The Serpent Project

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I look at the picture of his face and narrow my eyes. If this is the devil, how underwhelming would God be when you meet him? I wonder, perhaps I could ask Samael. But, I do not know how he would to react to it.

I look at Ronan while he scans the picture. He has a concentrated look on his face. Lyle is lying on my feet and Ronan sits down next to me, we're in his office. I am trying to find out who samael really is, or if samael is his real name. I need to know what information I can get on him. Ronan is willing to help with his facial recognition system. He looks at my hands wrapped in bandages. "Do I need to ask?" He says while looking back at his computer through his nerdy glasses. "I didn't do it Ronan, I swear. It must be an allergic reaction." He sighs "Any nightmares lately?" I shake my head, lying through my teeth but still, with a smile.

"Alrighty, I have the picture and we shall get some answers for you." He says while pressing enter with a lot of passion. "So..... the devil you say." He says with an amused smile, "We shall see who this prick really is." We laugh and lyle happily barks at us because we woke him. "Seriously though if he were the Devil what would you like to ask him?" Ronan ask with an amused smile, I shrug. "I would not know. perhaps....." I sigh, what would I want to know. Perhaps if my Oliver is going to hell because he kills to save our country, or whether heaven is a good place, if little miguel is in heaven (would he know?). "I would ask if the sheperd did anything right....." Ronan says quietly. "I don't think he did." I answer bitterly. "Yeah, perhaps but than.....why did he do it?" "People are crazy..." "That's indeed a better question, why are people crazy." ronan says while chuckling.

The computer beeps two times. "Aha, let's see who our fiendish friend is." He says optimistically. He looks at the screen and frowns. "Samael Lucifer Morgenstern........orphan who grew up in Boston. It....checks out. His parents are unknown, he was found when he was about 19 years old. Nothing about his past is known, he disappeared again in 2016." I nod, this does not help at all. ".....there is another match, Shaitan black, allegedly born in 1980...... wait, Nick copperhead, born 1964, I....I don't understand, the picture fits all of them." I quickly walk up to the computer and look at the people. "Did they all have red eyes?" I ask, trying not to hyperventilate. He nods, "Strangely...they have." "Is it possible that they're family?" He shakes his head. "No, not like this. They are too similar." He shakes his head "Wait, a picture from a sealed file resembles him?" "What?!" I yell. "The serpent files it's called." I instantly recognise the name, one of the first supernatural files the FBI had. We got it from the CIA, it's the first file I have ever read in this job.

I click on the file and put in my password. And there, the is him. I can't believe I did not recognise him, he isn't Samael he is Adrik, Adrik asp. The angel experiment from the Soviets, it is not a myth, he didn't die. I can't help but smile, this case has had my attention since I was a young officer. I can't believe I have this kind of luck.

"What is this?" Ronan asks, "A myth, mostly....." I say while looking at the old picture of the boy with his long hair, his face is identical. "What myth? Tell me, I need to know whether you are in trouble." he asks.  "I am not in trouble. I am simply talking to somebody who should be dead. And much older than he seems to be." "Don't speak in tongues now!" He grumbles in frustration. "In the soviet union wanted to create the perfect soldier and simultaneously make tools where they could control their people with. Angels were the things that inspired them, so they started to secretly 'build' angels. Their angels needed to be brainwashed an perfect, than they could even have the church under their influence. It is suspected that they succeeded in making some angels. The angels were immortal, invincible and all carried some sort of unique ability. But when the angels were perfected all of the sudden the facility burned to the ground, no one knows why and no one found remains of any angels, only traces of research. So it was deemed a myth, or at least a failed experiment. Adrik was one of the records that survived the fire, alleging that he is an angel......"

"So he isn't the devil" I nod, there is excitement in my heart but also disappointment. He cannot resolve my problems with the church through him. He will not be my gateway to answers. But on the other hand, I have always been so incredibly curious about The Serpent facility. I cannot simply ignore a chance to get to know more of it. I look further into the sealed file when I see a video I have never seen before. I click on it, there are people walking through the burning halls, I cannot distinguish much because of the bad quality of the camera. When suddenly something resembling and angel appears and bursts into flames. I pause it and look closely at the screen, this angel does not have black hair. Are there others? Or am I looking for an explanation in the wrong place?


I look at the river streaming under the bridge and lean on the railing. I light a cigarette and smile when I hear a voice. "Long time no see, Adrik" I recognise that voice, I thought I would never hear that voice again and now that I hear it I feel fear and guilt in my heart. "Porfiry?" I ask as I turn around, the boy is wearing his hair in a loose low ponytail and he still wears the same beige suits as he did when he first found me again. "I thought you were....." "dead?" He asks and he chuckles in his deep burgrundy voice with an menacing undertone

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