Chapter 1- Please Don't Faint

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Louis' POV:

I stood about middle stage as we sang 'Story of my Life.' Harry was currently singing and it was soon to be my part. There's just one problem... My head was spinning and all I saw was blurrs of people. My stomach was turning and my chest hurt. I felt as if an elephant sat on my chest as well as knives were piercing their way into my brain. Please don't faint, please don't faint... Not tonight, not now.

Harry's POV:

I just got done singing and Liam picked up his part. I looked over to Louis to see him holding his chest and his feet looked unstable. Ah shit, not tonight, not right now. I looked over at Niall to see him looking at Louis too. Just as Liam finished singing, Louis' legs gave way and he fell to the ground. A few girls screamed at the sight and Niall quickly started singing Louis' part for him. Zayn and I rushed over to him. Liam got a security guards attention, telling him that Louis fainted... Again.

Niall stopped singing and shook his head. "I'm sorry everybody, but we're going to have to take a short break. I'm very sorry. Um, I think Louis just got a little bit over heated over here. Nothing major, don't worry. We should be back shortly." Niall said over the mic.

Liam and I picked Louis up as Zayn and Niall made sure out path was clear. After we got back stage we laid Louis down on a small couch that we always brought just incase he did happen to faint. "Move, move, move, let me get to my baby." Mrs. Jay, Louis' mum, rushed out as she squeezed herself by us and knelt down on the couch in front of Louis. She put his oxygen mask over his nose and mouth so he could get some air. She moved his hair out of his face and kissed his forehead. "He's burning up, Zayn sweetie go get his medicine will you?" She asked.

Zayn nodded and rushed off to Louis' medicine bag that he brought everywhere just in case. The doctor that travels with us soon came too, feeling Louis' head and checking his blood pressure. "Is it getting worse?" Niall asked nervously as he bit his nails.

"I'm afraid so." The doctor said standing up straight again. "The best thing for him right now is to go through threatment." He said.

"But he's already been through two rounds of chemo and nothing helped." Mrs. Jay said. If you haven't guessed it by now, Louis has cancer. Lung cancer at that. He's had it since he was fourteen, before we knew him, and has been to multiple treatments.

"No, not chemo, just treatment in general." The doctor told us. "Maybe we can get him a cat scan tomorrow on your day off."

Zayn finally came back with Louis' medicine bag. "Sorry, he didn't put it by his stuff."

"Thank you Zayn." Mrs. Jay said grabbing the bag and pulled out a needle with medicine in it. Mrs. Jay used to be a full time nurse, so ever since Louis tried out for the X-Factor and became famous, she goes on every tour with us along with the doctor. I watched as she gave Louis his shot, his chest despartly trying to get air.

He let out a frustraited moan that you normally give when someone just wakes you up. His eyes opened and he looked up at the crowd of people who surrounded him. He was about to take off his oxygen mask when Mrs. Jay stopped him. "No, no sweetie. Leave it be." He sighed and shifted so he was more comfortable on the couch. "You boys need to get out there." Mrs. Jay told us. Louis was about to get up, but again Mrs. Jay stopped him. "No, not you. They can handle things. You need to rest."

Louis looked up at us with hopeful eyes, practically begging us to take him back out on stage, but we all knew he had to rest. "It's okay Lou, we can handle one performance without you." I told him.

"Get some rest Lou." Liam said and Liam, Niall, Zayn, and I rushed out on stage, leaving Louis to rest.

Louis' POV:

I laid on the small couch as my mother ran her fingers through my hair like she used to do when I was little to put me to sleep. "I'm going to make you an appointment for a cat scan tomorrow." She told me. I nodded, not really having the energy to speak. I couldn't really talk even if I wanted to due to the oxygen mask over my mouth and nose. "Go to sleep baby." She said and kissed my forehead. "Get some rest."

Liam's POV:

"Damn that was a wild show!" Niall cheered as we headed backstage.

"Shhh." Mrs. Jay hissed. "Louis' sleeping."

Niall covered his mouth for a second. "Sorry." He whispered.

"I don't want to wake him up, but I guess I have to." Mrs. Jay said looking at her sleeping son.

"Nah, we can carry him." I said going over to him. Mrs. Jay nodded and took off his mask as I lifted him up. Good thing he's light.

"Go out the side door." One of our security guards told us. I nodded and Zayn rushed to open the door so I could carry Louis to the van. I laid Louis down in the first row seat, his head resting on his mother's lap as Zayn, Niall, and Harry piled in the back seat and I jumped in the passangers seat. Hopefully they won't be a lot of people screaming when we get to the hotel, but I doubt it.

Zayn's POV:

We got to the hotel and this time Harry carried Louis through the kitchen and up to his room. Mrs. Jay disappeared into Louis' room and Harry came out sighing. "I'm surprised that he didn't wake up." He said with a chuckle.

"Did he seem a bit pale to you guys?" Niall asked as we all went to Liam's room.

"Yea, a bit too pale this time, but that might be from his fever." I said.

"Let's hope." Liam said plopping down next to me.

"I know this may sound completly depressing but..." Niall started then sighed. "Do you think he's going to die?" He asked. "I mean, he has had it for nine years now."

"And somehow he's always kept it a secret." Harry said and shook his head. "But, no he's not going to die. I don't know how, but by some miricle he's going to live."

We all nodded in agreement. "Have you told him by the way?" Liam asked me.

I shook my head knowing exactly what he was talking about. "No, I don't want to worry or give him more to think about right now."

"Zayn that's kind of important." Harry said. "What are you going to do? The day you quit you'll be like 'Oh, hey Lou, by the way I'm quitting the band, surprise!' Yea, that might come as a shock."

I sighed. "Well, I'm not sure how to bring it up."

"Just sit him down and tell him." Niall said.

I shrugged. "I don't know, but I'm going to tell him."

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