Part 11: There is nothing between us

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Someone badged into my room a little loudly waking me up from sleep, but the girl beside me continued to snore softly. I groaned in protest and grudgingly pulled my eyes open to see who the person was. 

Eve stood at the foot of the bed, glaring daggers at the girl sleeping beside me. She looked like she wanted to murder the girl. 

"Hey! I sat up on the bed, rubbing my eyes with one of my fingers to further clear the sleep from my eyes. I wondered what the time was. It felt like I had just fallen asleep. It's not surprising seeing that I couldn't sleep last night. Not with her sleeping cosily beside me. For a reason, I couldn't understand my body couldn't relax, and the kiss we shared kept playing around in my mind. I believe it was in the early hours of the morning that I managed to fall asleep. 

Eve turned her furious eyes in my direction, which she managed to bring under control by the time she was looking at me. There was still fire in their depth, but the intensity was greatly reduced. 

"What is she doing in your bed?"

"Sleeping," I automatically replied. I wasn't being facetious, just honest, but Eve must have taken my response for the former, because a loud growl from her caused the walls in the room to shake, and finally woke the girl sleeping beside me. 

"My princess," she moaned out in her sleep, rolling around to her other side but not fully waking.

The sound of her calling my name out like that in front of Eve made me flush, but seeing her innocent, beautiful face as she slept made it all right. She is beautiful even in her sleep. 

Eve coughed harshly to get my attention. She had a displeased look on her face. "You have to get her out of here," She barked, wearing a severe frown on her face. 

I didn't understand why she was so bent out of shape about Samaira being in my bed. She is just sleeping, and it is my fault that she is injured. There is no way she could work with that ankle anyway, so I might as well let her rest. 

"No," I said curtly and got out of bed. Eve wasn't expecting me to turn down her request. She momentarily looked like fish out of water and then quickly wiped the shock away from her face and matched over to block my path as I turned towards the bathroom. 

"What do you mean, no?" She growled, her hands folded across her chest as she regarded me with narrowed eyes. There were suspicion written bold in them. Suspicion about what? I don't know, neither did I care. 

"It is a negative response used when you don't want to do something." Now, I am being facetious. 

Eve looked like she wanted to reach out and throttle my neck. The expression was so funny that I laughed and then chuckled louder when she took in several deep breaths. 

When she found her composure, she regarded me with a forced patient look as she spook through a pinched lip. "Do you know what you are doing?" 

The seriousness of her voice made me pause. Eve wasn't just being difficult because she is Eve. She is seriously worried about something. The smile disappeared from my face. "What is the big deal about her being in my bed?" I was honestly out of the loop why everyone is bent out of shape about this. She was hurt, and I helped her. Every other thing that occurred in between doesn't matter. 

"Are you fucking her?"

Sometimes you gotta hate her bluntness.

I choked on my spit before shaking my head vigorously. "What the fuck gave you that idea?! I have a boyfriend!" I screamed on top of my voice, shocked and very uncomfortable at her accusation. 

She looked at me confused. "Then why is she in your bed?"

"Because I hurt my ankle, and the princess was kind enough to help me," Samaira said softly from the bed. 

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