Lip Piercing.

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Word Count : 698


It was a Saturday and Phil was sat on the sofa, scrolling through Twitter on his laptop while he sipped at his tea. He looked towards the clock at the bottom of his screen, noticing it was nearing six in the afternoon. He drank the rest of his tea and stood, placing the empty cup in the sink to wash later before retrieving his laptop from the coach and retreating to his bedroom.

Closing the door behind him, he walked to his bed and sat down, going onto YouNow and joining the queue, soon smiling as he went live, greeting his watchers as he began.

When Dan was called into the bedroom, he raised an eyebrow at the pen mark on the other's lip. He sat beside Phil on the green and blue duvet, questioning the mark as he watched his friend.
"We were testing out if I could look good with a piercing. Look, I even have an ear piercing," he replied, moving back his dark hair to reveal the pen mark on his lobe.
Dan nodded in reply as both the YouTuber's began interacting with the audience, laughing as their fans took millions of snapshots of the two boys as they called their watches creepy perverts and other things.

When Dan was finally told to leave he said goodbye to the fans with a smile and climbed off the bed, glancing at Phil one last time, eyes drawn to the 'lip piercing' as he waved his friend goodbye and shut the door, returning to his own room as he began to think.

As he clicked off, allowing the next person in the queue to begin their live show, Phil clambered off his bed and stood, stretching as he walked to his door and opened it, stepping outside into the empty corridor.

He assumed Dan was in his bedroom as he walked towards the kitchen to clean the cup from earlier, surprised as he stepped into the room and saw Dan standing by the sink, washing the cup. He looked up and smiled at Phil as the older man approached.

"Hey, the live show go well?" he asked, turning his attention back to the sink as he turned off the taps and grabbed a tea-towel from the counter, beginning to dry the cup.
Phil nodded, replying, "It went great, I think."
Dan smiled at the last bit, finishing drying and placing the cup in the cupboard and turning to his friend as he said, "Hey Phil?"

The older man looked to Dan, humming a reply to show he was listening as the brunette stepped closer, resting his hands on Phil's shoulders as he commented, "You still have pen on your lip."

Phil nodded, about to reply before Dan leaned forward and pressed their lips together, taking the darker haired male by surprise as he lifted his hands uncertainly, poising them in mid-air before settling them above the younger boy's hips, closing his eyes as the kiss continued.
At the touch of Phil's hands on his body, Dan smiled slightly before sliding his hands up to cup his friend's face and draw him closer, nibbling at his lips where the pen mark was drawn upon their plump pinkness.

He felt Phil moan lightly, encouraging him to begin sucking at the pen mark on his lower lip and give soft nibbles against the skin before he felt Phil part his lips slightly, arms wrapping around Dan's waist and drawing him closer.

Dan took the offer happily, licking Phil's lower lip before slipping his tongue into his mouth and draping his arms over the older man's shoulders, leaning into him as they deepened the kiss, lips moving in sync as tongues danced in warm mouths.
When their lips parted, they looked to each other, blue eyes boring into brown as Dan said, "The pen's gone."

They could not help but smile and let out a laugh as Phil thanked Dan, both separating from the embrace as Phil went to the sink to wash the pen from his ear, leaning down and running the tap.

"Oh, and Phil?" he looked up at Dan through his fringe as he caressed his lobe with the cold water, "You look hot with a lip piercing."

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