Hot Chocolate.

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AmazingPhil: Hey Guys. I can't sleep. Any ideas?
AmazingPhil: YES!!

Closing his laptop, Phil got sleepily to his feet. He was tired but sleep just wouldn't come. He'd been browsing the internet for sleeping tips but nothing had appealed to him. Desperate, he'd asked his followers. Hot chocolate sounded like a plan; he was thankful PJ was in Vegas so it wasn't ridiculously early in the morning over there. He padded down the hall in his socks, not wanting to wake his flatmate but stopped when he noticed Dan's light was still on. Strange. Quietly, Phil pushed the door open to find Dan sound asleep in bed. The older boy smiled at his sleeping friend and flicked the light off, continuing on his journey to the kitchen.
It had been ages since Phil had last had hot chocolate. He'd bought some last month when it had snowed but had never gotten round to actually making any. Dan didn't care for it much which confused Phil greatly. How could anyone not like hot chocolate? He made the drink subconsciously, lost in his thoughts before making his way back to his room again. Settling himself on his bed, he raised the cup to his lips, smiling as the taste danced on his tongue. The hot liquid burned his throat but he didn't mind; it tasted too good. He drained his cup quickly and lay back against his pillows, feeling his eyelids becoming heavy. His last thought was to thank PJ for the suggestion before the world faded away.
Over the next few nights, Phil had the same problem. His body was so tired and he wanted to sleep but he couldn't, not unless he made hot chocolate. So, he continued the same routine; getting up to go to the kitchen, turning Dan's light off on the way there, making hot chocolate and going back to his room to drink it and fall sleep. It worked well. It was only after he'd done this for the fourth time that he began to wonder about Dan leaving his bedroom light on. It did seem a bit odd but it wasn't something Phil had noticed before. Then again, he didn't used to get up in the middle of the night so that wasn't surprising. Maybe Dan had just been busy and had forgotten or perhaps he was just too lazy to get up. Well, whatever the reason, four nights in a row seemed a bit strange. Phil shrugged, deciding to ask Dan about it in the morning and closed his eyes.

"Morning, sleepy head." Dan smiled as his flatmate sat down beside him on the couch, rubbing his tired eyes and yawning. "Did you have another bad night?"
Phil nodded, cuddling up to the younger boy and resting his head on his shoulder. Dan wrapped his arms around Phil, his dimples showing as he gave a sympathetic smile.
"Why didn't you just stay in bed?"
Phil sighed. "Because I was awake and I couldn't get back to sleep so I figured I may as well get up." He paused. "Um, I noticed you fell asleep with your light on last night. What was that about?"
Dan was silent for a moment as though stunned by Phil's question. "I must've forgotten to turn it off."
"What about the night before last?" The older boy looked up at Dan, a questioning look in his eyes.
Dan seemed flustered. " I forgot again."
Phil wasn't convinced. "And the two nights before that?"
"Again," Dan forced a smile. "It won't happen again. Just remind me before I go to bed." He paused, looking down at Phil. "What were you doing up anyway?"
"I was making hot chocolate." Phil said honestly. "PJ said it would help me sleep and it worked really well. Now I just need to work on the 'staying asleep' part."
Phil replaced his head on Dan's shoulder, smiling as he felt Dan's head resting on top of his. He closed his eyes again, exhausted while Dan flicked through the TV channels. Upon hearing the familiar voices of his favourite characters, Phil's eyes flicked open again; he never could resist an episode of Buffy.

The hot chocolate didn't appear to be working that night. Phil lay awake, studying the shapes in the ceiling above him. Every time a shadow moved, a whole new picture formed. Phil let his imagination run wild, making up stories about ducks the size of rhinos stampeding through villages only to be stopped by a sudden tidal wave or whisked away by a twister or sucked into a vortex. This probably wasn't helping his sleep issues, he thought, reaching for his stuffed lion who was residing on the head of his bed. He gave Lion a Mohawk, giggling at how strange he looked and imagining what would have happened if he'd been there to protect the villagers. Lion would've roared so loud that he'd have blown them all away and he'd have been knighted as a brave hero. A statue would have been carved out of marble by the village's best artist and unveiled to a cheering crowd while Lion gave a speech.
"I worry about myself sometimes." Phil whispered to himself, thinking himself lucky to have such an overactive imagination. At least creativity wasn't too much of a challenge.
A knock at the door made him start. Dan entered when Phil called for him to come in, carrying two cups of hot chocolate. Phil smiled, pleased but slightly confused.
"What's this for?" He asked, taking the steaming cup gratefully.
"Well, I got up to use the bathroom and I noticed your light was still on so I thought I'd make you some more hot chocolate. And I wanted some too." Dan smiled, taking a sip of his drink.
"But, you don't like hot chocolate." Phil was baffled. He pinched himself on the arm, the pain telling him that it wasn't a dream.
Dan chuckled. "I think I'm warming to it."
The two boys sat in silence, sipping at their hot drinks. Dan stifled his yawns, not wanting to make Phil feel worse about having trouble sleeping but he was so tired. Phil noticed the younger drooping slightly and pulled him into a hug.
"Do you want to sleep in here tonight?" He asked, receiving a nod from his chocolate haired friend as they climbed under the covers. "I'll get the light."
"No!" Dan grabbed Phil's wrist as he started to get up, letting go immediately when he realised what he'd done. "I don't you just leave it on?"
Phil frowned, sweeping his fringe out of his eyes to look down at Dan. He cocked his head to the side slightly, wondering. He took a step away from the bed and stretched his hand towards the light switch, hearing a frightened squeak from behind him which made him turn. His arm flopped back down by his side and he returned to his bed to sit beside Dan again. Still, he said nothing, observing the other boy with confused blue eyes.
Dan held his gaze. "Please, Phil. Just leave it on." He begged.
"But, why?"
"I...I don't like the dark." Dan looked down at the floor, preparing himself for the laughter that never came.
Phil just looked confused, his eyes softening slightly as Dan said, "It scares me."
Before Dan could say anything else, he felt the warmth of Phil's lips pressing against his in the softest of kisses. It was like nothing he'd ever felt before. His heart raced as time seemed to stand still, the world around him melting away until all he knew was Phil. All too soon though, it was over and Dan came crashing back to earth.
He smiled. "What was that for."
Phil shrugged. "You're cute when you're scared."
To anyone else, having the boy you live with suddenly kiss you for no other reason than you 'looking cute' would have been strange and, if either of the two had thought it would happen to them, they would have thought so too. But, this just felt right. They didn't speak again for the remainder of the night; no words were needed really. Each knew that they loved the other and that the love they felt was returned. It wasn't something either of them had thought about before but now, everything was perfect. Without a care in the world, the pair fell asleep in each other's arms, dreaming about the rest of their lives together.

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