Part 6: Important question

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My parents have been buried two weeks ago, and so far the pack have left me alone, and the only person I have interacted most with was Eve. Yes, she became my lead security detail. I am still getting used to having people follow me around when I go out. Couldn't shake them, not with Eve stubbornness. And yes I met the rest of the team. My detail comprises of five people including Eve. She requested for more even though I was against it, but luckily the elders denied her.

She was taking my safety seriously, and if not that I stamped my foot on her following me into the bathroom I would have been peeing with her on the other side. Ew! I am very pee shy, and would never been able to pee with someone around.

There are a lot of things I am still getting used to. Top most being the fact that werewolves are real, and vampires are too. How sick is that. I was of the mind to call up my friends back in the city to share this with them, but Eve forbade me. It is against the law or something to reveal ourselves to human.

I am still trying to wrap my head around that fact too. I mean the fact that I am a werewolf. I haven't transformed since the night of the attack. That is what Eve called it. She explained the reason I was naked when they found me. I still can't remember what happened, and I am still dreaming about the black fur beast. Haven't told anyone about it yet.

I miss my friends back home, especially Raphael, and is killing me that I can't talk to him. He is my best friend and not just my boy friend. I tell him everything. Olivia used to get jealous whenever I tell Raphael something before her, but the truth is that Raphael is easy to talk to, and I know he will understand this shit happening to me.

Imagining his reaction made me smile. He will definitely think it is awesome. Olivia on the other hand will probably think me a freak. She is the type that is afraid of anything new. She will later come around, but she will find it hard to accept. She never liked werewolf movies or anything supernatural claiming that they are to make believe, and why romanticize a monster. That was her thought when we watched teen wolf. She didn't even finish the first season and got bored. I love my best friend, but she is a cynic and that sometimes can be annoying.

I missed them both desperately, I thought fingering the locket around my neck. I do that all the time whenever I am feeling lonely. This makes me feel as if my parents are with me. I am still struggling to see my real parents as my parents. Eve have told me so much about them that I almost feel like I know them, but I don't feel any real connection with them, and definitely don't feel their loss acutely like I feel that of my adopted parents. I regret that I won't get to meet them, but like I said before I had an awesome childhood with my adopted parents that I never for one day imagined what it will feel like to meet my real parents. I never gave them a real thought.

A knock sounded on my door rousing me from my thoughts. After breakfast which I am still getting used to having with a lot of people around. It turns out even though the pack house is for the Alpha king the rest of the pack members, including those who live here can drop in anytime to have meals. It is like living in a hostel.

Still getting used to the communal living.

Like I said, a lot of things around here feels new and weird and will take a lot to get used to. I was an only child for so long and used to my company, and now having all these people around me puts me on edge that I am always sneaking off to my room to hide out. Eve have been trying to get me to hang out with the pack, to interact with them since I will soon be their Queen, but I have always been a private person, preferring to be on my own. That is why I have few friends.

And I have done my best not to think about the being their Queen part. I don't know the slightest thing about being a leader. I can figure out my own life, but other people's. Nah, count me out.

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