Chapter 3

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Donnie's POV

We silently went into Shredder's lair. The plan was clear. Grab the phone then get out of here! We didn't want to be spotted. We're better off without a fight.

As we were hiding along the wall in the shadows, Mikey was distracting Rahzar and Fishface with shadow puppet.

Baxter saw the puppets and got distracted from hacking into the phone.

Leo gave me the signal to go!

I was nervous. Who knows what will happen. I just have to be quick and silent. Exactly what I'm trained to do.

I creeped up to the desk and grabbed the phone. I ran back to the wall.

Leo gave me a silent high three. He gave us the signal to leave.

But as we were walking away, we heard the voice of someone.

"You think you are fast enough to not be spotted?" It was Tiger Claw.

"Let's go!" Leo rushed.

Our attempt of escape was a fail. Just as we were about to leave, Tiger Claw grabbed Raph!

"Let me go!" Raph cried.

Tiger Claw ran back to the main area of the lair with Raph in his hands.

As we followed Tiger Claw, we soon realized that we were in trouble.
Shredder sat on his throne.

"Turtles? Again?" Shredder said with pleasure in his voice.

Raph elbowed Tiger Claw in the stomach causing Tiger Claw to drop him.

"Give us the phone and we'll let you go." Shredder said not sounding as mean as usual.

"We know you're lying!" Leo exclaimed.

"Very well then." Shredder said with his blade out.

He ran towards us. Followed by Tiger Claw, Karai, Fishface, Rahzar, and Baxter fly.

Fishface came towards me. I took my bo staff out and tried to hit him.

Not to long into the fight, Baxter joined us!

Leo was fighting Shredder.

Mikey was fighting Rahzar.

Raph was fighting Karai and Tiger Claw.

I hit Baxter in the head with my staff.

Unfortunately it did no damage to him.

Fishface tripped me. He put me in a headlock. I tried to force him to let me go, but I couldn't escape!

Mikey's POV

I swung my nunchucks at Rahzar.
He dodged them both!

While I was fighting him, I heard Donnie!

"Help!" Donnie said really quickly.

I turned to see him in a headlock.
His face was turning red, and his staff was on the ground.

While I was looking at Donnie, the same thing happened to me!

Rahzar put me in headlock too!

"Put me down!" I demanded.

I tried elbowing him in the stomach like Raph did, but it wasn't working!

The next thing I knew, I was crying for help!

Raph's POV

I looked around me to see how my brothers were doing.

I was surprised as I saw them both in headlocks!

"Mikey! Donnie!" I cried.

I have to admit. Fighting Tiger Claw or Karai alone is hard. But when you put them both together, it's nearly impossible!

I swung my sais at Karai.

I was making my way down to Donnie.
I had to help them! Escaping a headlock can be extremely hard.

Karai stood in front of me. But I wasn't aware that Tiger Claw was behind me!

I swung my sais at Karai.

Tiger Claw put me in headlock!

One of my sais fell to the ground.
I tried to use the other one against him.

But soon enough Karai took it away from me.

There was only one hope left...Leo.

Leo's POV

I was really focused while fighting Shredder. And I wasn't doing to bad either!

I swung my katanas at him.
He blocked them.

He did the same to me.
I dodged his attack.

I didn't bother to look at my brothers until I heard something.

I turned around in horror.

All of my brothers were held in headlock.There faces bright red!

"Let them go!" I demanded.

Shredder laughed.

Karai and Baxter joined my fight.

They surrounded me.

I was horrified. What should I do?
I couldn't come up with a plan!

"You're surrounded. Surrender now!" Shredder said.

I tried not to show fear. But it was hard not to.

I had no choice.

I dropped my weapons.

Horrifying thoughts came to my head of what was going to happened next.

I realized what I did.

I failed.

I was facing my worst fear.

I am responsible to what happens next.

"I'm sorry!" I said dropping to my knees.

"I'm sorry for failing as your leader!"

I tried not to shed a tear.

"Take the leader to the cell. Let the rest go. They've suffered enough today." Shredder demanded.

Tiger Claw and Rahzar took me to the cell.

They threw me in and locked it.

I held my knees and put my face against them.

I failed.

I shouldn't have been chosen to lead.

I'm a horrible leader.

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