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That night, I walk into the arena and I'm greeted by Chris. He hands me a piece of paper and I unfold it.

"Is this a schedule?" I question.

"Yeah, it's for the road trip next week. I think you're ready." He tells me and I grin happily.

"Really? Oh my gosh, thank you." Chris smiles at me and we begin walking to the press box.

"I like the work you've been doing, and the road trip last time was kind of lonely without you." He admits and I blush a little.

"Oh, okay." I answer awkwardly and we enter the box, taking a seat next to each other.

"Um, actually I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me while we're on the road." He says nervously and my pulse speeds up. What am I supposed to say?

If I say no, he'll want to know why and I can't tell him it's because of Tyler. But if I say yes, then technically I'd be cheating. Well, shit.

"Umm..." Luckily, I don't have to answer because Daley, who had been injured a few weeks before, takes a seat between us. Chris looks frustrated as this happens, but I am thankful.

"They scratched you again tonight?" I ask him and he nods.

"Yeah, my game hasn't been strong since I came back from my injury. I should be playing by next week though." He answers and I write it down.

"Good to know. Best of luck when you get back on the ice." I say and Daley grins.


After the game, I rush from the press box and to the locker room for an interview with a player. Chris is far behind me and I'm relieved by it. I want to avoid him as much as I can. I enter the locker room and see Tyler right away.

"Mind if I get an interview?" I ask and Tyler grins.

"Fine by me."

"So, what do you think you and the team could have improved on to win the game tonight?" I ask and Tyler runs his fingers through his hair, making me drool a bit.

"Well, obviously I had a lot of chances to tie the game, but I couldn't finish the plays tonight. As far as defense goes, we just weren't good enough." He answers and I actually feel bad.

"Was there anything you liked about tonight's game?" I decide to ask and Tyler shakes his head.

"No. There's nothing I like about losing. I hate it." He replies quietly and my heart cracks a little. I end the interview and we walk out of the locker room together. Jamie catches up to us on our way out.

He smirks at the two of us, "Hey you two." He greets us and I chuckle.

"Get out of here, Benn." I joke and he laughs.

"Whatever, I'll see you love birds around." He pats Tyler's shoulder and goes back into the locker room. Before Tyler and I can be on our way again, I hear an unwanted voice call out to me.

"Heather! Hang on a second." Chris jogs to us and I cringe internally.

"What's up?" I ask casually.

"About next week, I was just wondering what your answer was. Do you want to go out to dinner with me?" He asks and I see Tyler tense up from beside me.

"Um-" before I can answer Tyler storms off and I give Chris an apologetic look. "I should go see what's wrong." I say and run after Tyler.

"Wait up! You're my ride home!" I yell and finally catch up with him.

"I wasn't going to leave without you."

"Well, you stormed off. How was I supposed to know you wouldn't leave me?" We get into his car and sit in silence for a moment.

"I'll never leave you." He says quietly.

"Tell me what's wrong." I plead and Tyler sighs.

"I hate that we lost before going on the road trip next week. And if that isn't bad enough, I had to watch another guy ask my girlfriend on a date and I couldn't even do anything because no one can know that we are dating." He rants and I place my hand in his, squeezing it gently.

"I know you're upset about the loss, but you can't win them all. As for Chris asking me out, don't worry about it. I only have eyes for you, babe." Tyler smiles a little, but I can tell he's trying not to. "What's that grin for?" I tease.

"I just like when you call me babe. You should do it more often." He says and I laugh.

"I will if you I will."

"Deal. Now, let's get you home."

We step into my apartment and Tyler takes a seat on the couch.

"Do you have to type up the interview?" He asks and I shake my head.

"No, I have until tomorrow night to finish it since the next game isn't for a few days." I reply and take a seat next to him on the couch.

"Awesome, that means there's more time for this." He smirks and pulls me in for a kiss. He moans as I run my hands through his hair, and we finally pull away to catch our breath.

"Can we watch a movie?" I ask and Tyler pouts.

"Aww, come on. This is more fun." He jokes and I chuckle.

"Shut up and put a movie on, horndog." I tease and Tyler laughs as he gets up and searches through my collection of movies.

"How does the Hangover sound?" He asks and I clap my hands happily.

"Yes, that's perfect!" Tyler puts the movie on and takes a seat next to me, wrapping his arm around me.

"You know I love the dirty stuff, but I like cuddling with you even more." Tyler says, then kisses the side of my head.

"Aww, that's sweet." I rub his upper thigh teasingly. "But are you sure that's true?" I ask with a devious grin. Tyler groans in frustration.

"Not even slightly." He says and climbs on top of me, connecting his lips with mine.

All of the Stars// Tyler SeguinWhere stories live. Discover now