Night In The Park.

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Dan gazed into the older boys eyes as they were sat opposite each other in the park. Phil had brought Dan to express his feelings but little did he know that Dan had these feelings to. They were sat on the grass with the moon and stars dancing above them. They both found it so beautiful. Phil started to talk. "So.. Uh.. Well.. Since I first met you Dan I-I had this feeling in my chest. It was the feeling of love. And everyday , I wake up with those feelings becoming stronger. So what I'm saying is.. I love you. I love you with all my heart and I know you probably don't feel the same way but I had to tell you.. I had to let it all out..". Phil sat there quietly waiting for Dan's reply. But the thing is Dan didn't talk at all. He leaned in and kissed Phil. He was relieved that Phil had said this so he could kiss him. He was craving this so bad. Phil was shocked but kissed him back. Soon enough the two had made it into a make out session. They were both glad it was late and no one was about. They continued for at least 5 mins but it felt like hours to them. When they both pulled back Dan said "I love you too"

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