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˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱ it's not what he's made for
what was i made for?


I WAS beyond confused from Luke's sudden reaction which led to him practically locking himself in the bathroom, leaving me stunned on the couch.

As quiet as I possibly could, I crept to the bathroom, pressing my ear against the door as I somehow managed to slow my breaths.

"Come on, man." Luke whisper-yelled, almost as if he didn't want me to hear. "Fuck. Fine, Mark. I'm on my way."

I peeled away from the door, my socks providing extra speed as I nearly slid to my kitchen island, brushing a hand through my hair as I tried to play it casual.

Luke eyed me as he pulled on his sweatshirt, sliding on his sneakers with it; in a rush.

"I have to go." Luke cleared his throat, his fingers messing up his loose curls. "Uh, I can stop by in the morning."

I pulled my brows together, pushing off the counter to straighten my back. "Where are you going, Luke?"

Luke brushed a distressed hand through his hair again, only bringing me closer to the edge as I shook with anticipation. "I'm going to Jacobs. There's just some shit I need to sort out."

"Oh." I swallowed, watching his eyes seem to look anywhere but me. "Do you want me to come with? You don't seem..."

"No." Luke cut me off before I could finish, urging me to swallow my words as I crossed my arms. "No, Lo. It's fine. I really gotta go."

I stepped in front of the door, blocking his way out as my chest heaved. "You're being shady, Luke. Tell me what's going on."

"I can't do this right now." Luke wrapped his hand around the door handle, his body pressing against mine. "Lorelei, please."

"Fine." I tipped my chin towards him. "But don't bother coming to see me tomorrow."

I moved around him, his hands wrapping around my waist prevented me from getting further. This time, he blocked my way.

"It's just drama, okay?" Luke brushed his hands through my hair, tugging lightly in a massaging manner. "I don't want to rope you into it."

"I just want to be there for you." I admitted, pulling my brows together. "Don't shut me out."

Luke shook his head, dragging his thumb along my cheekbone. "Yeah, I know. I'm not shutting you out. I just need to deal with it alone, yeah? You trust me?"

"Of course I do." I nodded, relentlessly. "Is it something with Mark?"

"Mhm." Luke hummed, his jaw twitching at the mention of his teammate. "That's another reason why I don't want you going. Look, when this blows over, I'll explain everything."

Even if it took my curiosity and crushed it into a thousand pieces, I nodded. His lips came to my temple, leaving a gentle peck before meeting my own lips.

"I love you." Luke mumbled against my lips, pulling away as he fumbled with his car keys.

I forced a smile, opening the front door for him. "I love you, too."

The door shut with force as I huffed, leaning over the counter with my palms pressing into my eyes. Don't cry, Lorelei.

Luke and I's relationship was never secretive, if anything, he knew things I had never told anyone before. Not even my best friend, Ellie.

I'd always assume it was mutual. Luke didn't talk about his friends much, only Dylan was a name that became a regular.

It felt as if Luke was shielding me from them without actually hiding me. Keeping me a solid distance which was just out of reach. And I never understood why. He's embarrassed of you, Lorelei.

I shook my head, hearing the obscure thoughts filling my head as I began to pace around my tiny kitchen. I couldn't handle being without him knowing he was just three streets down, handling whatever business he had.

My gut feeling was the equivalent to a knife ramming into me over and over again, but I refused to let it get to me. Isn't curiosity what killed the cat?

"Fuck this." I cursed, throwing on my coat as I slid the hoodie over my head, sliding into my old shoes as I exited my campus house.

There had been many occasions where I'd gone to Jacobs house, I knew the layout like the back of my hand. I walked as fast as I could, with his being the corner house, it was easy to spot.

The lights were flickered on, cars parked along his street. I spotted Luke's almost immediately which only urged me to walk faster.

"This better be worth it." I muttered to myself, due to the overdrawn curtains, I couldn't see inside which only added to level of anxiety that was coursing through me.

I lifted my shaking hand before lying three soft knocks on the front door and stepping back. I tapped my foot silently, fearing that if I stood still, I'd drop.

The door opened with a creak, Luca's eyes running down my frame as he cocked a brow at me. "You're Luke's girlfriend, yeah?"

I nodded with silence, watching him pull back with the door opening, allowing me in. "Sorry, where is he?"

Luca gestured towards kitchen bar which chatter echoed from. I couldn't thank him before he walked away, in the opposite direction.

I brought my hand up to swipe the hoodie off my head, the small drizzle evident on my coat as I unzipped it, folding it over my arm.

My feet worked quicker than my mind, leading me directly towards the kitchen top where the small group sat around.

The first person I noticed, Jane Cameron. Her blonde hair swept over her shoulder, her arm brushing with my own boyfriends as she sat uncomfortably close to him.

Mark was the first to spot me, his lips curling into a smirk as he slowly placed his beer back onto the marble. "Lorelei Sanders."

Luke lifted his head at the mention of my name, his light eyes flicking to my direction. His face grew pale, his lips parting.

"What are you doing here?"


MR. PERFECTLY FINE ; LUKE HUGHES Where stories live. Discover now