Chapter 4..

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I sighed. This guy looked like a dork. And his voice was kind of squeaky, and annoying. "Is that the principle?" I asked Chris, pointing to the tall gangly man on stage. She nodded. He began to speak into the microphone again.

"Isn't this exciting?" He asked aloud. All the students just kind of scoffed. Yeah, real exciting, I thought. My first year at a new school. A school for messed up teenagers, no less. I'm just so ecstatic.

"Well, let me be the first to say," he continued, "welcome to our new students, and welcome back to those who are familiar with the school! This year, we've got a lot of great things planned, and we're really excited to be welcoming a new member to our staff. Psychiatrist Dr. Menson." The whole room rolled their eyes, and sighed, in unison.

"What happened to the old doctor?" I heard Chris ask Brian.

"I dunno." He whispered back.

The principle began to speak again. "Well, I won't bore you guys anymore," said the Principle with a squeaky laugh, "Please return to your dorm rooms, and the cafeteria will be open for lunch at twelve." He said. "I wish you all a good first day of classes tomorrow." People applauded sporadically, and we all got up and left the big auditorium, and remerged into the sunlight.

"I hate this courtyard," I muttered, as I shielded my eyes.

"You'll get over it." Said Brain.

"I hate YOU." I said angrily.

He smirked. "Whatever." He replied. "Come on," he said to Chris, "You can come to my room and get your comic book back, and then we can all go to lunch." We got back inside, and Brian looked over at me. "You don't have to go Jo, if you don't want to." He said with a glint in his big blue eyes. "I know you hate me and everything...."

"No, It's okay." I said quickly. I didn't know where the cafeteria even was. I needed to stick with Chris, even if this guy was annoying.

"Alright then." He said, patting my head, and messing up my brown hair.

I slapped at his arm. "Don't do that!" I exclaimed."

"Ouch!" He shouted, in mock pain. "Kitty's got claws," He muttered, as we rounded a corner, and began down the hallway, to the boy's dormitories. I only knew it was the boy's dorms, because there was a big sign that told me so. We reached a door, and Brian stopped in front of it, shoved a key in the lock, and wrenched it open. Him and Chris walked in, and I went to follow, but Brain shot his arm and blocked the way. "No girls in the boys dormitories. It's a school rule." He said, with a quick flash of a smile.

"But Chris is a girl, and you let her in!" I shouted, pouting.

"Technically...." Brain muttered, staring at Christine, and her long red hair, and plaid skirt, "but you know...."

"Right, yeah, whatever." I said, standing outside the door way. "Stupid Multiple Personality Disorder." I muttered, with a scowl, as they both went in, and shut the door in my face. They came out a few moments later, Chris with her book in her hand, and Brian with a sideways smile.

"See you two at lunch?" He asked.

"Yup." Said Chris, adjusting her tie. We parted ways, and me and Chris went back to our room.

"We'll just drop off my comic, and then we can go meet Brain for lunch." She said.

"Alright." I shrugged. Chris chucked the comic in our room, causing the X-men to soar through the air and land on her bed, and then we both walked down the hall again, towards the cafeteria.

"So what's up with you and Brian? Are you guys, like, good friends?" I asked.

"He's my ex-boyfriend." Said Chris, nonchalantly.

"Oh," I said, a little down trodden,

", does that make Brian gay?" I asked, wondering in my head what you are when you're dating a girl with the multiple personality of a boy.

Chris raised her eyebrow. "No!" she said with a laugh. "Ew!" She screeched. "I guess I should say he was Christine's boy friend. NOT mine. Do you understand?" She asked.

"Um.... kind of." I said. Alright, so, Brian dated Christine, the girl Christine, not Chris, Christine's multiple personality.... Holy shit, this is so weird, I thought. I'm not nearly as messed up as half of these kids....

"It's kind of confusing. You'll get used to it." Said Chris.

"Why'd you guys break up?" I asked. "Sorry," I said immediately, "Is that too personal?"

"No way." Said Chris. "I actually don't know why, to be honest. I don't remember. I'm sure Christine does though...."

"You mean, you don't remember what she does, but you remember the stuff you do?"

"Yea, kind of." She replied nervously.

"That's really strange." I said, as we entered the cafeteria. I saw Brian almost immediately. He was sitting down eating a plate full of spaghetti noodles with his hands. I rolled my eyes. What a weird kid.... Me and Chris walked over to the food line to grab something to eat. The lunch lady just stared at me before slopping some spaghetti and tomato sauce on a plate for me.

"We don't get to choose what we eat?" I asked Chris.

"Not really...." she said. "The school likes to have control over what enters our systems and stuff." The lunch lady stared at Chris, and rolled her eyes.

"Just sauce?" she asked. Chris nodded up and down with a smile. The lunch lady dumped red tomato sauce on to her plate.

"Thanks." Said Chris.

"You're going to just eat that?" I asked quizzically.

"Most definitely." She replied, as we sat down. Me in the middle of Chris and Brian. I couldn't help but stare at the scars on Brian's wrists, as we ate. He had his sleeves pushed up, and I caught my eyes drifting to them every few seconds. They reminded me of my own. Maybe I WAS just as messed up as any of these other kids. And then I saw Chris who was spooning straight tomato sauce into her mouth, and thought, Maybe not..



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