↠ Sinister ↠

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Disclaimer; i d o n o t own teen wolf, sadly. but, i d o own all of my characters and plot bitches.

        ▽ Let's Be Birds By Jacob Whitesides


Her eye's observed intently at herself through her own reflection as she created critical notes in her head of every single flaw that was apart of her body.

She found it so repulsive to think that over all these years, you'd think her body would somehow go the way she'd want it to be by now.

But it never happened.

She flared her nostrils and sighed simultaneously in frustration as she crossed her arms, her slim fingers getting a grip at the hem of her shirt. She pulled the shirt over her body and head, letting the piece of fabric fall to the floor besides her feet.

She stopped her actions, taking another distinctive note in her head. She slightly tilted her head to her side as she risen one of her eyebrows. Her eye's roamed her perfectly cleaned stomach.

It sickened her to see how flawless it looked. Bruises and scars should be consuming her stomach, and she knew it. But it was non existent.

Well.. To every human, it was non existent. But to her, it was the opposite. She can in fact spot every scar that should be visible on her flesh.

She released another sigh, one that was softer than the last.

Her hands reached to the button of her jeans as she undo them. After zipping down the metal zipper, she pulled her jeans down, stepping out of them once it came towards her feet.

Her feet pressed against the cherry wood surface of her bedroom flooring as she walked over to her closet. She searched, pulling hangers that held an item of clothing on one side of the rod.

She stood in her undergarments for a good 3 minutes until she finally found something to wear, better than what she last wore.

She easily slipped it off the rod and out of the closet as she threw it onto her bed.

This outfit was simple. A style she was always able to adapt to. It was a black singlet strap flowy crop top, black jeggings, and a pair of black Doc Martins with a blue and white flannel to tie around her waist.

Once she was dressed, her pink moist lips twitched upward to a soft yet small smile as she walked over to her brown vintage style dresser. She had a small beige colored box that held her accessories (such as bracelets, rings, etc..).

She spotted and easily took out her thin black choker that was in seconds to be placed around her neck.

She finally approved of her looks as she went to her bed again to get her bag. Once she had it in her grip, she placed the straps onto her shoulder, soon leaving her room.

Her footsteps were heard from the kitchen, grabbing her parents attention. They entered the hallway, smiling to see their youngest and final child dressed and ready for the day.

''Ready?'' Her mother asks while holding a cup of brewed coffee.

''Necessarily, I don't have a choice.''

Her father rolled his eyes, neutral to his rudely sarcastic daughter.

The two chose to say nothing else so Lea took it as her que to leave the house.

No doubt about it, Amber was already standing in front of the vehicle with her usual short temper posture; which contained her weight on her left leg and her arms crossing her chest.

''That took forever'' She commented as she walked back around the car to the drivers side.

She smirked knowingly. ''It's all about the patience my friend.''

While Lea was settling in the car she heard her older sister scoff.

''Yeah, okay.''

Then they were off to the infamous place people referred to as school.

× × ×

Lea gasped of how sudden her books came flying to floor after bumping into someone.

''So so sorry, I didn't see where I was going'' She apologized, quickly bending down to pick up her belongings.

The girl laughed softly before helping her out. ''It's okay, I was texting.''

Once she gathered everything, the girl stood by her as her eyebrows were laced with confusion.

''Are you new? I never seen you around here before?'' She interrogates.

Lea chuckled nervously. ''Eh, yeah. I just moved her last night.''

''In all that rain?.''

She flattened her lips into a straight line and nodded.

''I'm Hayden.''

''Lea. And could you be like, awesome and show me where this Yukimura class is?'' She ask, still struggling to contain her books properly.

Hayden laughed, grabbing a few books from her.

''I'm actually heading there right now. Come, we could walk together.''

Lea smiled, happy at the thought of hopefully making a friend.

It wasn't long before the two entered class. It was a few minutes before the bell rang and since alot of people weren't in yet, they were the first to choose their seats.

For a good five minutes, they got to know each other, getting along easily.

Then the bell rang and the room started to pool with students.

Two final kids walked into the room, a dark skinned one and a lighter one. The lighter one at a lost for a new seat the second he spotted Hayden.

She chewed her gum obnoxiously as she eyed him, leaving Lea confused as to what's going on between the two.

''Liam'' Mr. Yukimura called, alarming everyone's attention.

''You're not just gonna stand there are you?''

He looked around before answering and nodded. ''Maybe.''

''The whole semester?''

He nodded again. ''Maybe.''

Hayden looked back at Lea and winked before taking the gum out of her mouth and placing it in the open seat.

''Liam. Have a seat.''

Sighing in defeat, he placed his books on his desk finally taking a seat.

Lea watched as he picked up his body to look at the gum stuck to his jeans.

She snorted, holding her hand against her mouth whilst turning to board, hearing Hayden giggle quietly from his reaction.

Hayden tapped her elbow, still owning her devilish smile, whispering ''This, is just the beginning.''

Sinister ↠ Liam Dunbar [1]Where stories live. Discover now