Chapter 28

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-Clarke's POV-


Wells pulled me into a giant hug that lifted me from the ground. While we were laughing and spinning my mom, Lexa, and Kane greeted Thelonius and went into the kitchen to keep on cooking.

"I have something for you." Wells said as he reached into his backpack and took out a box with red and white wrapping.

"You didn't have to get me anything!" I said as I hit him playfully on the arm.

"Of course I do princess...what other best friend am I gonna buy gifts for during the holidays?"

"Very true, and I do love getting presents." I joked. "Can I open it now?"

"No, you have to wait until we all open gifts after dinner!"

"THEN WHY TELL ME ABOUT IT AS SOON AS YOU WALK IN!" I shouted. "We both know that now it's all I'll be able to think about!"

"Exactly," he laughed and stuck his tongue it at me.

We moved into the kitchen where Wells gave Lexa a greeting that was far more friendly than I'd expected.

"It's really good to see you Wells," she said as the two embraced each other.

"You too kid, Merry Christmas Eve!" He was tall enough that he could gently kiss the top of Lexa's head with ease.

We gathered all of the gifts the Jaha men brought and set them up under the tree.

"Beautiful. Looks like we are ready to start celebrating once people arrive." My mom said and she stood with Marcus' arms around her.

The two of them were definitely growing on me. Marcus wasn't a bad guy at all and he made my mom so happy it was almost gross.

People started to arrive shortly after Well and Thelonius did and then the party really got started. The Christmas music came on and we were all signing and dancing and drinking and eating. You know it's a good party when everyone is bummed about having to take a break to eat dinner.

Marcus sat at the head of the table and stood up to make a toast. "I'd like to say a few words before we all dig in." He began.

"First of all, I want to thank Abby and Clarke for hosting another beautiful holiday party. And also, a big thank you to Lexa for all the help she has contributed."

"Yeah those onions wouldn't have chopped themselves!" Lexa interjected and everyone laughed at her.

"Very true. Thank you for taking one for the team Lexa. As I was saying. We do this get together every year and each time I see our group getting bigger and more diverse. It is amazing to see the different things each person coming in contributes to the good of the group. I consider all of you my family and I feel very blessed to be able to spend this time with you every year."

Everyone put up their glasses to toast and we all sipped and smiled at each other.

It was then that I noticed Lexa give me a look. Her brain was definitely  working on something and I was dying to know what it was.


-Lexa's POV-

After hearing Marcus' toast I started to think about everything he said. This group was a family. And it was one I was happy to be invited into and one that I wanted to make sure I remained a part of. There was one way that I knew I could ensure that would always be the case.

"Before everyone starts eating there's something I want to say." I instinct stood up to speak and got a look from Wells.

"Right now, dude?" He said and raised an eyebrow.

"Yup," I said and he smiled wide and stood up to get everything ready for me.

"I also wanted to say thank you to all of you. You have made me feel so welcomed and loved in the time I've known you all. Marcus was right, this is like a family and I feel very lucky to be part of it. It's important to mention that it would be impossible for me to be a part of it had it not been for one very special person...." I looked at Wells who gave me a nod and turned on the TV.

"So Clarke Griffin, this is for you."

Wells started the video and took his seat back at the table.


-Clarke's POV-

When Wells started the video there was a shot of Lexa sitting on her bed talking to the camera.

"Hey baby, right now you are sitting next to me looking super confused probably. Let me clear it up for you. So we have been together for four months now. And every minute of it has been absolutely amazing. So I got to thinking, what can I do for my amazing girlfriend to show her how much she means to me? And this is what I came up with...hope you like it!"

The video continued and it was a series of pictures and videos that documented our entire four months together. Everything from pictures of us at the first party we saw each other at to a silly video of Marcus, Lexa, and I trying to bake a pie for dessert to try to help my mom with Christmas Eve dinner.

Lexa voiced the entire thing over talking about all the things we'd through together and how much each milestone meant to her. It was all to the tune of sappy romantic songs and before the first song was even over I found myself crying uncontrollably.

When the slideshow ended it was back to the shot with Lexa sitting and talking in front of the camera.

"Even though things weren't always smooth sailing, I can't think of anybody else I would want to take this journey with. It has been a wild last part of 2015 with you by my side, and I wouldn't want to start 2016 with anybody but you. So, I have a very important question to ask. And I'll let present Lexa take it from here."

I turned to look at Lexa who was kneeling down next to my chair. All at once it made sense. I knew what was happened and I started to sob before she could even start talking.

"Clarke, I love you. So much. You have taken the broken pieces of my life and put them back together and I don't even think you realize just how much you saved me. If you'll let me, I'd like to spend the rest of our lives together trying to thank you for that. So, Clarke Griffin, will you marry me?"

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