Meeting Ace and Luffy

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A/N Sorry for the wait on this chapter, I've been thinking about what to do for this chapter, and I came up with this. Also, I apologize for the trigger warning last chapter, that will be the only time it will be used for the story. Izuku will not have another encounter within this world that is of the same caliber as with Kaido in terms of that Trigger. So have a great weekend and let's begin the chapter!

The coming days after Izuku and Yamato were allowed into the Whitebeard Pirate Crew was amazing for the two of them. Izuku, although he had to do some chores as well as other things for keeping the ship clean as well as sanitary had a lot of fun with the others. He had felt like he was a part of a family, something he hadn't had in over 12 years of his life ever since coming to this world as a four-year-old. He was told by Whitebeard that they were going to Alabasta in order to meet one of his Division Commanders within his crew and Izuku was excited to meet this guy. From what he overheard from Whitebeard himself was that this guy had come over to his ship and declared that he would kill him... only to join him instead because Pops liked his style as well as spunk. Izuku had no idea what Pops liked about some kid who ran up to him and declared he was going to kill him but the simple fact that he entertained the idea of the kid being capable of killing him was kind of off putting. The ship was heading in the direction of where Alabasta was located as Izuku hung over the edge of the ship collecting Barnacles from the side of it. From what he heard from Whitebeard was that they were very dangerous to have on a ship since they ate the hull and would cause the ship to take on water if none were taken off enough that it wouldn't pose a problem in the future. As he was going about his mission of clearing the sides of the ship of the Barnacles, he never noticed how one of the Whitebeard Pirates were watching him from afar with a look on his eyes that spoke of trouble. The man was moving closer to Izuku as the young man had finally cleared the spot of Barnacles from the side of the ship and was pulling himself up from the side of the ship. Once he got to the rails of the ship he was surprised by the appearance of a pudgy looking man with a black stubble and black hair flowing from the back of his head looking at him. The surprise was so fast and unexpected that Izuku yelped in fear as he fell off the ship before being caught by the man. "Sorry for scaring you little guy. Just inspecting the newbie." The man said, gruffly as he smirked at Izuku. The young man noticed how this guy was missing a few teeth in his mouth as he looked at Izuku with his sinister smile. "T-Thanks for the save, but what are you doing up here?" Izuku asked, as he was pulled up. "Just exploring the ship before I get back to work. Have fun cleaning the hull newbie!" The guy said, as Izuku gained a curious expression on his face. Looking at the retreating man's back he found that there was the tattoo of his Jolly Roger within the Whitebeard Pirates. It held a skull with a black beard on it as it had a sinister smile on its face as well as the crossbones behind it. Izuku was intrigued with the Jolly Roger on the guy's back as he shook his head as he got back to work. He couldn't allow himself to be completely distracted with this new guy he met since he had to get this done before they arrived in Alabasta. 


The Whitebeard Pirate ship had arrived in Alabasta as Whitebeard had docked himself so that he could gather supplies from the place in order to restock. He wouldn't go out on another voyage without collecting the supplies needed in order to keep his crew going on the Sea. Smirking to himself he decided to go see an old friend there and make sure that he was pointed in the direction of Izuku and Yamato as the two were exploring the island with smiles on their faces. Within the next few minutes, Whitebeard had entered a bar where he found the person who he wanted to speak to. "Ace, my son how is you doing here in Alabasta?" Whitebeard asked, as the young man looked over at him. "Doing fine Pops, what's up?" Ace asked. He was a shorter man compared to Whitebeard but had black hair that was more like a bowl cut but slightly longer than one. He also wore a brown rain cap that hung above his black hair as he smiled at his Captain that he treated more like a father than anything. Another thing that was curious about him was the fact that he had red beads hanging like a necklace around his neck and was shirtless. "I need you to go meet your newest little sister and brother. They are exploring the island to the south, near Crocodile's territory." Whitebeard said, as Ace stood up. "Well thanks for the information pops, I will head out now in order to meet them. What do they look like?" Ace asked, stretching his tired limbs. "They have white hair for the woman and black hair with green highlights. The most intriguing part about them... one has horns of an Oni, and the other has freckles on their face." Whitebeard said, as he watched as Ace gained a curious look. "How strong are these two?" "Strong enough to dupe Kaido about stealing his key's and freeing them from his stronghold on Wano." Whitebeard replied as Ace gained a happy expression on his face. "They duped out Kaido of all people!? I gotta see them now! It's been a long time since someone had been capable of duping that bastard." Ace said, gaining energy and running out of the bar as Whitebeard drank some of his rum that he bought and flirted with the waitress. As the woman blushed at him and walked to get his drink Whitebeard could only say one thing as he chuckled. "Looks like I still got it." 

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