Earthquake vs. Frost!

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A/N Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of The Heroic Pirate! I know that there was some problems about how I ended the previous chapter, but I am here to tell you about what happened with Inko and Mitsuki. In the moment that Inko was shown she was a mere hologram that was shown over Mitsuki Bakugo, and Bakugo attacked Inko's hologram in a want to stop her from talking. But unknown to him, he used his quirk to kill his own mother. And in a way, he can't go back on what he had done. I hope this helps! Also imagine that Izuku is in a building with Shoto!

Izuku is on his way to school at the moment, Inko and Yamato had heard about the fact that Mitsuki Bakugo had gone missing a few hours ago and were worried for the woman. Masaru was now all alone as he was mourning the fact that his partner was missing, and his son had become such a villainous child. He had no idea what he had done in the past to force his child to literally become a villain and was now blaming himself for the problems that Izuku went through as a child. Yamato had left a few minutes after Izuku did in order to make sure that Inko was going to be alright with her presence gone. While they were making their way towards the entrance of UA they were conversing with one another as they talked about what the day was going to entail. From the last day of the week, they were doing a Quirk Apprehension test and they had all passed with some minor things being stated. Mineta was moved over to General Education as the young man was being way too perverted with some of the girls that it became too much. And Aizawa was not taking any shit from the little gremlin and informed him the day that he was moved into another class to fix his problem before coming back. So as Izuku and the classmates he had were sitting in the class they found that one seat was empty as Aizawa entered the room. "Alright class, you all will be doing something that will mark a change for your futures." Aizawa spoke as the class became tense with the man's blunt attitude. "You all will be choosing your Vice and Class Presidents. Deal with it yourselves, and don't wake me up whilst you do that." Aizawa said, laying down in his sleeping bag. As that decision was made everyone became loudly exclamatory in order to make them the Class President. Yamato was quiet since she had no idea about what a Class President was, and Iida, the boy who was the most serious rose his hand up as he talked about them all choosing their Class and Vice Class Presidents through a Democratic voting system that got the go ahead from Aizawa. So as the students were told to vote for two students a male and female respectively, the votes were tallied.


