My Soap Opera Life

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A/N: Joey never met the gang and no one moved in with Chandler, he's living alone. Joey is currently acting on "Days of our Lives" and instead of getting killed off, he has remained on the show and has gained great success from it. Also, Joey and Chandler are both openly gay in their own lives and meet for the first time at a bar.

So single life has not been the best. It's hard when your only guy friend is straight and won't go to gay bars with you. I really don't care for going to bars alone, I'm too awkward.

Today, I was complaining to my friends about being single and also being horny. Ross has the nerve to suggest I call my drag-dressing father to set me up with someone. The second this disgusting idea lands on me, I literally jump up from my seat and walk out. I didn't mean to shock my friends or be rude, but it made me realize how pathetic my life would be if I ever had to resort to calling my father, of all people, to set me up on a date.

I walk straight to the gay bars in the city. My sudden extreme need to find a guy…or at least a hook up is so strong I end up at a bar I never thought I'd be at in a million years. You see, there are a lot of gay bars in New York City, but I obviously try to stay within my reach, meaning: quiet, nearly empty bars with average or nerdy guys and no competition. The huge, flashy bars scare me, but tonight I am so desperate to get my life on track that I walk into one of the hottest, flashiest, priciest bars in the city; one that has scared me for years.

The moment I step inside the bar, I feel fear strike me and regret shadows the insanely bright, flashing lights. I can't move, I can't walk any further than the door…that is, until people start pushing by me to get in. After more than a few shoves and some nasty remarks from overly attractive gay men pushing by me, I make my way to the actual bar. I attempt to order a drink, but the bartender will not give me the time of day. I'm so serious, I try calling him and waving him down so many times I'm basically a crazy man flailing my arms at him and he won't budge. Very frustrated, I'm just about to leave when a voice next to me shouts over the incredibly loud music: "Need a drink?"

I look over to find a man with light brown hair and glasses. I'm surprised someone like him is here, I mean he is still good looking. He's like that sophisticated, hot nerd... but still.

"Yeah, that was my first idea," I shout back.

He smiles at me and then puts his fingers in his mouth and whistles at the bartender. The bartender literally zooms over to him. Glasses guy asks me what I want and he orders me my drink along with three others. Is that the secret to this place? As the bartender leaves I whistle at him in the exact same way. The bartender looks over, sees it's me and ignores me. I look at glasses guy shocked.

"How did you do that?" I ask.

"I come here a lot," he chuckles.

The bartender brings the drinks and glasses guy leaves money. I go to grab my wallet, but he stops me.

"Don't worry about it," he says and slides my drink over.

"Really? Thanks."

"Do you think you could help me out?" he asks, sliding another drink over to me. He clearly needs me to help him carry the extra drink.

"Yeah, sure," I say and the next thing I know I'm following this guy through the huge crowd. We end up at a booth packed with guys. They are all good looking, I mean model-looking guys. But instantly I notice the guy seated right in the middle of everyone. He's so attractive, he's so incredibly my type I freeze for the second time tonight, just staring at him. I don't even notice that half of the table got up to let glasses guy slide into the booth right next to the hot guy I'm drooling over. They even wait for me, assuming I'm with them and since I'm holding two drinks. So, I slide into the booth next to glasses guy and get squished when the rest of the men file back into the booth, thinking we can actually all fit. Glasses guy takes the extra drink from me and then slides the other two glasses over to the middle hunk I still can't get over. I can't help myself, I have to ask. I tap on glasses guy's shoulder and lean close to his ear.

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