↠ one

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        ▽ Brighter By Against The Current

               ↠ one

''Mom! Dad! I'm Going For A Run!'' Lea yells from downstairs, searching through her playlists on her IPod.

''Be Back Before Nine!'' Her mother replies as she stopped scrolling when she see's ''5SOS - Can't Remember''.

''Who goes for a jogg at eight at night?'' Amber questions distastefully as she enters the main hall with an entire bowl dedicated to popcorn.

Lea shrugs her shoulders while placing the headphone pieces over her ear. ''People who aren't loser lameo's like you.''

She took a step back, giggling because of the fact that Amber started to throw popcorn at her.

She gave Lea a final glare before making her way upstairs. Lea rolled her eye's and exited the house, locking the door behind her.

She tightened the grip on her ponytail and began her journey to the woods, nodding her head along to Calum's epicly awesome voice as he sings ''Pretty girl what's your name, what's your number? I got the keys to my dad's yellow hummer.''

She soon reaches her destination, deciding on going in a random direction. She inwardly rejoice when The Hills by The Weeknd comes on.

Humming along to the lyrics, she couldn't help but yelp of how unexpectedly her next step lead her.

She was in a pit with someone she'd least expect. ''Liam?''

His neck craned backwards to the point where lines showed, expressing he was just as taken aback as she was. ''Lea?''

''What are you doing in here?'' She ask, tilting her head as she tugs out her ear buds.

He crossed his arms against his chest. ''I could ask you the same.''

She pursed my lips. ''Really? You're really gonna- okay..''

She sighed from irritation and pulled her bangs back. ''I'm pretty sure it's not that dark for you to see, I was on a jog.''

His lips twitched with confusion. ''Who runs during the night?''

An eyebrow rised when she pursed my lips. ''Me. And if you're not gonna tell me why you're in here, at least help me out of here.''

× × ×

Her teeth grazed against the eraser just as her gaze was lost at the back of Liam's head.

She plotted so many scenarios in her head on the rest of her run as to why he would be in a pit at night.

But nothing seemed right.

Liam's leg bounced, occasionally turning around every once and while.

He asked to use the restrooms but his tone was so uneasy, like he wasn't actually going to use it as intended. Mr. Yukimura had acepted his request, letting him rush out the room in two point five seconds.

Lea sighed softly once the door returned shut and placed her pencil on top of the desk. It was already ten minutes into class when she heard Hayden's voice.

''Hey, are you alright?''

She turned to see her talk to a girl she never really reckon with. The girl's breathing situated on a heavy level as her clothes shown that they haven't been washed. Then, and major turn off; she had on no shoes, exposing her pale feet. Her toes were curled with faint blood stains marked on her feet as her fingers held a tight grip on the edges of the desk, causing the desk itself to slowly bend in half.

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