Afternoon Glory [smut]

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Chandler thinks it's a smart idea to size Joey up based on the morning glory between the other's legs. Joey doesn't think much of it, but jokes that Chandler should give him a blowjob with how the scenario played out. Chandler finds pleasure at the thought of doing so, and proceeds to try out giving oral to a man. Afterwards, Joey thinks it's only just to return the favor and convinces Chandler to let him give oral back.

"What are you doing?" The handsome Italian raised a brow and threw out his hands in confusion at his nervous roommate. Chandler was on all fours in front of a previously napping Joey with his head in between his legs.

"Obviously I was doing my imitation of a dog." The brunette nervously laughed off the situation, "Uh, woof!"

"Ohhhhh, is that so? What kind of dog breed are you going for? I would say you'd make a pretty great Cocker Spaniel." Joey gave that beautiful toothy smile of his.

"I can't do this," Chandler said as his conscious became more apparent the longer he looked into those awfully adorable brown eyes of his, "I was looking at your cock tenting in your pants. Ok, Joe?"

"My morning glory?" Joey pondered on what he said, "Would you call it an afternoon glory?" It then came into realization what Chandler had just done, "Were you trying to size me up? Because if that's it, I think I'd top you anyday." He laid back into his couch feeling smug.

"Uh, no," Chandler blushed, "Maybe," He broke eye contact and sputtered out a hasty "Yes".

"Okay, let me propose you one thing. You can see it as long as you promise to suck it, what do you say?" Joey suggested playfully.

"Can I? Like, is this a thing? Are we being sarcastic here? Let me tell you, Joe, I know sarcasm but I'm not sure how serious we're being here."

"We are being very serious, right?" Joey winked and unzipped his pants. He slid down his boxers and pulled out his dick.

"Let me tell you: that is one pretty cock. Wow. Did you pick that one out especially when shopping at the dick store, or did your mom buy that for you?" Chandler wish he could mentally facepalm at his own comment. However, it did make Joey shake with a stifled laugh.

"Well, here goes nothing-" Chandler spread Joey's legs and roped his arm around the other's hips, drawing him closer. He started off pumping the other to get him a little harder, or as a foreplay, he guessed. Whichever of the two that made more sense. 'You know what? Fuck it'

He held Joey's cock in place as he ran his tongue from base to tip, rubbing the head with slight pressure. Some precum leaked onto Chandler's hand. 'Would it be sexy to lick this?' He pondered, 'Yeah, let me do that' And so, he licked the liquid off his fingers. It was salty, but with a tinge of sweet.

"Whoa, Chandler. Buddy..." Joey smiled, "You're really going for the opening act, aren't you?"

"Yes, actually," Chandler motioned with his hand, "Fucking is all nice and fun, but sex is meant to be beautiful, I feel." He laughed at his thrown together backwards sentence. Everything he says makes him feel even more stupid, but this was Joey he was talking to of all people. He should be able to relax more with just that fact.

Chandler cleared his throat, "And now: the performance!" With one hand, he massaged Joey's cock as he bobbed his head on the tip. Lower, lower, and lower. Now, he was taking all of his roommate in his mouth. He tried his best not to gag and closed his eyes to concentrate. 'Got to think pleasant thoughts. God, what's more pleasant than this? Taking another man into my mouth, and it being Joey of all people... This is so hot.'

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