All the little things.

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Warnings : Fluffiness. 

Word Count : 327 


Hey Phil,

Sooo... you walked out on me. Funny, how life goes, huh? One minute you're all 'Oh Dan, I'll love you forever.' the next you're all 'GRAH, FUCK YOU FUCK THE WORLD FUCK EVERYTHING.' ... well, not quite but you get the picture.

 Anyway, it's been 3 weeks and you haven't come back so I can only assume you've gone home. By the way, did I ever tell you about all the little things I dislike about you? Well I decided to make a list. Want to know how far I got? Here it is:

1) How you never shut any of the cupboards when you went into the kitchen. I always had to go around shutting them after you, that was a pain. Even then I got to see your fiiiiine ass as you bent over... fabulous. Now you're making me sound like a perv. It's hard not to when you have... had such an amazingly gorgeous boyfriend. Why am I complimenting you? This is stuff I hate.

2) Your appetite. You ate like a fucking horse, you know that? Constantly eating everything in sight. I know I may have had a slight malteaser addiction but you were just something else. I mean, you always ate everything I ever cooked... Even if it was gross... and you said it was delicious... and... RIGHT. Shut up.

And that's as far as I got. See? What are you doing to me, Phil? With other people I could think of loads of little things I didn't like about them yet you... you can't really do any wrong. Even with these little things you still balance them out, they have their pros too. Why have you got to be so damn beautiful?
So I made a list of all the things I love about you.

∞) You. Just you, Phil. It's only ever been you, it only ever will be. Please come back to me. Please.

You have my heart, always.Dan x

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