Breaking Finn/Unbreak My Heart

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Breaking Finn- We were watching a movie together and he was laying on his side with his head in my lap while I ran my fingers through is wavy blond locks. When the movie ended I turned off the TV with the remote. Finn sat up and turned to look at me with those intoxicating baby blues of his. I watched as his mouth opened slightly and his tongue slid out to lick his lips. Such a simple action, but it felt like it sent a fireball down to my groin. Time to start on my baby's training.

----------------------------------------------------------------------Is helping someone who is in distress, but for your own gain really helping them? What happens to a person when you take away their choice? Can the one who controls you, who hurts you, love you too? How far can someone be pushed before they break and how does that change the the person who broke them? Is there any possibility of a happy ending?Finn is a 16 year old boy who has no one and nothing. Nicolas is a 28 year old man who has everything. Everything except that special someone, until he meets Finn. But Nicolas has an unorthodox lifestyle. Is this relationship doomed? The age difference, Nicolas' need to dominate, can they both be happy together, or is the price of happiness too much.This story has light bdsm and bdsm situations. If you don't like this, please don't read instead of reading and complaining about it later. BDSM literature is not for everyone, so I don't mind if you pass this story by. Also, if you don't like gay stories, take a pass. I'm letting you know now, so you don't continue and then get all upset later. Some readers haven't read the tags I guess and complain when they find out it's either a gay story or has bdsm. That's what the tags are for, to make sure this is a book you should be reading or not.

 Unbreak My Heart- ********************SPOILER ALERT**********************

DO NOT READ THIS IF YOU HAVEN'T READ BREAKING FINN,IT WILL RUIN THE ENDING!! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------This is a sequel to Breaking Finn. It's pretty much essential that you read that first. Everything that happens in this story is an aftermath to what happens in that story; therefore I have removed the description. 

*2021 UPDATE* 

Hello everyone. Generally, when writing these, I'm pretty excited to share my thoughts with you. I hate to say that I'm not excited about this update. At all. 

Years ago when these two books were published I instantly fell in love. Nothing has changed. Well, some things have. 

Unfortunately Breaking Finn is no longer on wattpad. I'm not sure exactly what happened to it and the author hasn't been active in a good while. I'm not sure if she'll ever decide to come back and re-upload it, but I've decided to leave this here just incase she does. Breaking Finn was amazing and I so wish that I could read it again. Hopefully we'll all be able to some day. 

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