Izuku stood at the front of the class with Yaoyorozu as he was completely confused about why he was in the Class President position. "Why am I here?" Izuku asked, as Yaoyorozu was looking at him confused. "I thought you wanted to become Class President. I wanted too at least." She said, as Izuku looked at her. "I would like to take the Vice President position Aizawa-sensei, is that allowed?" Izuku asked, as the man nodded as Present Mic entered the class as the Homeroom teacher left. "WHO'S READY TO DO SOME ENGLISH!?" The man called out, as the class except Izuku, Yamato and Yaoyorozu had cheered for him. As time would pass the class would get their own set of homework as well as class assignments to do during classes as they approached lunch. It was the final class of their day as the class were preparing for their First Heroics Class with the new teacher. Nobody had known who the new teacher would be since it was highly secret about that information, and as they heard thumping Izuku tossed hearing aids to Jiro as he gave her a look. She put them in as the door was essentially yanked from its frame as All Might entered the room with a massive smile on his face. "I AM HERE! WALKING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!" All Might had called out, smiling down at his students. With the student's attention on him, All Might smiled down at the students until he saw something that made him pause. Izuku and Yamato were looking at him with sad smiles, and the man couldn't help but return the smile towards them as well. He didn't know why but he felt sad towards Midoriya and Yamato respectively, so as he regained his smile towards the class he spoke again. "I AM HERE TO PRESENT THE CLASS LESSON! BATTLE TRAINING!" All Might announced as the class were shouting their joy. Jiro had looked over to Izuku as she gave him a thumbs up and the boy just nodded towards her, nobody was expecting how loud All Might would be up close so Izuku handing Jiro the hearing aids really saved her skin. As the class made mentions about his Hero Suit, the teacher looked at the class as he spoke towards them in a happy tone. "WHAT KIND OF HERO IS HE/SHE WHEN THEY ARE WITHOUT THEIR OWN HERO COSTUME? COLLECT YOUR COSTUMES FROM THE WALL AND MEET ME AT GYM BETA, THERE I WILL TALK ABOUT WHAT THE LESSON ENTAILS!" All Might said, running down the hall. Izuku walked over to his seating number which was NO. 18, and as he grabbed his case, he thought about how it looked inside and couldn't wait to see what it was. As he walked down the hallway, he entered the changing room with his classmates as he prepared to put on his new costume, and Yamato was doing the same on the girl's side of the changing rooms. As soon as Izuku opened his Hero Costume case, he looked at what was inside as he smiled down at it, they got his measurements right as he put on the clothing. It was a Kevlar woven nanofiber that was protecting his legs that was strong enough to block bladed weapons as well as small firearms. Although it was the coat that really threw him through some memories as he picked it up and placed it over his shoulders, he heard a telltale click from his shoulders as he felt needles entering his skin and locking the coat there. Smiling to himself he pulled a white mustache in the form of a crescent as he looked at it, placing it over his head there was a small tuft of green fluffy curly hair that he placed it into as it clipped on as it was looking similar to an ornament on his head. As his classmates had looked over at him, they couldn't help but think about how ripped he was underneath the school uniform that it hid. "Wow dude you are totally ripped! Is that a ten pack!? How do you do that!?" Kaminari called out as Izuku looked at him. The rest of the males in the room had taken notice of the ornament on his head as they looked to it. "Is that an ornament?" Kirishima asked, as Izuku nodded. "It pays homage to the man who saved me when I was in a different place. He was kind of similar to how a father should be towards his kids, he trained me to become as strong as I am currently." Izuku said, smiling down at the ornament that he took out of his hair. Kirishima had gained tears in his eyes as he said only one word to place the way the man was. "Manly!" The boy said, pointing his fist into the air. "We should probably meet All Might at Gym Beta." Todoroki said, as he walked down the hallway out of the changing room in his suit with ice covering his right side. Once all the boys were on their way towards Gym Beta, the girls left the room moments later as Yamato was walking around in what she wore at Wano when she first met Izuku. "Wow Yamato, you look really good. If not a little revealing." Ochako said, as she walked next to the giant of a woman. "Thank you Uraraka-san, I'm glad that the one that was made here is many times more durable than the original I had. Izuku blushed whenever I wore it around him." Yamato said, as the girls looked at her, especially Ashido. "So what is Midori to you Yamato?" Ashido asked, as the woman looked at them. "Oh, I don't think he wanted me to talk about it... but he is my boyfriend." Yamato said, as Uraraka looked a little sad at the information. Once the class were all gathered in the room where All Might stood near some camera systems, they looked to him as he began to speak about the lesson plan. "In the test with Aizawa-kun, you all learned what your limits were in terms of not hitting anyone as well as mere tests. With me you will all learn how to hit someone else with a powered down version of your quirk. We are here to protect, not kill. As a Hero you will have to make a decision to kill a villain down the line, even I have had to make that decision. But remember that this is training, anyway, let's get you all into teams. From the Entrance Exams you also learned to use your quirks in an open battlefield, today though you will learn how to use your quirks to keep collateral damage to a very low amount to none at all. You will also be learning to use your quirks inside a building." All Might said, as he kept his voice low for Yamato and Jiro. As the class chose lots to see who would be on the same team as one another, it was shown that Izuku and Uraraka would be on the same team as Yamato and Yaoyorozu would be together on another team. Izuku smiled over at Uraraka as she moved closer to him, and she regretted looking at the young man as he was not wearing a shirt underneath his coat as he looked like he was turning into a tomato. "You look good Midoriya-kun! My Hero Suit is a little bit too tight; I wanted it to be slightly baggy." Uraraka said, as Izuku looked at her more thoroughly. "Well having it this tight could help with your nausea that you suffer from when using your quirk. Although if they really wanted to make sure that you didn't suffer from it, they would make the jumpsuit tighter on the wrists as well as pressure points so that they don't get targeted." Izuku said, as the girl merely nodded. And as the class went through their teaming, Izuku and Ochako were placed on Team A as Yamato and Yaoyorozu was placed on Team F. Once all the teams were set in stone All Might drew some balls that had each team letter on it for villains and Heroes. "Alright for the first battle, it will be Team A as the Villains! And Team D as the Heroes!" All Might said, as Izuku looked at their opponents. It was Iida and Todoroki who were their opponents as they walked out of the building with the bomb to place it on a certain floor. Izuku and Ochako had placed the bomb on the top floor because that meant that one of them would leave the other at the bomb so that they could have someone else hold them off for a while. Once they were on the top floor, Izuku went over the floor plans of the building as he thought of a good plan with Ochako. The girl added her two cents in so that their plan could cover any and all flaws that Izuku's original plan would have without any outside influence. Nodding to their plan Izuku was moving towards the door, as Izuku told Ochako to hide the bomb in a spot that wasn't in the room and in a separate one. And as soon as the time was ready, Izuku felt the building immediately freeze over as soon as he reached the doorway. Jumping into the air, Izuku had watched as Ochako was completely frozen from the feet up to her chin. Izuku landed on the ground as he broke the ice from the girl's body as she started to shiver, and once Izuku placed the coat off his shoulders and onto her own, she felt warmer by the heat it produced. "It was mean for being capable of keeping me warm in any kind of weather, so this should get you warm enough to move about faster. I will take on the Heroes." Izuku said, leaving the room with a determined look on his face.

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