Chapter 27

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-Lexa's POV-

"Lexa! Wake up wake up!" I could feel Clarke shaking me and it felt like a bad dream I didn't want to wake from. "LEXA ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME I SAID WAKE THE HECK UP!"

"Ughhhh whhhaaaatt?" I whined.


I sat up quickly and was suddenly wide awake. As soon as I got out of bed Clarke pulled me to the window. Her whole back yard was blanketed in fresh snow. The first snow of the winter. It was so late in the season Clarke was worried we wouldn't have a white Christmas. Figures that two days before the holiday it Mother Nature would kick in!

"Let's go play can we please please pleaseeeee?" Clarke was so excited it looked like she was about to burst.

"You are so cute! What are you, five?"

"Actually, I'm six! And it's rude to try to guess a woman's age!"

"My apologies my dear." I smiled and laughed at how excited Clarke still was.

"Ill accept your apology on one condition."

"Name it, babe."


I put my plan against my forehead. Of course that was the condition. "Okay, okay! I'll play!"

Before I could finish my sentence Clarke ran to her closet and grabbed her snow pants and jacket. Then in a flash she was gone and came back with Abby's snow attire for me to wear. All of a sudden a pile of snow gear fell into my lap. "Let's do this! Suit up!" Clarke demanded and I obliged.

After a few minutes of changing and struggling, we were both in our snow suits and ready to head downstairs. Clarke grabbed my hand and pulled me to the first floor and we flew through the kitchen. "Hi mom! It's snowing we are going to play okay bye!" I didn't even know where Abby was in the house but as we ran out the sliding glass door I hear her shout "okay dears have fun!" after us.


-Clarke's POV-

"Okay dears have fun!" My mother shouted from her office as I ran out the glass door with Lexa in tow.

Winter was by far my favorite season and I had been so sad there was no snow. But that had all changed and now I could do my favorite thing in the world with my favorite person in the world.

I immediately laid on my back in the snow and made a snow angel. When I sat up to admire my work, I noticed Lexa wasn't standing over me anymore. That's when it happen. I felt a snowball hit me. Right in the side of the head.

"Hey!" I shouted and turned to find Lexa about 30 feet away from me with a pile at her feet.

"First shot fired, Clarke! What are you gonna do?"

I knew exactly what I was going to do. Without warning, I took off at a full sprint towards Lexa. Playing ultimate frisbee early this year proved that I was way faster than her so even with her trying to run away I caught up easily. I didn't slow down as I approached her and hit her full speed, sending both of us down into the snow.

"That's what I'm gonna do!" I said as I sat over top of her triumphantly.

We played in the snow for hours - talking and laughing and having bursts of snowball fights. Together, Lexa and I built the biggest igloo I'd ever built and sat in it admiring our handiwork.

"We are children." Lexa said as she lay on her back looking at the ceiling of our fort.

"Yeah, but our kids will love playing in the snow with us!"

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