who your real friends are."
"Thanks but I can see who my true friends are thanks." Harry replied standing up with Hermione and Ginny on either side of him. "So please, do leave." Ginny told Malfoy and his goons.
"You'll regret that, Potter." Malfoy sneered "Oh, but, I don't think I will." Harry replied. "Harry can choose his own friends." Hermione stated firmly.
"No one asked you opinion, you filthy mudblood!" And with that Malfoy and his goons, which they never learned the names of, left to go start trouble elsewhere. Meanwhile, Ginny looked shocked at Malfoy's language while Hermione teared up and Harry comforted her, without knowing the meaning of the world. Harry out his arm around Hermione, while Ginny assured her that it wasn't true. Harry knew Ginny would explain later so he didn't press on. after a while Hermione had cheered up and they were informed that they would be arriving in 5 minutes. Harry was so excited and he could see Hermione and Ginny were also.

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