By Your Side. (20)

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Three Years Later...

Archer: Age 18

Phoebe: Age 16


Archer's POV:

Three years.

A lot can happen in three years.

My mom had the twins. Sophia Abigail Connor was the first one, with my dad's black curly hair and brown eyes. The other was Gabriella Molly Connor. I told my mom that 'Gabriella Molly' sounded like a chocolate bar and she smacked me on the back of the head. Typical.

I'd like to say that not telling Phoebe, seeing her with other guys got easier. Unfortunately, I'd be lying through my teeth. The tool that she was dating now made me want to pull my hair out.   Ice cream with Archer became Ice cream with Archer and the Big Dork Head. And because he was the exact same height as me, this one didn't scare as easily. They'd been going out for three months. A record amount time.

We didn't like each other. No, not just that. NOBODY liked him. Not even my soft-hearted, I-like -anybody dad could tolerate him.

It got harder when the twins were born. Because seeing the way she looked at them, with love and sadness (probably remembering her little brother) I couldn't help but think about our would-be kids. She'd be an awesome mom.

The twins were now two. Gabby looked just like mom, with auburn -- not red -- hair and blue eyes. They were both really beautiful. A sharp tug on my hair reminded me that I was holding Gabby A.K.A. the "little demon".

"Alright, alright, I'll let you down." I lowered her to the ground and she toddled over to Phoebe, where she was sliding with Sophia. I stood up and followed her.

"Pobe!" She reached up and Phoebe, with surprising ease, balanced her on the other arm. I took Sophia and she scowled. "Gimme."

I put giggling Sophie on top of my shoulders and folded my arms. "You're going to have to reach her first."

She put Gabby down and Gaby hugged her leg while Sophie grabbed fistfuls of my hair. I secured her arms and began to walk in slow motion. The twins giggled.

"Pppphhhooooeeeebbbbeeee cccaaannnn'tttt cccatttccchhh uuusss." I exaggerated.

She leaped up, trying to reach Sophie but in vain. She was simply too short. She pouted and gave me the look. "Please Archie..."

"Oh no! Not the puppy dog eyes!" I covered my eyes jokingly, then sighed. "Fine."

"Yay!" Gabby cheered as I handed Soph to Phoebe.

"Sophie back!" Sophia proclaimed.

I pouted. "And now I'm all alone."

"We don't want Archie to be all alone, now do we?" I heard something in Phoebe's voice that I didn't like. Before I could react though, I was on the ground with her on top of me.

My heart just about beat out of my chest. My body practically burst into flames and I tried to get a hold of myself before something that she didn't want to happen happened.

She stared at me, her face hovering just above mine. The mischief disappeared when she saw my serious expression. Her heartbeat quickened against mine.

I reached up and brushed some of her blonde hair out of the way, my fingers softly caressing her face.

"Archer..." She breathed, her warm breath on my lips.

By Your Side. (Sequel to Art Girl and Wolf Boy)Where stories live. Discover now