Meet Me Under the Stars

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Jamie has called me every single day since I left a month ago. I answered all of his calls, no matter what. Tyler hadn't contacted me once. No texts, calls, or tweets. It was like he disappeared off the face of the earth. I have to admit I'm hurt by this, but I'm sure he has his reasons.

I walk into the building that morning, happy to be here. Even though all of my friends are back in Dallas, I love my job. I actually get to manage other editors and their writing, along with reporting on different sports stories. It really is an honor to be here.

I walk into my own little personal office, and take a seat. I turn on my computer and wait for it load up. As I wait, something shiny catches my eye. It's underneath a pile of papers, but part of it is showing. I pull out and hold it in front of me, eyes wide. How did this get here? I read the words on the shiny star to make sure it's what I think it is.

"If the stripes keep us apart, I will write your name up in the stars and think of you." I read to myself quietly. My heart stops and I feel like I might faint. I know I gave this back to Tyler, why is it here?

"Macy, can you come here please." I buzz for my secretary and she is in my office just a few seconds later.

"Yes, Ms. King?"

"Where did this come from?" I ask, and hold up the necklace for her to see.

"A man came and dropped that off. He left a note for you too." Macy gives me a knowing grin and I feel a blush come to my face.

"Okay, that will be all. Thanks." I excuse her and she leaves. This is definitely going to get around the office. I begin ruffling through all of the papers on my desk before I finally find the note.


Please meet me at the park down the street at ten tonight. I heard the view of the stars is beautiful from there, and I'd really love to see them with you. And please keep the necklace. I know it means a lot to you.

See you tonight,

I place my finger tips on my lips, stunned by this letter. I never expected to hear from him. Especially since he's basically been MIA. The whole rest of the day, I can't stop thinking about him. I can't wait for tonight, I just want to be in his arms again.

I get back to my new apartment and get dressed for the night. I figure jeans, a long sleeve shirt, a sweater, and of course my necklace would be appropriate for tonight. Now, all I had to do was wait until ten.

I clean up my whole apartment to pass the time, and I even organize my closet. That's how bored an restless I am. Finally, the clock reads 9:50, and I decide to make my way to the park. When I arrive, I don't see anyone so I lay down on the grass and look up at the night sky.

"I'm glad you're here." I hear his voice suddenly and he lays down beside me. I get a rush of anxiety at his proximity.

"Yeah, me too." I turn to look at him and he is already looking at me. "Have you finally come to your senses?" I question with eyebrows raised. I may be happy to have him with me, but I can't just forget the way he treated me.

"Yes, and I'm so sorry I didn't believe you. I should have. And I should have been the one to give Chris that shiner on his face." I laugh at this and nod my head.

"I appreciate that. Is that the only reason you wanted to see me?"

"Well, no. Before you left, I never go to tell you I love you. I really love you." He says and a smile breaks out onto my face.

"What took you so long?" I ask and he chuckles a little.

"I came all this way and I don't even get an 'I love you'?" He jokes and I scoot closer to him.

"I love you so much." I say and his lips connect with mine. Sparks fly and I'm just so utterly happy that I can feel this way again. We pull away, and I see the reflection of the stars in his gleaming eyes.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner. The season just ended, and I figured that Toronto would be a perfect place to spend the off season." He smirks.

"Really? You want to spend your off season in Toronto with me?" I ask and he smiles.

"Even if you were working in Siberia, I would spend my off season with you." He says and I chuckle.

"That's adorable." I mock, making him laugh.

"Hey, that's my line." He teases. There's a moment of silence before I speak up.

"I'm taking my vacation in a few days. We can travel somewhere else for a few weeks." I suggest and Tyler wiggles his eyebrows.

"I like that idea. How does Europe sound?" He asks and my eyes widen with excitement.

"That sounds absolutely wonderful." And just like that, Tyler and I were okay again.

"The park is pretty empty right now." Tyler says, and I know exactly what he's thinking.

"We are not having sex in the park." I state and Tyler pouts.

"You're no fun."

"I didn't say we couldn't have sex. I just said we weren't doing it in the park." I say slyly and his gleaming eyes darken with lust.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go back to your place."

His lips are wet on mine, and he has me pressed against my bedroom door. I jump and wrap my legs around his waist as he opens the door to my bedroom. He tosses me down onto the bed, and climbs on top of me. His lip are all over my neck, leaving soft kisses.

I pull off his shirt from his body and admire his bare chest. It's been awhile since I've seen it. He does the same to me and exposes my bare chest, leaving little kisses on it as he had done to my neck. His lips travel down my stomach to where the top of my jeans are. Slowly, he unbuttons them and skillfully slides them off of my body.

His mouth is doing wondrous things to me, and I pull him up so I can take off his pants. Soon, we are both fully exposed to each other and I suddenly understand why people say the best part about fighting is the making up.

Tyler has me wrapped in his arms tightly. His heart is beating with mine, and everything is serene. I stare out my window at the stars in the sky. The same exact stars that led me to Tyler. The ones that led me to love. And I couldn't be more thankful. I place my hands on my necklace, then let it fall so it is resting on my heart.

Tyler kisses my cheek and whispers, "I love you so much." I turn to face him, and give him a real kiss.

"I love you too."

"Please don't ever leave me again." He says as he stares into my eyes. I grin and stare back into his own gleaming eyes.

"As long as there are stars in the sky, I'm not going anywhere."

The End

Well, this is the end! This was a pleasure to write, and I hope you all enjoyed the journey as much as I did! Would anyone be interested if I wrote an Epilogue to this?

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