Chapter 21

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Raph's POV

We headed down to the main room. That was the only place that we haven't checked for the cells.

"I bet they're down there!" Donnie said pointing to another hallway down at the other side of this room.

"Then that's where we'll go," I whispered.

As we were walking across the room, we heard someone enter. I turned my head and saw a light. It was Fishface and Rahzar! They used a lantern for light.

"Lets go!" I rushed everyone.

We all started running. We heard a small crash. I looked behind me and saw that Donnie tripped over something.

Fishface and Rahzar also heard that.

"Way to go," I said sarcastically.

"I wasn't me for once!" Mikey said sounding proud of himself.

"Show yourselves turtles! Fishface demanded.

"You can't see us?" I asked.

I was a bit confused because the light was on us.

"I can, it just makes this more dramatic," Fishface explained.

We all got our weapons out. It was three against two.

I went straight for Fishface while Mikey took Rahzar. Donnie soon came in helping me with Fishface.

I tried to stab Fishface, but he kicked me sending me flying a bit. It didn't hurt that much.

Mikey swung at Rahzar and hit him in the leg. It did no damage to him.

We were all fighting pretty well against them. That's when Donnie decided to switch up the plan a bit.

Donnie handed me the keys and said "Take them and get Leo."

I looked at him for a minute and was thinking if it was a good idea.

"Just go!" Donnie said.

I listened to him this time and took the keys. Off I ran to go find my brother.

This wasn't exactly how the plan went, but hey, not everything can go as planned.

Leo's POV

I didn't known what was going on. I was sleeping, and when I woke up, there was no lights on! I guess the power went off.

The only source of light that I had were these lanterns that were hung on the wall. I guess they put them there after the lights went out.

I wasn't feeling well today either. I needed water as usual, and I think I had a fever. My cuts weren't too bad today, but still hurt.

Instead of getting someone to see what was going on, I sat in the corner that I normally sat in. It was quiet. I didn't like it.

I was daydreaming when suddenly something happened. Something that scared me. Someone called my name. I swore I knew this voice!


"Raph?" I asked confused.

"I'm gonna get you out of here," he said smiling.

I noticed that he had the keys too! Then I remembered something. I had a dream just like this! Is this one a dream too!

As Raph was working getting the cell open, I realized that this wasn't a dream, and they came here to save me.

In my dream I walked up to the bars, but I decided not to. I was remembering that the end of the dream scared me. It ended by Shredder coming.

"You have to leave Raph!" I said worrying that Shredder might come.

"Relax Leo, you'll be out in no time!" Raph said trying to reassure me.

What it was that was taking Raph a while, was because there were more than one key on the key ring. He had to find the key to this cell.

"You should've listened to your brother," said a voice that was not wanted to be here.

"Shredder," I said with hatred in my voice.

"Quick, get out of here!" I directed Raph.

Raph ignored me as usual and took his sais out.

"You are about to experience the death of your brother," Shredder said.

Those words shivered down my spine. I hope they weren't true. Where were my other brothers? Did Raph come come alone?

Donnie's POV

While Raph went to get Leo, I was was fight Fishface and Mikey was fighting Rahzar.

Fishface tried to kick me, but I stepped backwards, getting out of the way. I swung my staff at him and hit him in the leg. It did no damage to him considering his legs are robotic.

Rahzar tried to claw Mikey, but as he swung his arm towards Mikey, Mikey hit him with his nunchucks.

The fight continued for a bit, until I realized something very smart. The lantern was the only reason that they could see us. Without the lantern, we are invisible to them.

I swung my staff at the lantern that Rahzar was holding. He realized what I was doing, and tossed the light to Fishface.

While the lantern was in the air, I swung my staff at it, and by my surprise hit it!

The room soon went very dark. It didn't matter for Mikey and I, because we were still able to see.

I tapped Mikey on the shoulder and pointed into the direction that the cells were in. We both ran that way.

"This isn't over!" Fishface yelled in frustration.

As soon as we find Raph, the plan will be back on track, I hope.

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