first loves

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Joey Tribbiani had never been in love before. Then Chandler Bing happened

Joey Tribbiani had never been in love in his life.

He was experienced when it came to kissing, to fondling, to sex. He knew everything what was to be known about physical contact. He knew what to do to make a girl feel good, to make her scream, even.
He knew how to be charismatic – even though he didn’t actually know what charismatic meant but he knew it was something positive –, to show his charm. He actually knew quite a lot more than just Hey, how you doin’?, but most of the girls didn’t even expect more than that.

Joey has always been quite an attention-getter and an eye-catcher, had been called handsome and sexy on more than one occasion, had been complimented by more than a few people. He knew how he could affect people, especially women. Some guys, also.

It had never bothered him that he wasn’t more than a short casual affair for all the people he shared his bed with. He was pretty okay with it. It fit his life style. He rather enjoyed this meaninglessness, this informality and this ease.

But he had never been in love before.

Sure, there had been some girls that he liked more than others. Some of them weren’t just one-night stands, some of them were interesting and nice and funny. But none of the people he had been with were enough for him to fall in love.

And it had never bothered him.

But then Chandler Bing happened.

Chandler Bing, with this hilarious name, this strange humour he didn’t always get, this crooked smile and puppy-like eyes.

This guy who took him in when he had nowhere to go and treated him like family since their first day together. This guy who became his best friend, his family, his everything.

Joey didn’t exactly know when Chandler Bing happened.

Maybe it was when Chandler took him in and accepted him as a roommate and talked him through the first night because he was an emotional wreck and missed his family in Italy. Chandler stayed the whole night with him on the couch, drank beer with him, talked, listened.
Maybe it was when Chandler broke down for the first time in front of him, crying and yelling and cursing, and being so real and honest like Joey had never seen before.
Maybe it was every single time when Chandler brought him his favourite sandwich, ordered his favourite food, bought him beer or called him, just so he wouldn’t miss Baywatch.
Maybe it was when he realized how Chandler Bing always cared about his friends and made them laugh and just loved them unconditionally.

Maybe Chandler Bing just kind of happened, and Joey Tribbiani just kind of came apart at the seams.

He had never been in love. And then Chandler Bing happened and he realized that he didn’t want to be in love.

Because shit was hard.

It was hard for him to have those feelings, they were new and strange and so utterly ridiculous. And he just didn’t know what to do with them, he couldn’t handle them and it made him feel helpless and angry and sad. And he hated to feel helpless and angry and sad. So he tried to ignore them, to repress them, to eat them away, to drown them in alcohol, to displace them with meaningless one-night stands and countless girls he didn’t even know the names of.

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