The one where Chandler chooses Joey

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When the boys are asked who they would choose to get together with out of the three of them, Chandler says Joey.

The door opened and the three boys strolled into Monica’s apartment, interrupting the conversation happening between Rachel, Phoebe, and Monica at the table.

“Oh hey,” Rachel greets them, “Wait, I have a question. If one of you had to pick one of the other two guys to go out with, who would you pick?”

Without giving the question any thought, Ross immediately walks off towards the couch, “No way.”

At the same time as Ross, Joey answered, “I’m not answering that.” Then started to follow Ross towards the couch.

“Joey.” Chandler said without a second of thought. This made the other two guys stop in their tracks and turn back to face him. The girls looked to him too. Ross had a look of confusion on his face, as did the girls, Joey too. However, Joey’s confusion didn’t look quite like the others.

After seeing everyone’s reaction Chandler changed his answer, with an awkward laugh, “No way. I’m not answering that.”

Everyone just laughed as they assumed Chandler was joking as he normally did. Chandler laughed along but he was really only focused on Joey’s reaction, who just so happened to not be meeting his eye contact.


After a fun night altogether, around midnight Joey and Chandler headed back to their apartment. Chandler had noticed this strange tension between the two all night, and how his best friend didn’t really talk to him at all.

As Chandler opened the door in silence, he started to move towards his room but then felt a hand grab onto his forearm. He looked back to see Joey staring at him pleadingly.

“Chandler.” The other man whispered.

“Joe?” He responded worriedly. In the six years he had known him, Joey hadn’t acted like this ever.

“Did you mean it?” Joey asked quietly, “I gotta know Chandler, did you mean it?”

Chandler sighed. He took a step forward and removed his best friend's hand and placed it gently to his side “See, Joe uh, look I uh-”

Joey shook his head and took as many steps forward until Chandler was leaning against the wall next to his door, with Joey in front of him, “Did you mean it? You said my name, what did that mean? Did you mean it?” He asked quickly.

“Joey what’s going on?” Chandler cautiously responded.

“Chandler please.” Joey begged, his voice breaking. Chandler had never seen him get so emotional.

“Okay, okay fine, I uh-” The other paused, “Well yes Joe I mean of course I did. How could I not? You’re perfect. You’re funny which never fails to leave me smiling. You’ve constantly got hope when things don’t quite go to plan. Obviously, you’re not bad to look at too but that’s not even half of it, even though you have a beautiful smile. You’re hardworking, you’re caring, you’re forgiving. You’re just the best person I could’ve asked for to be spending all my time with.”

Joey started at him in silence.

“Oh god, I’m sorry I’ve said too much.” Chandler panicked, “Just forget everything I said, we can go back to normal. We’ll be fine, right?”

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