Chapter 20

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Mikey's POV

The lights were off, so I knew that the plan was working so far. All that I had to do was find the control room, and we'd all meet up.

I walked down a hallway not really knowing where I was going. I just had to find a room with two mutant turtles and a big control panel. How hard can that be? Well that's what I thought until I realized how many rooms there were.

I walked up and down these aisles looking for that room. Every room that I entered look the same.

Eventually I found a room with a big control panel in it! I walked straight towards it. I quickly realized something. Raph and Donnie weren't in here like they said they were going to be!

I took out my phone and was going to text them. Well, that idea changed quickly. I heard someone enter the room! Once I looked up from my phone, I realized that Karai and Tiger Claw were coming in to check on the lights. The worst part was that Tiger Claw had a flashlight!

I quickly hid my phone and moved out of the way. Did they see the light on my phone? I quickly hid in a corner that was pretty far away from them.

What I noticed while I was in the corner, was that once they entered this room, they also closed the door!

I saw them playing with the switches, trying to get the lights to turn on. It wasn't long until they realized that the wires were cut.

"I bet the turtles did this," Karai said sounding frustrated.

"If they're here to save there brother, they won't be able to. There is no way that they'll get the keys from me, or get passed Shredder," Tiger Claw said confidently.

I stayed there silently. Where were the others? I had to text them. I know that it's a risky move, but I have to know if they're okay.

*Where are you?* I texted Raph.

I waited there staring at my phone. Around two minutes later he finally answered.

*We're around the main room, where are you?*

*Where you told me to go!*

Tiger Claw and Karai where still playing around with the wires and switches.

*We'll be right there.*

*You'll have to be careful, Tiger Claw and Karai are in this room and the door is shut.*

I thought I heard the door open, but I guess I was wrong, it was just Tiger Claw kicking the panel hoping that it'd work.

*That's okay, we need the keys from Tiger Claw anyways.*

Now all that I could do was wait and hope that I won't be seen.

"How are we gonna fix this?" Karai asked Tiger Claw.

"We can't, I'll phone Stockmen," Tiger Claw said.

Just as Tiger Claw was about to get his phone out, the door opened. I hoped that it was my brothers.

As a matter of a fact, it was my brothers. They came in, and quickly moved away from the door.

Tiger Claw turned around and flashed the flash light at the door.

"Show yourselves!" he demanded.

At this point, I took out my nunchucks and stood up slowly.

Tiger Claw started looking around the room. Karai stayed by him because they only had one flashlight.

Donnie snook up behind Tiger Claw and hit him with his staff. With great reflexes, Tiger Claw grabbed the staff and threw it across the room until it hit a wall. At this point he took out his guns, and Karai took out her sword.

I went for Tiger Claw, but while I was about to attack, Karai swung her sword at me.

I swung one nunchucks at her, followed by the next.

She ducked avoiding both of them. I don't think she could really see me that well, because her next swing was way off.

I decided to attack Tiger Claw. I'm sure Karai wouldn't be able to tell that I was gone anyways.

Raph and I decided to attack at the same time. I went for the legs, while Raph went for the back.

Tiger Claw stepped out of the way, making both Raph and I miss.

"Are you looking for these?" Tiger Claw asked holding the keys and letting them dangle on front of us.

Donnie went to grab them, but at the last second Tiger Claw closed his hand.

Tiger Claw started shooting his freeze ray gun at me. I dodged it by doing a backflip.

Raph jumped on the back of Tiger Claw. While Tiger Claw started to shake to get Raph off, Donnie hit Tiger Claw in the hand with his staff.

Tiger Claw roared in pain and dropped the keys. I quickly picked them up and threw a smoke bomb to the ground. Off we left.

Raph Donnie and I ran out of the room and took a right.

"Lets go and find Leo now," Donnie said.

"I think you should take these," I said handing the keys to Donnie. He smiled and took them.

Now where to find the cells? I should know where they are considering I searched almost the entire building looking for the control room.

I'm glad that the plan is working so far, but who knows what will happen next! For all I know, we all can still get very hurt. Or maybe even get captured like Leo did!

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