Chapter 20

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-Clarke's POV-

"Clarke? Hey Clarke!"

The sound of Octavia screaming my name pulled me out of my thoughts.

"What? Sorry. I got distracted..."

"Well I was just trying to ask you how your talk with Lexa went earlier. But I'm going to assume your lack of concentration is because of her which leads me to believe that it all went well?"

I blushed a little while I fiddled with my coffee mug.

The talk did go well. It was great to see Lexa and this was the first honest communication we had in weeks. I was beyond happy with the resolution we'd come to. We were going to be friends. And right now that friendship was all I could think about.

"It was fine. We are going to try to be friends again. See where it goes."

"'re not officially back together? Does Bell still have a chance?" Octavia's face lit up when she spoke.

"Octavia. I like Bellamy. He's a great friend. But right now that's it. He's just a friend. I owe it to myself to see where this thing goes with Lexa. I can't let myself be too distracted with another relationship."

Octavia let out a little huff and then nodded in agreement. Just as the awkward silence set in Raven came through the door.

"Hey! How'd it go! Details?"

"It's nice to see you too Raven..." I said drily.

"They're going to be friends. Maybe tryto get back together eventually." Octavia interjected.

"Are you happy with the outcome, Clarke?"

"Yeah I am." I smiled sheepishly and Raven took my hand in hers from across the table.

"Then that's all that matters isn't it?"

We all exchanged smiles and nods around the table and after that nobody spoke about Lexa and I for the rest of the night. The rest of our time in the cafe was spent laughing and talking about our plans for Thanksgiving break.

Each of us was going home to our families but we all agreed on wanting to celebrate the holiday in some small way with Finn and Bellamy before everyone left for the long weekend. After some careful planning we picked the date and time and decided who was going to prepare what.

"Clarke..." Raven asked. "Did you want to invite Lexa?.."

I paused for a second. Did I want to invite Lexa? I mean it would be nice to share the day with her. But things were only just getting better between us. Maybe it was too soon. And I did tell her that I wanted to make time for my friends.

"Let's just make it the five of us. The family."

Raven and Octavia smiled so wide it could have lit up the room. I could tell they were apprehensive about things changing between us if Lexa came back in the picture. This was the first step in proving to then that wouldn't be the case.


-Lexa's POV-

The weekend after my conversation with Clarke came and went like a blur and before I knew it it was Monday and while I wasn't looking forward to it, I was looking forward to it being the last week of school before Thanksgiving break.

I didn't exactly have anything big planned. It would probably just be another holiday at Anya's parents apartment uptown. But it was a reason to not have classes for five days and that was good enough for me.

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