Chapter 22

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-Clarke's POV-

Lexa grabbed my hand and together we walked off of the train and onto the platform. When we reached the parking lot my mother was waiting for us next to her car.

"Hi sweetie!" My mother called and she waved and started in our direction.

She embraced both of us in a bone crushing hug and then held us at arms distance. "You two girls are even more beautiful than the last time I saw you. I can't even believe it." She turned to Lexa and spoke. "I'm so happy you are going to be spending the holiday with us Lexa!" She pulled her in for a separate hug and the two embraced each other for a few seconds before Lexa pulled away.

"It's really great to see you again Abby. I'm very happy to be here." Lexa smiled wide at my mother and reached for my hand again and squeezed it which can made my heart flutter a little.

"Well let's get you girls home. We have a lot to do to prepare for tomorrow."

We grabbed our duffel bags and followed my mom the the car. Lexa opened the front passenger door and extended her hand to help me in.

"Why thank you!" I said smiling wide at her and then paused for a second before speaking quietly. "You don't have to go overboard though if you don't want to."

Lexa looked at me and smiled. "I'm just low key trying to sweep you off your feet." She laughed at herself and rolled her eyes.

Her tone was sarcastic and playful but deep down I hoped she was being sincere. Because it may have only been our seventh straight hour together but I could feel myself falling for her all over again. It made me feel foolish because I was he one who made such a big deal about going slow. If I showed more interest in moving faster would she be more bold? I let myself be hopeful for another few seconds before I pushed the thought out of my mind.

As soon as we pulled away from the train station my mom started up a conversation.

"So fill me in Miss Lexa, what has been new in your life since I saw you last?"

My ears perked up at the question because I realized that I didn't have the slightest clue what Lexa had been up to since the Costia incident.

"Well Clarke and I went away for a weekend which I'm sure she told you."

"She did! And it sounded like you had an amazing time. Was it fun?"

"Oh yes, very. I've never been upstate before so it was great to see the change in scenery as you drive north."

"Clarke told me about all that you guys did and it sounded amazing." My mother looked at me and smiled and I returned it with he most genuine one I could muster. "So after the trip, what have you been doing? Clarke has been very vague about you I almost thought you broke up!"

"Mom!" I shouted as soon as she finished her sentence.

"What honey I'm just asking. And you have been."

"It's okay, Abby. I've been very busy with classes and I picked up a new shift at work. So I haven't been very present in anyone's life these last few weeks." Lexa looked at me and smiled before she spoke. "But that has changed for sure. I plan on dropping my extra shift to make more time for us."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah. I only picked it up because I needed the money to help with something I'm trying to pay off. But I've made a lot of progress on the payments so I think I can afford to give the shift to someone else."

"Payments?" I asked looking confused. "You never told me about any payments. What did you buy?"


-Lexa's POV-

"...what did you buy?"

Oh crap. I shouldn't have ever brought that up. How am I supposed to explain this without letting either of them find out about the ring!

" just bought a uh...a new TV!"

"Oh?" Abby said surprised. "For your dorm room?"

"Oh no. It was for my um...for my friend Anya. A present for she and her boyfriend. I never really got her anything when they moved into the apartment." That's believable. I would believe me.

"Well that was nice of you to make a big purchase like that for your friend!" Abby said sweetly. She bought it for sure.

"Yeah, she's my best friend. So I wanted to go a little big." I replied smiling. Close call but crisis averted.

"It was good you were able to pick up that shift for a few weeks to help yourself get ahead on the payments." Clarke turned around and spoke finally.

"Yeah, I figured that if I had a little bit of free time then I should use it to get ahead. But I'm happy I don't have to take up so much time anymore." I smiled at Clarke and I could have swore I saw her blush a little.

The rest of the ride was comfortably silent. As we pulled into Clarke's driveway I had this strange feeling rush over me. It felt like coming home after a long trip. At first I could recognize it but when I looked at Clarke and saw her shared expression I could pinpoint it immediately. We were both coming back to a place that held fond memories, some of which we shared. As we exited the car Abby put a hand on each of our shoulders and smiled as she said "Welcome home girls."

Clarke looked at me and moved her hand towards mine. Slowly. Almost as if asking for permission before full taking it. I quickly closed the distance between our fingers and smiled at her and I noticed her cheeks get red again.

When we walked into the house Clarke pulled me through the kitchen and straight up the stairs.

"We are going to unpack and get cleaned up mom!" She called down to Abby who was barely inside the kitchen.

"Okay honey!" Abby responded. "I'm going to make you girls some food I'll call you when it's ready!"

We didn't hear the last part of her sentence because by that time we were already in Clarke's room with the door closed.

"What's the rush?" I said laughing at Clarke who looked very uneasy.

"That was just a lot of lying to my mom and I don't really like it. I'm starting to feel guilty." She looked down at her feet and kicked them awkwardly along her hardwood floor.

"Hey," I said as I lifted her chin to meet her eyes. "You are lying with good reason. If you told your mom then we wouldn't ever be able to spend time together like this. It's going to be okay, Clarke."

She smiled at me. "Always saying the right things."

"Told you, low key sweeping you off your feet." I gave her a goofy smile and she rolled her eyes.

"Well, it's working." She said as she shyly cupped her hands around the bend in my elbows and pulled me closer to her.

"It is?" I asked.

Clarke didn't verbalized a response. She simply smiled at me and bit her lower lip and that was all the answer I needed.

Slowly, I pulled her towards me and closed the distance between us. My face moved closer to hers until I could feel her breath against me. When I looked into her bright blue eyes she smiled sweetly and then looked down.

Before I knew it, I felt Clarke's soft lips against mine and it was like everything in my life was exactly how it should be again.

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