By Your Side. (19)

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Phoebe's POV:

"No."My father said abruptly.

I looked at my dad weirdly, stopping mid-chew. "No what?"

"No, you can't date that boy."

I dropped my spoon. "You mean Fred?"

He waved a hand dismissively. "Him."

I clenched my spoon at his obvious uncaring attitude. "Why not?"

His eyes didn't leave the paper in front of him. "Because I said so."

"That's not a good reason."I heard the horn honk outside and slipped a bag onto my shoulder, standing up and looked at my dad. "And until you give me a good one, I will be dating him. Bye, dad."

I left. Dylan was parked outside and Archer was in the backseat, the window rolled down. I couldn't help but smile hugely at his messy, blonde hair...and then I noticed the circles underneath his eyes. I opened the door and slipped onto the seat beside him.

"What's wrong?" I demanded, tracing the circles. He closed his eyes and leaned into my hand. "'s nothing. How are you?"

I ignored the question and glowered at him. "Archer..."

He smiled my favorite smile. The one where a dimple in his cheek appeared and his lip turned, creating butterflies in my stomach.

Wait, what?

Never mind. Focus, Phoebe.

"I'm just...stressing too much," Archer said finally.

"Then stop," I said simply. He chuckled. "I wish I could."


"I need your help," I said over the phone. And Archer was here, five minutes later, with folded arms while studying the clothes on my bed. He rearragned an outfit, then handed it to me. 


I looked at him. "This?" He'd handed me a pair of sweats and a ratty tee. I looked at him increduously. "Archer???"

"If he really is that into you, he'll think you're as goregeous in these as you always are," he replied seriously. I blushed. "T-thanks. But I'm still not wearing that."

The doorbell downstairs rang and I groaned, looking at him pleadingly. "Please? My dad already doesn't like him."

"I don't either."

"Pllleeassee Archie?"

He sighed like I'd asked him to walked over hot coals and sighed. "Fine."

I threw my arms around him then shoved him toward the door. "Quick, before my dad gets there!"

He sighed and slouched out the door.

Archer's POV:

F*ck my life.

I got to the door just as Tony was opening it and squeezed past him. The man had Fred in a death stare. He looked a little pale. I cleared my throat and Fred looked at me. "Archer, hey. What are you doing here?"

"Phob called." I said gruffly. "She's still getting ready so follow me."

Tony was still keeping up the whole 'I will silently kill you' thing. He went to the kitchen while I led Fred to the livingroom.

"So..." He said. I didn't waste a second. The speech that I'd been preparing for came tumbling out in the scariest voice I could muster.The malice came easily.

He was shorter than me, an advantage. I drew myself to my full height and looked down at him. We were about a foot apart.

"Listen to me, punk, and listen to me well .Phoebe likes you. I don't have a clue why, but she likes you. You're the first guy she's ever gone out with so I expect freakin fireworks. Where are you taking her?" I snapped.

"Movies, then to the ice cream parlor, then back home."

I nodded. "She likes romantic comedies. Don't take her to an 'effin scary movie so that she can cuddle up to you, she hates those. If you try that crap I will not hesitate to snap your freakin' arms off. Her favorite ice cream is cookie dough.

"There will be no touching, no kissing, no anything. I don't even want your frekin leg to bump against hers. You will have her home by nine o'clock sharp, and I will be on the porch waiting for you. If she comes home with so much as a freakin' scratch, and you don't act like a gentelman, I will hunt you down and kill you.

"Don't even think about sending her home with tears in her eyes, dude. I will go complete ape shit on your ass. They will not find your body. I know how to dig, Tony will provide the shovel, and my backyard is woods. If she comes home dissatisfied or you try to cop a feel, she will tell me, and your bones will be the foundation for a damn mall. You won't break up with her, she will break up with you. If you cheat on her, you and the girl you did it with will meet my rath. Are we clear?"

I hated to be a bully, but in this case I could make an exception. He was shaking like a leaf during a hurricane. Fred nodded jerkily, his green eyes wide.

"Anything to add, Tony?" I asked without looking over my shoulder.

"I think you covered it, Archer." I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Great. Now act natural, kid, she's coming."

By Your Side. (Sequel to Art Girl and Wolf Boy)Where stories live. Discover now