Chapter 10 - Forgivness

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Hey guys!! I finally got a comment! thank you @SmileCusYaCan this chapter is dedicated to you! Comment and vote! thankkkksss love you all for reading! <3


-Louis POV-

He's just sitting there, like he owns the place. Have you ever thoroughly hated someone? It's not just hate it's pure hate to the extent that you would kill them if they came between you and someone you love? Well that's how I felt about Zayn. Now I'm not proud of what I did, but in the heat of the moment it felt needed. To be honest I didn't know I had all this anger in me towards Zayn. I pushed past Niall and just jumped. I jumped on to Zayn and just started punching. With each punch I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"I hate you! You did this! You fucking son of a bitch! You did this to me, Liam, and Harry! I fucking hate you!" I hadn't noticed I was crying until Niall and the woman at the front desk pulled me off of the now bloody Zayn and I cried into Niall's shirt. The woman took Zayn into the other room. I cried into Niall's arms for a while. I was never close to him, he didn't have to be nice to me since I'm the reason his friend is so depressed. Niall sat there holding me on the ground for who knows how long. When I stopped sobbing Niall spoke.

"Lou, I need you to apologize to Liam. He is lost without you, Zayn is not good for him... And from what you just did to Zayn's face.... I'm pretty sure you agree that he's no good." Niall says looking at me with sad eyes. He truly does care for his friend Liam. These last few days of school haven't been the easiest for him, he was beat up for having a gay friend. People are still making fun of him. I couldn't help but laugh a little at the situation. He should hate me for what I did to Liam, and what I just did to Zayn. But he doesn't he knows I love Liam and made a big mistake.

"That's why I'm here, to set things right with Liam and I." I manage to say still trying to keep the tears back. Just then the doctor came in.

"Um Is there a Louis here? Liam is asking for you." A doctor who looks like she is only 25 but couldn't says looking from Niall to me. I look around like a dunce and jump up when I realize she is talking about me. Liam is asking for me? Why would he ask for me? He hates me... I push those thoughts to the back of my mind and walk down the hall. I take a deep breath when I get to the door of his room and walk in. He is laying in the bed eyes closed. He has tubes coming out of his arms and has an oxygen mask over his face. He looks terrible. He must have heard me come in because he opened his eyes and looked at me smiling. I walked in and sat at the end of the bed, Liam still smiling when he saw me.

"Hi Li...." I say avoiding eye contact

"Boo Bear you came! I thought you were going to leave me forever." Liam says grabbing my hand and taking off his mask. I squeezed his and did what I knew was right.

"Liam do you remember what happened with Harry and I?" I say nervously

"Yes, I don't have memory loss but my head is pounding could you call a nurse?" He asks rubbing his temple. I nod and push the nurse button.

"If you remember then why aren't you still upset at me? " I ask looking him in the eyes trying to figure out his logic.

"Well when you found me behind the gym, I was close to dead Lou. Without you finding me I would have died. You could have just left me there and acted like you didn't find me, you should have... After the things I've done and said to you I do deserve that. But while I was passed out I... As crazy as it sounds.. I had a vision.. Of what life would be like with you. I saw us old sitting on a porch in a swing holding hands. We had little grand kids running around playing out front, after I saw that I knew, I just knew I had to fight and get you back." Liam said starting to cry. I felt a tear roll down my cheek, he forgives me? Even after everything that has happened with us? He still forgives me..

"Liam... I-" he cut me off by pulling me down to him and crashing his lips onto mine. I heard a woman clear her throat. The nurse was here. I blushed and got up and walked out to the waiting room thinking over everything that's happened.

-Harry's POV (surprise ;P)

I was at my mums house with my family celebrating when I got a call from the hospital saying Zayn has been beat up and I was his first emergency contact. I was shocked he had me as his contact but I didn't say anything. I hurried to the hospital concerned, I know I shouldn't be but he's Zayn... And I still love him.

"Hi I'm here to see Zayn Malik! I'm Harry Styles. I got a call saying they need me down here. Apparently I'm his emergency contact." I say flustered. The lady behind the desk looks me up and down like I'm a piece of meat.

"Oh, I called you... He's in umm... Room.... Umm -"

"Spit it out! I need to tell him how much I love him and how sorry I am!" I yell not realizing how upset I am getting.

"Do you really mean that?" A deep husky voice says from the doorway leading to the hospital beds. I turn to see Zayn. He has a cut over his eye brow and his lip had dry blood on it. Oh my god he just heard me say all of that? I stood there like an idiot just staring at Zayn. He walks closer to me looking hesitant. I bit my lip nervous, shit he heard me.

"Zayn... I'm-" That's all I manage to say before Zayn pulls me into a big hug and pretty much smothers me. I hug him back as best I can because he pinned my arms down when he hugged me.

"Harry I'm so sorry, I miss you please Harry I didn't mean the things I said. I love you and always have." He says I can hear the tears coming. I can't trust him anymore, knowing he did this to Louis as well how am I ever going to trust him?

"Zayn, I don't think we should be more than friends. I can't trust you anymore. You didn't just do this to me, you also have done it to Louis." I say knowing I'm hurting him but I have to stay strong. His face fell and he looked like someone just hit his puppy with their car.

"I'll wait for you then. I don't care how long it takes. I will walk through the desert, I would walk down the isle. I need you Harry, you complete me." He says causing me to tear up. I can't believe he said that. That's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. I pull him back into a hug and squeeze him tightly. I've missed him so much. I could feel my walls falling down, the walls I worked so hard to keep up with him. I couldn't stand it, I love him and he loves him. He's the Milk to my Cereal. He's the Straw to my Berry. He's the Smoke to my High. I love him even with his flaws. His flaws are what I find so attractive. I push my lips onto his and he immediately kisses me back. This isn't our normal kiss, it was a powerful kiss. It made my knees weak and I could feel Zayn letting out a small moan. I pull back when I was finally out of breath. I leaned my forehead on his and looked into his eyes. He looked deep into mine.

"You'd walk down the isle huh?" I joke laughing with him

"I'd do anything for you Harry, Please forgive me?" He asks looking happier than when I first saw him. I acted like I had to think about it he laughed at my bad acting.

"Alright Malik but you get a punishment" I wink at him. His face turns a bright red it looks so cute.

"Oh and what's my punishment Styles?" He purrs back. I smirk and gesture at my whole body.

"None of this" I laugh then pull him into another kiss. I knew i'd never fully trust him again, but in a way I liked it. It felt dangerous but right. I love Zayn Malik and I would do anything for him, just how he would do anything for me as well. I helped him back into his room and went back to the front to sign his release papers. I need to ask him why I'm his emergency contact. I pull out my phone and dial Louis number, I need to talk to him.

"I'm a Barbie girl in a Barbie world" this song starts blasting from behind me. That's weird that's Louis ring tone for me? I turn and see Louis sitting in the waiting room chairs. Fuck how long has he been here?

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