Part 4: Who is she?

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Following behind the man that just joined us was a young man with swag akin to the stranger. They are all strangers but I haven't had the pleasure of being introduced to the newest comers. And I don't think I am looking forward to it. I didn't like the look in his eyes. He was looking at me like I didn't belong, like I am a pest over stepping my boundaries, and a certain part of me didn't enjoy being made to feel less.

I wasn't the only one his presence made uncomfortable. I saw Beta stiffen, and the muscles around his lip tighten. A great displeasure displayed in his cold obsidian eyes. When the man looked in his direction I saw him smirk at him, and the look in Beta's eyes darken with great fury. Trailing my eyes down his body found a his fist curled into each other with great strength like he was fighting himself from decking the new man.

It was obvious there was no love lost between these two. There were some people whose countenance brightened in his presence. Their stiff posture relaxing as if they have been waiting for his arrival. Elder Eden, and Manuel. I noticed a change in them when the man arrived.

I looked towards Beta to make the introductions like he did the others, but he didn't looked keen on doing that. Eretria stepped in to make the introduction. I couldn't get a read on how she felt about the newcomer. She was the most unreadable blank page I have ever seen.

"Princess meet your uncle, Alpha Moses."

Did she say uncle? The look on the man's face didn't make me feel like I am meeting a family member, instead it put me on edge. Alarm bells went off in my head, something warning me to be careful. He didn't look mean or anything. Actually, he looked downright cheerful and bright, like a cat that ate the canary. All smiles and sunshine, but they didn't warm me up. Rather it sent chills down my spine.

Even though my insides were raising hell fire with alarms I didn't show any of what I was feeling inside. I kept a calm smile on my face as I shook his hand. I am new here, yet to know what I was dealing with. Who to trust and who not to. Eve is the only person who have made me feel a little bit relaxed. I used my side eye to search her out and relaxed a little bit more when I found her tall shadow behind me.

I got back to my uncle to find him watching me with a knowing smirk on his pale skin. He had seen the look I gave Eve and somehow made his own interpretation that I couldn't discern.

"Princess, please meet my son. Clarence, he is my second in command," he directed my attention to the young man who had come with him. He stood rigidly beside him, without an ounce of smile on his face. His stern, serious aura made me imagine a huge stick up his ass. The boy who looked to be at least few years older than me looked like he doesn't know what fun is.

"Hi," I greeted with a wave which he didn't bother replying, and merely tilted his head at me, and not in the respectful way the others did. He looked as if he was forcing himself to acknowledge me, and just like his father, I got the sense that he doesn't want me here.

One thing he had going for him though was his looks. Yes, I know everyone here has been freakishly blessed with good looks, but this guy was movie star gorgeous. And something tells me he knows it. It might be from the arrogant way he held himself. Or maybe it is just me judging him without getting to know him.

Anyways he didn't look like he was open to me knowing him as he already looked away from me, as if trying to ignore my presence.

Eretria spoke before an awkward silence could settle between us. "Alpha Moses have been taking care of things in your absence, but we believe that he will handover the affairs of the Pack, and bring you up to speed in your other duties when you have settled in."

"Don't worry princess I am not in any hurry. You might not even survive to take over things," he winked at me. His words weren't funny and alarmed me greatly. Before I could question him as to what the fuck he was talking about Eretria got in involved.

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