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Hello there, everyone who has been waiting for literal months for another chapter of this story to come out! Anthonytyler9 is not here right now! It's me! Monkey D. Luffy! And I am here to tell you all that the next season of The Heroic Pirate will begin tomorrow! I hope you all are prepared for the new arrivals into the My Hero Academia Universe are going to be! I can't wait to interact with all the people and become the Pirate King there!

Now before we get into anything important, I want to let you all know that this story has not been forgotten. The writer has just gotten a little writing happy when it comes to getting new ideas! He keeps getting new ideas that it just is impossible to stop him and get him to focus on a singular story until completion. So for all of you who want to know about who will be entering the story, the next chapter of this story will be from the perspective of fan favorite... Marco! 

He will be appearing in the middle of the air above Kamino Ward, just hours after the defeat of All for One! Whoever that guy may be. But that is beside the point, many others will be appearing into the world of MHA, and I can't wait until my moment to shine happens! Not much else to say, but I certainly hope that you all are ready for the story to pick back up again tomorrow. Now for the preview of the next chapter!

Marco watched as the two kids disappeared from the world as he looked off into the distance. He could see the Blackbeard Pirates making their way to their location now, so he really needed to make his decision. Looking back at what was left of Pops' crew he smiled at them before speaking to them. "Well, it appears that I need to keep an eye on those two. Any of you want to come with me?" He asked, as the others smirked at him. "We'll hold off the Blackbeard Pirates. Once you are gone, we will take the One-Piece Treasure and take it to the Straw Hats. It may not be a direct victory for becoming Pirate King... but they will know what to do with it." They all said, as Marco smiled at them all. "I hope Pops is watching you all from wherever he is now. Make like Akainu's enemies and leave the area once I'm gone, got it!" Marco said, not even checking to see if his allies were protecting him.

Standing on top of the treasure, Marco smiled as he activated it before he felt his entire being suddenly started to dissolve into the air. He watched as a stray Cannonball was making its way to him as he watched one of his allies jump in the way turning into a crystalline form blocking it. That was when he disappeared from the world and felt his vision turn to black. But when he woke up again, he found himself falling in style towards the ground. Activating his Devil-fruit powers, he transformed into a massive phoenix as he took to the skies. He could sense the powers of Izuku and Yamato as he flew off in the direction of the two that he could sense at the moment. Although he may be heading towards the general direction of the two, he couldn't help but feel as though there was something odd about the two. They were way too close to one another based on his senses as he suddenly gained a happy smile.

"Well damn, I didn't think you had it in you kid. Color me impressed. Not only did you kidnap Kaido's kid, but you managed to lay her as well! I can't wait to hear about your adventures in this world!" Marco said, a happy mirthful smile on his face.

He pointedly ignored the red winged man following him whilst keeping some distance from Marco.

Well that is the Preview of the next chapter! I hope you all are prepared for the next chapter to begin! This is Monkey D. Luffy signing off! And I can't wait to become the Pirate King of another world! This is going to be so much fun! HAHAHA!

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