Morning After

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I open my eyes slowly, and move to get up from my comfortable warm bed. A pair of arms pull me closer, and I tense up. Oh shit. I turn around and see that the pair of arms belong to Tyler and last night's events replay through my mind. I slowly unwrap his grip from around my waist, and his eyes flutter open.

"Good morning." He says, and my heart speeds up. His morning voice is so sexy, lord help me.

"Good morning, I'm just going to freshen up. Help yourself to anything in the kitchen." I tell him and rush to the bathroom. As I splash cold water on my face, the events from last night keep playing in my head and I get chills. The way he looked at me, touched me, made me feel. It was incredible. But it was also stupid.

After I brush my teeth and wash my face, I walk into the kitchen to find a shirtless Tyler making breakfast. My mind races back to when this happened just a week ago, and my heart flutters. I could get used to this. He hears the pattering of my feet and turns around, his back muscles flexing while he does it, and I almost pass out.

"Breakfast is almost ready." He smiles and I grin at him.

"Great. So, um. I had fun last night." I tell him awkwardly and he chuckles.

"Me too." He sets a plate of bacon and eggs in front of me and I dig in, trying to keep my mouth shut so I don't embarrass myself anymore. Tyler sits in front of me with his own food and just watches me as I stuff my face. So much for not embarrassing myself.

"You're so adorable." He chuckles and I blush. I finish chewing, and swallow my food.

"Shut up." I mutter and he just laughs more. There's a few minutes of silence before I ask the one thing I've been dying to ask since I woke up. "So, what exactly does this mean for us?"

"I like you, Heather. A lot. And I want to take you out on a date. A real one. Not one where I make you do things you're not comfortable with. I want to take you somewhere nice, and get to know you. I don't want to know about the stars as much as I want to know you. I want to know every inch of your brain, and your heart. What happened last night was perfect, but I would have had just as much fun if we had snuggled up and watched a movie. I'd be happy just to be with you." I was not expecting that at all.

"Tyler, I feel the same about you. I really do. But my job is at risk here." I counter and Tyler's eyes lose a bit of their shine.

"I wouldn't tell anybody. I would keep it a secret." He tells me and I realize no matter how much I argue or tell myself the risks of getting involved with him, it's not enough to stop me from what I'm about to say.

"Okay, but we have to be extremely careful if this is going to work." Tyler's eyes gleam and his smile widens.

"Don't worry, my lips are sealed." He gives me a quick peck on the lips and glances at the clock. "Crap, I'm late for practice. I'll stop by after so we can hangout." He tells me and quickly gets dressed before rushing out of my apartment, leaving me to my thoughts. What the hell am I doing?

Tyler walks in the door a few hours later, holding flowers in his hand. I look up from my computer and give him a grin.

"How was practice?" I ask and Tyler gives me a soft kiss.

"It was okay. I couldn't wait for it to end though."

"Why's that?" I question as I take the flowers from him and find a vase.

"I wanted to be with you." I feel his arms wrap around me and he places delicate kisses on my neck.

"That's sweet." I tell him and turn around, wrapping my arms around his neck. He places his lips on mine, and I enjoy the feeling his lips give me. He pulls away after a few minutes, and gives me a smile.

"So, what did you do while I was gone?" I sigh, walking back to my computer.

"I was finishing up some of my work I was supposed to do yesterday."

"Well, I'm guessing you could use a break." He says ad I nod my head.

"Yeah. I swear if I have to type another word I'm going to rip my hair out."

"We don't want that to happen. I like your hair." He pouts and takes a strand of my hair, combing through it with his fingers.

I laugh, "I like it too."

"How about I take you out to lunch. That way, you won't have to rip out your hair." He jokes, making me chuckle.

"That sounds perfect. Where to?" I ask as I put on my shoes.

"Anywhere you want, babe." I blush when he calls me 'babe'. Something about the way he says it makes my heart flutter.

We walk down the street to a small restaurant and find a secluded table to sit at.

"Okay, remember if anyone sees us together or asks what we are doing, tell them I'm interviewing you." I warn and Tyler nods obediently.

"I hate that we have to keep this a secret. As soon as we made this official you have no idea how badly I wanted to tell everyone."

"You didn't tell anyone, did you?" I ask nervously and Tyler shakes his head.

"Of course not. Well, actually..." He trails off and I give him a glare.

"Who. Did. You. Tell." I demand through gritted teeth.

"I only told Jamie, Jordie, and Lehtonen. They were the only ones who knew I had a crush on you, so I wanted to tell them. They won't say anything to anyone. I promise." He explains and my breathing calms down a little, and I unclench my fists.

"Okay. At least I know I can trust Jamie."

"Of course you can. And you can also trust Jordie and Lehtonen. You're coming to tonight's game, right?" He changes the subject and I nod.

"Yeah, and hopefully I'll be coming on the road trip next week." I tell him and his eyes light up.

"I hope so too. I'd love to sight see with you." I grin at the though of Tyler and I exploring different cities together. The only downside would be that we wouldn't be able to show affection to each other in public. This thought comes to mind, and I pull my hand from his, nervous about someone spotting us. This is going to be a lot harder than I thought.

Sorry for the slow update, I'll try to write more often :)

All of the Stars// Tyler SeguinWhere stories live. Discover now