Chapter 16

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Leo's POV

It was Wednesday. It's been around three days since I haven't been tortured, so I think I might be tonight.

Lately I've been wondering if I'll ever leave. I doubt that sensei would let them try an save me. I'm too weak to escape on my own. I'd have no chance against anyone if have to fight.

Today was officially a month since I've been here. The worst month of my life. This is the place that I've felt the most pain. This is the place that I thought and still thinking that I might die here. This is the place that I've been the most worried in.

Today I didn't feel good at all. I was dehydrated that I thought I was going to pass out. I started banging on the bars to my cell. I'm not sure why since they probably won't help me.

It was Karai who came to my cell.

"What do you want?" She asked sounding annoyed.

"I think I m going to pass out," I explained.


"Can you help me?"

"What do you need?"

"Water," I said in an innocent voice.

She looked at me. She probably isn't supposed to give me water.

Without answering me, she left. I didn't know if she was coming back or not. I just stood there. My mouth was completely dry. I knew if I didn't get water I was going to pass out.

I laid there on the floor with my eyes closed. I was withe going to fall asleep or pass out.

Twenty minutes later Karai came back to my cell.

"You don't look to good," she said stating the obvious.

"I know," I answered not feeling like talking.

"Here," she said sliding a glass of water between the bars.

I quickly smelt it to see if it was poisoned or not. It seemed fine, so I drank it.

"Thanks," I said sliding the glass back between the bars.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Karai said pretending that she didn't give me water even though she wasn't supposed to.

"Right," I said catching along quickly.

After that I felt pretty good. Of course I was still really thirsty, but I could've been worst.

I felt good until I saw Tiger Claw come to my cell. He opened the cage, then demanded me to turn around. I was once again put in handcuffs and forced to go back to Shredder.

Once Tiger Claw gave me to Shredder, he left as usual. But what was unusual was that this time right beside Shredders throne was a sword. I'm not sure what type it was, but it was longer then both my katanas, and looked a lot sharper too.

He picked it up and walked towards me. I'll admit it, I was a lot more scared this time than any other time we did this.

"You see this," Shredder said referring to the sword.

I nodded my head yes.

"This sword can cut right through your shell," he explained.

I gulped. I wasn't positive if that was the truth or not, but I believe it by the look of the sword.

"Where is your lair?" Shredder asked holding the handle of the sword in one hand, and carefully holding the blade in the other hand.

"In the sewer," I said not giving him anymore information then he knew.

"I know that!" Shredder yelled making me even more tense.

Shredder waited for an answer from me, but I stayed silent.

He but the sword in front if my face, then waited again. He became impatient and cut my arm slowly, making me suffer even more.

The sword was a lot sharper then what he normally used.

As I refused to say a word, he cut me on the other arm, then on the shell for the first time. That hurt because he made it go deeper then it would on my arms.

He took the sword and cut me again and again on the shell.

I will admit that I screamed. The pain was unbearable.

Eventually Tiger Claw took me back to the cell. It hurt to stand up straight. So that's why I decided to go to bed so early.

Today was probably the most painful day of them all. I bet they'll keep on getting worst and worst.

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