Star Gazing

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As Tyler walks me back to my apartment, I stare at the stars.

"Aren't they beautiful?" I ask him and he gives me a confused look.

"Who?" He asks, looking around. I laugh at him and shake my head.

"Not who. What." I say pointing up at the night sky. He turns his direction to the sky and stops in his tracks. I stop next to him and we just stare.

"Wow, I never realized there were so many stars." He says, almost breathless at the plethora of sparkling spots in the sky. I grin,

"That's because you never take the time to look. Also, most of the city lights are off so more stars are visible." He just scoffs at this.

"Know it all." He mutters and I chuckle.

"I've been studying the stars since I was ten. It'd be disappointing if I wasn't a know it all about this." I joke and he turns his attention from the sky to me.

"Really? Like constellation stuff?" He asks. I shrug,

"Yeah, mainly like the star signs that people are born under." He nods his head in interest and asks,

"Is that why you're always reading your horoscope?" I nod my head,

"Yep, pretty much."

"So what's your sign then?" He questions.

"I'm a Libra. Well, I'm a Scorpio too." I answer and he looks way more confused, so I explain. "I was born on the cusp meaning I was born right on the line between a Libra and a Scorpio. I call myself a Libra though because I have more qualities of that than a Scorpio."

"I didn't even know that was a thing. So, where's your constellation then?" I search the sky and finally see it.

"It's right there, it looks like an incomplete box." I say, pointing at it. He squints, but I can tell that he still doesn't see it. I move next to him and stand on my tip toes, then put my finger in his point of view so I can point it out to him. "There." I say, tracing over it with my pointer finger.

"Oh, I see it now. That's beautiful, is it a square because Libras are so boring?" He teases and I slap his arm.

"No, jerk. What's your sign, I can probably find it for you." He runs the back of his neck nervously,

"Uh I have no idea. I'm not really much of an expert on this kind of thing." He admits and I chuckle.

"When's your birthday?"

"January thirtieth. Why?" He asks.

"Your birthday is how you determine your zodiac sign. Duh." I laugh. "So you're an Aquarius then."

"Am I? That's cool I guess." I shake my head at him and chuckle.

"Your constellation is right there." I say and stand on my tip toes again to help him find it. "Do you see it? It's beautiful right?" I ask, but he doesn't answer. I turn to him and see that he is only staring at me, not the stars.

"It is beautiful." He agrees and I blush.

"You didn't even look." I say and stand back at my regular height.

"I had all the beauty I needed to see right in front of me." He says seriously, making me blush harder.

"Tyler, we agreed that you wouldn't make any more moves on me." I say sternly and he smirks.

"Sorry, guess I can't control myself. So, tell me what Aquarius signs are like."

"Hm, well they have noble beliefs, they're good communicators, but don't like change at all, and they like to be surrounded by family and friends. They're also curious and are very straight forward. I would say it's pretty accurate, wouldn't you?" I ask and he nods his head.

"Yeah, that makes sense. Tell me about Libras."

"You are a curious one, aren't you? Well, Libras are kind, and gentle natured. We like to keep the peace and harmony, and we have a hard time saying no. Which, as you've noticed, is very true. We are also unreliable at times and change our minds too often. Which you'll probably find out sooner or later if we continue to be friends." I inform him and he nods his head, thinking about the information I just spilled on him.

"That's incredible that you memorized all of that." He tells me and I grin,

"Well, I have been obsessed since I was ten so yeah." I joke and we both chuckle. We finally start walking again after stopping to watch the stars. Once we reach my apartment, Tyler walks me to the door and we linger.

"You've actually taught me a lot tonight. I had fun." He says.

"Well, all of the stars have meaning, you just have to find them." This time, Tyler pretends to bow down to me.

"Wise words of Heather. Please, teach me your ways Great One." He mocks me and I can't stop myself from laughing.

"Whatever, I could teach you a lot more ya know."

"Okay, next time we hang we're doing something crazy. Then you can teach me more about the stars." I grin at him,

"Alright, it's a deal."

"Well, I have practice tomorrow so I'll see you around. Goodnight Heather." For a moment I think he's going to kiss me, but he just pulls me in for a hug, which I graciously accept.

"Goodnight Tyler. Thanks for inviting me to get ice cream."

"Yeah, anytime." We stare at each other for a moment until Tyler glances down at my slippers again and chuckles.

"I don't care what you say, that is still adorable." I just roll my eyes and he heads down the hallway and to the elevator. After I lose sight of him, I step into my apartment and get ready for bed.

That night, I lay in bed and pull out my horoscope.

Libra: It's time to stop fighting your feelings, they're here to stay.

My heart flutters at this and I put my phone away. Closing my eyes, I feel the moonlight shining on me, helping me drift to sleep. I wish I could stop fighting my feelings for Tyler, but I can't lose everything I've been working for. It's just not the right time.

All of the Stars// Tyler SeguinWhere stories live. Discover now