Part 5: Dinner

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Inside the bag had the  necessary things I needed. The clothes size were right too which begged the question how she knew? I was about to hit the showers when a scent caught my nose. I stopped, and sniffed the air trying to pick it up. It was faint, and smelled like lavender. It was nice and felt familiar, like home. I know a lot of things have been feeling familiar to me in this place, even though I don't have any memories of this place, but it is how I feel, strange as it maybe. 

The scent was all over the place. It is as if someone tried to erase it but it clung to the walls, and every other thing in the room. 

I have smelled that smell before. I tried to recall but it wouldn't come. Trying to remember where I have smelt the lavender was giving me headache so I stopped and instead made my way into the bathroom. It was nice, modern large with an in built bath. 

I stared at the bath with longing. Is been a long time since I had the luxury of a bath. The bath at home was inside my parents bathroom so I didn't get to have a lot of those. 

Do I dare? 

I shook my head answering my own question. Tempted though I maybe to have a bath. I didn't really feel up to it. Keeping strong is a font and inside of me I am really terrified, and broken down. 

After shower I wore the strange person clothes and found my way downstairs. It wasn't really hard for me to find the kitchen. Though it was odd how everyone I passed en route bowed their head to me. 

I walked into the kitchen and was glad to find a familiar face there. Inside the kitchen there was a  moderate size table there and Eve sat there chatting with some of the staff inside. They all stopped talking when I walked in and turned to look in my direction. I immediately felt self conscious. I have never been able to handle having attention on me so well. 

Eve softened gaze found me and bade me towards her. Focusing on her I made my way in her direction, aware of the several eyes on me. I was so aware of them that I nearly stumbled to the ground only to catch myself in time. My whole face was red, and the several gasps and are you alright that I got from everyone didn't help. 

I sat down on the chair Eve pulled out trembling a little. This was too much. Why is there even a lot of people here and who are all these people. I kept my head to the table and only looked up when Eve asked if I was alright. 

"Don't ask me that. I am afraid you won't like the answer," I whispered. 

"Fair enough," she muttered in the same tone, and then moved on to another subject. "What would you like to eat?" 

"You mean I get to choose, like in a restaurant?" I teased brightly. She rolled her eyes but nodded. 

Even though I have been given the choice to eat whatever I liked, I realized that I didn't have the appetite for anything, so I left the choice to them. "Anything," I told Eve, pretending that I didn't want to make a fuss rather it being that I am not hungry. 


Eve looked up and called someone to her. I looked up when the person stood in front of her. She was a middle aged woman with Spanish features. "I want to introduce you to the head cook. Martha." 

The older woman smiled kindly in my direction, her brown eyes warm in their regards. "It is an honor to meet you your highness." Her use of the title made me shy and I didn't know how to respond, so I nodded my head with a shy smile in her direction. "Thank you," I added nervously, my inside warm from her intense regard, and it wasn't only her. I was beginning to feel like some exotic animal that has caught the attention everyone in the zoo. 

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