Part two: The six strangers

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The sight of the wolves astonished me more than they terrified me. Mostly because wolves rarely ventures out into the city. There were no forest around us, only tall residential buildings so what were the wolves doing so far from home.

Did the city council open up a new zoo without letting the populace know.

"Arden come here quickly," dad barked, his tone shaky and very nervous.

I kept my eyes on the six wolves slowly closing in on us while I edged towards my parents. The look in their eyes were menacing, as if they were here for a nefarious purpose.

Despite my dad being so scared he moved in front to shield my mother and I.

One of the wolf let out an annoyed growl as if irritated by my father's action.

I had no idea what was going on, and was barely holding it together.

My mother did as my father did, pushing me behind her and then she took out her phone and began dialing.

I wondered who she was calling. Animal control, 911, the cops?

Wolves in the city. They probably think her drunk, worse insane.

"Stay back!" dad shooed, gesturing with his hand for the wolves to keep off.

They looked like they understood dad's words but they didn't stop advancing, and their growl grew louder when they catch sight of me.

I did my best to hide behind my parents, hoping that today will not be the end of me. The irony of my situation wasn't lost on me. Dying on the day I was born.

I didn't want to die. There are a lot of things I want to do. And right now, in this situation the top most on the list was sex. I am still a virgin, and even though Raphael and I have been dating for a year we have been waiting for the right time.

I close my eyes to plead with God not to let me die a virgin, but something weird happened instead. A buzz started in my head that I couldn't explain. It felt as if was full. Then my heart rate skyrocketed, thundering so loud in my chest that it was the only thing I could hear. You know that panic feeling you have when you think that you are going to die, at least for those who have experienced it. That is how I was feeling. Only twice worse.

Then the pain came. It was the most excruciating thing I have ever felt. A scream tore through my throat like a curtain being torn apart as the joints and bones in my body started to breakdown.

The horrific and bizarre nature of what was happening nearly exploded my mind. My whole system went into flight or fight mode as I tried to fight what was happening but I couldn't stop it, and all I could do was scream amidst my parents terrified worried inquiry as to what was going on.

I had no answer for them as I was mystified as them. And the last thing I heard before I disappeared into world unknown was a horrifying scream from my mum.

I was thrust into a world of pitch darkness. I couldn't see a thing, and I had no idea where I was. It was deathly silence. I never knew silence could be so terrifying. I wanted out.

"Hello!" I screamed on top of my voice. The words left my mouth, but it felt as if I was screaming silently. Nothing came out. The panic inside me worsened. I swallowed against the thickness clogging my throat and tried again.

"Anyone there?!"

I got the same response. Nothing.

I don't know how long I was lost in the darkness, screaming silently for help before I was thrust back into light. The light rays was coming from the streetlights and light from some of the buildings.

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