Don't fool around with my sister

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Joey is going to make Chandler regret fooling around with his sister.
How exactly?
By fooling around with him.

"If you're not Mary Angela, then who is?!" Chandler asked, Getting more panicked by the moment.
"I am" A women said behind them, looking exactly like her sister.
Oh, this is so bad.

"Joey!'' They both yelled.
"No Joey. No Joey. No Joey'' He begged but it was too late. Joey, already through the door and looking at him confused.
''What's going on?'' He asked, A frown forming on his handsome face.
Chandler mentally slapped himself for thinking that. 'Not the time Chandler' He thought.

''Oh its no big deal really'' Chandler tried.
''Chandler was just kissing me
because he thought I was Mary Angela'' Mary Theresa whined.
''What? How could you do that? How could you think she was Mary Angela?!''

''I wasn't sure...which one Mary Angela was'' Chandler said looking ashamed. "Look, I'm sorry, okay? I was really drunk, and you guys all look really similar"

"I say punch him, Joey" One of the 7 clones said.
"Yeah! Punch him! Kick him Joey!'' The others joined.
"We should all calm down...because, you know, your brother's not gonna punch me'' He said.
A moment of silence was in the air. Was Joey really considering punching him?
''Are you?'' He asked.

"Well, that is usually what I would do. But I never thought you'd be on the receiving end.
How could you do this?!" Joey said, still contemplating if he should punch his best friend.

''Joey, if you wanna punch me, go ahead. I deserve it. But I just want you to know that I would never soberly hurt you or your family. You're my best friend. And I would never do anything like this ever again'' Chandler said, looking into Joey's eyes for forgiveness.

"So what!'' One of his sisters yelled.
''I say punch him! Punch him!''
''Yeah, punch him!''
"Come on, punch him" They all started to yell at their brother.
''No. No. I'm not gonna punch Chandler'' Joey said, still thinking about what he should do.
''Look, he knows he did a terrible thing, and I believe him. He's sorry. But Chandler, You owe Mary Angela an apology '' He said smiling.
Chandler knew that smile. There was a mischievous glint in his eye. He Knew Joey wasn't going to let him off that easily.
He gulped.
He turned to the one he thought was Mary Angela and apologized. Luckily, He guessed right and she accepted his apology.
"Now all of you go back to eating dinner. Chandler and I need to go back home'' Joey said to his sisters.
" Awwww'' They all whined but left the room to head back to the table.

Joey ordered them a Taxi and they headed home.
The whole ride uncomfortable and awkward. No words exchanged between them, Only silence.

The second they stepped through their front door, Joey shoved him towards his room and shoved him on the bed.
'' See, You may have apologized to Mary Angela but You haven't apologized to me'' Joey glared down at him.
'' How do you plan on doing that, huh?''

"Hmm" Chandler hummed. Pretending like he was thinking about it, before turning to unbutton Joey's jeans.

Joey tried to supress his grin but ultimately failed.

"Lay on your back" he commanded, and Chandler obeyed.

He watches Joey take out his quickly hardening cock, and felt drool pooling in his mouth.

"You'll just let me do anything I ask, huh?" Joey whispered, and his cock twitches and he hears a muffled moan.

Joey shuffled up until his cock was face to face with Chandler's mouth.

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