Chapter 15

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Raph's POV

Three days until we risk out live to save our brother. Today Donnie's finishing the last pair of night vision goggles.

While Donnie works on the goggles, Mikey and I will go over the plan several times to make sure that everyone understands it. If we all follow the plan, it should work.

At 1:00pm I called Mikey into my room. I layer out all of the papers on the ground, and started to go over them.

"Listen very closely to the plan. This is the most important mission that we've ever been on," I explained.

"I'll listen to this plan," Mikey said.

"That'd be a good idea," I said smiling.

I pointed to the paper with the sketch on Shredders lair.

"This is where we'll start off, in the Shellraiser. We'll park the Shellraiser about half a block away, then you'll go this way, and we'll go this way. You'll need to take fire works with you, because once you get right here, you'll set them off right beside Shredders lair," I explained.

"Wait, you guys are leaving me to do that alone?" Mikey asked sounding very worried.

"Yeah, but we'll all join up at the end," I said.

"Back to the plan. The fire works will bring attention to some of the members of the foot clan. But when they come check what's happening, they won't see you because you'll be coming in the building to catch up with us. Got that?"


"While you're outside, Donnie and I will be cutting some wires, causing it to go pitched black. That's when you'll need the night vision goggles. We should be the only ones to see in the dark. After we put the goggles on, we'll steal the keys that are most likely to be with Tiger Claw. We'll quickly sneak off with them, an find Leo and free him. Next we'll take the big window to escape, then we take the Shellraiser back to the sewers. I'll deal with Splinter." I said hoping Mikey was good with the plan.

"It sounds good," Mikey said.

"It may have taken a while to come up with it, but it'll all be worth it at the end."

Donnie's POV

Whole they were going over the plan, I was making the last pair of goggles. I couldn't believe that it's almost time to save him. The last thing I remember we're still making the plan, now in three days we're going to get our brother back!

I really hope that this plan works, because if it doesn't, we're screwed. We don't have a backup plan. We really never did have time to make one either.

I really hope that Splinter doesn't catch us either. If he does, there is no way that he'll let us go.

While I was working on the goggles, Splinter came in to see what I was doing.

"Donatello, you've been working on these constantly. Don't you think you should take a break?"

I see what he's doing. He knows that we have a plan. I guess he also figured out that we're using the goggles for the plan too. So now he's going to try to make me take a break, so it delays our plan.

"You know sensei, I would, but I really enjoy making these," I lied.

Honestly, I hate making these. The first pair wasn't too bad, but once you're on your third, they tend to get very annoying.

"Do as you please then," sensei said and left.

As the goggles were being melted into form, I decided to go over my part of the plan once again. I know that I've gone over them many times, but it never hurts to check again.

After an hour, the goggles were done. Then it really hit me. Three days. That's not a very long time at all.

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