Part 3: A new home

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The weirdness of the night stayed with me as we drove away from the house I have called home for the past eighteen years of my life. There was one thing that was still bugging. No scratch that make that a lot of things, but there was one that was at the foremost in my mind, and that is me waking up from whatever the hell happened to me naked.

Which begs the questions what happened to me?

And then there is the wolf. It was as if they disappeared into the thin air, with no trace of them or whatsoever. Let's not forget the dead bodies. Where did those come from.

Yeah my birthday really turned into a lot of shit show. If I didn't know better I would think I was part of a scene in Teen wolf. Luckily enough werewolves aren't real. Maybe my new friends saw the wolves.

I turned to Eve sitting beside me. "Did you see the wolves?"

"Huh," she looked at me confused. I was about to repeat my question when I realized that I sounded insane. "Never mind," I said instead and focused forward. She didn't pursue it, and I got back to my thoughts.

The police car drove past us sounding their siren. I wondered who called them. Probably one of our neighbors. Well, they are fucking late.

"Where are we going?" I broke the silence, turning to look at Eve again. She intrigues me. She has this broody mysterious personality that makes her appear edgy. Like there is more to her than the outer layer she presents, and me being a curious person by nature I want to peel those layers to find out the person underneath.

She was like a puzzle that was begging me to solve her, and I was dying to figure her out.


Her one word response isn't going to help me figure her out. "Can you expatiate on that. Because I just left my home, so I have no clue as to what you are referring to."

"Your real home."

That didn't exactly clarify things to me. Maybe my mystic driver enjoys speaking in riddles. I wouldn't put it past her.

"I assure you I have no other home. My both grandparents are all gone, and my parents were only child which meant that I have no other family or home. I am all alone now." Saying that out loud reminded me how true the words were and it brought tears to my eyes. I turned back to look at my parents. I couldn't believe they were gone.

"I am sorry for your lost," Eve mumbled without looking at me. Her attention focused on her driving. I was about to thank her for her sympathy when she spoke again. "And you are not alone." Whatever she meant by that.

I didn't ask neither did I care. Everything that happened tonight is still taking sometime to sink in, but my mind right now feels so overwhelmed that all it wanted to do was shut down and I didn't fight it.

The next time I rejoined the world of the living it was morning. The sun was fully out in the sky and we were driving pass some pretty tall trees and forest on each side of the road.

I have not the foggiest idea where we are, but something tells me that we have left the city. The air here was cleaner than the fog dense polluted air we usually have in the city.

I sat up more on my seat, stretched out some pretty cramped up joints, and then I turned to look at Eve. She still looked as wide eyed as she did when we started driving. No sight of strain or tiredness on her face.

"How long have I been asleep?"

"Ten hours."

"What!" I sat up straighter wearing a shocked look. "Where the hell are you taking me, the end of the world!"

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