The talk with Shanks

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A/N I don't have any images to use for this chapter, so let's get this note completed so I can start the chapter. I know that you all are wondering why I am making this story change a bit already 9 chapters in. Well I knew that I wasn't going to leave the MHA universe all alone without its very own secret weapon in Izuku. Not only that, but I left a hint from Whitebeard that Izuku's presence is deftly needed back in his old world, and that the One Piece could teleport him back to his old world. So with that done, let's begin.

Izuku, Yamato and Marco had been on the ship searching for Shanks for about a week and a half so far. Every time they found some kind of clue on the man, they went to his last known location before finding out he was somewhere else. This game of cat and mouse was starting to get seriously annoying to Izuku, he just wanted to return home so that he could save it from ruin, and Shanks just wasn't showing up. They traveled around the Grand Line for weeks on end, finding out about how Saturn one of the World Elders, had entered Egghead in order to put an end to the Straw Hat Pirates. Izuku wanted to go help them but was told that he had his own mission to go on and finish, he had to return back home with Yamato coming along with him. They finally arrived at the last known location that held Shanks last, they were seriously thinking that the man was just running from them to make sure that he doesn't have to talk with them. As they entered a small bar, Izuku noticed that there was one man in there who looked more like Shanks from the bounty posters than any other person who bore a resemblance to him. He was tall, and had one arm, but the one thing that kept him on edge was how he walked around the place. He walked around as if he knew that there was someone looking for him and made himself look as stand out as possible. So as he walked over to meet the man, out of the corner of his eye he found some people who looked at him with either trepidation or anger at him as he sat down at a table near who appeared to be Shanks. The man seemed to take notice of his presence as well as he moved to sit down next to him as he gave him a look. "So you're the one who was looking for me. To be honest I expected you to be... taller?" The man asked, as Izuku looked into his eyes. This was the man he was looking for.


Izuku and Shanks sat at their table just looking into the other's eyes, searching for something to use against the other. Izuku was the one who was looking into more of what the man was as a person, who he wanted to be, and why he was the way he was. Shanks on the other hand was trying to get a read on Izuku, the boy seemed to wear his heart on his sleeve, based on other information he had managed to completely trick one of the four Yonko's as well as kill them later on. Although from what the report said, it seemed like Kaido's death was completely on accident as the older man had made a simple rookie mistake in the placement of his arm to block an attack. "So, I hear that you wanted to talk to me. What do you wish to know?" Shanks asked, as he expected Izuku to ask him about the One Piece. "I have urgent business that I was given to by Whitebeard in a vision." Izuku said, as Shanks became alarmed. "I thought Whitebeard was dead." Shanks asked, as Izuku nodded. "I have his Devil Fruit ability. But there was something that happened to me during training with Marco one day. When Marco knocked me out during training, I had a strange vision happen to me that day. It showed me what Whitebeard experienced in his life, the battles he won, as well as gave me the final words I wanted to give the man before he died. He told me about the world I came from, I'm sure he told you about me, correct?" Izuku asked, after giving a small explanation. "He told me about the new son and daughter he gained from another Pirate Crew. But he never told me that it was you." Shanks said, drinking some ale. "Well that's because the circumstances around me are considerably highly top secret." Izuku said, as Shanks spat out his drink. "What do you mean top secret?" He asked, confused. "I don't belong in this world. In fact, I was brought into it... by being killed by someone I thought was a close friend of mine." Izuku said, as Shanks gained a tick mark on his head. "You really expect me to listen to you?" He asked, looking into Izuku's cold indifferent eyes. "Take my word as gospel or don't, I don't care. I was told by Whitebeard that I need to use the One Piece in order to return to my home. The world I came from." Izuku said, as he looked at the table. "And why did it have to be you who had to come back to your 'world'?" Shanks asked. "Because if anyone else did, it wouldn't be the same. Apparently in my world, I was supposed to live and continue living there, even with the abuse I had gained from everyone around me." Izuku said, as Shanks became even more skeptical. "I know of the location of Laugh Tale Island, but why are you leaving this world of Pirates?" Shanks asked, as Izuku smiled sadly. "Because this world is not for me to take control over, I am leaving that to Luffy. I know that he has the Sun God Nika fruit. He is currently using his fifth gear form against Saturn at the moment." Izuku said, as Shanks listened intently. He wouldn't allow the One Piece to be used harshly, the last time that happened, it caused problems for Gol D. Roger, and he gained a sickness since it wasn't for him to use. "So you think that if you find the One Piece that you won't become King of the Pirates?" Shanks asked, as Izuku shook his head. "That title falls to Luffy, he has the strength, charisma, as well as the people who back his ideals. I am just a young man who wishes to return to a world where he was supposed to belong, and I will be taking Yamato with me. She won't wish to leave me alone anyway." Izuku said, drinking some water. "Hm, I wonder what your ulterior motive is. Surely you don't have anything else you could ever want from Gol D. Roger's treasure?" Shanks asked, as Izuku shook his head. "I've never done this, being a Pirate for money. I only wish to become a Hero to the world, although, my wish doesn't extend to this one. I don't belong here, and the world has been trying to kill me off already." Izuku said, as he showed Shanks something that was shocking. The boy's arm was slowly disappearing, his fingers were now translucent and Izuku's face was incredibly pale. "What you mean to say is, since you don't belong in our reality, the world is trying to eject your back into your old world." Shanks came up with the answer as Izuku nodded. "With the One Piece I can speed up the process and return back to my world and save it from ruin. Once that is done, I will be capable of saving it. And I'm sure that the One Piece will allow me to bring at least one other person with me, and the person I chose was Yamato." Izuku said, as Shanks nodded to himself. "Man, to see a different world, must be nice to have the mission to do that." Shanks said, as he stood up. "It was forced upon me as soon as I found out about my whole disappearing problem. If I am completely translucent then I will be forced back without Yamato, and I wish for her to be next to me when I save my reality." Izuku said, as Shanks stood up with Izuku. They moved outside to where everyone else was as they stared at one another; Shanks wasn't looking Izuku in the eyes as Izuku knew that this probably was a lost cause. As he turned around to leave the man to his devices, he pulled something out of his pocket, and Izuku felt something moving towards him with his Observation Haki. Turning around to catch the item in time, he found that it was one of the directional orbs that had the location of Laugh Tale on it. "Don't make me regret this decision, Midoriya Izuku. Your bounty is looking mighty tasty right now." Shanks said, licking his lips. "Don't worry Shanks, you won't be seeing me ever again after this. Because once I find Laugh Tale... I won't be in the world anymore to annoy you." Izuku said, as Shanks threw a bottle of ale at the boy. "Make sure to have your first drink of some ale before leaving, would you? Can't have you being a pussy back in your old world now, can we?" Shanks called out, as Izuku looked at the bottle with some kind of trepidation. Shaking his head at the notion of drinking ale before the required legal age of Japan, he got back on his ship with Marco and Yamato looking at him expectantly as he showed them the way finder. "Next stop Laugh Tale." Izuku said, smirking at them. As they took off towards Laugh Tale, they never noticed how Shanks' ship was taking off just not far after they did. On the ship Shanks ordered his crew to keep themselves out of the sight of Izuku, so they could see if what he told them was true. Shanks didn't believe the story of the boy for a second, nobody could cause mayhem that much to the point that two of the original Yonko's died after his presence enters their crew and are replaced with another three people. As the ships sailed across the sea, Shanks noticed that they were getting some company from the Blackbeard Pirates as they followed Izuku as well. Taking this hint as Izuku needs to do this alone without the Blackbeard's trying to take over the world, Shanks cursed his luck before pointing his ship at the Blackbeard's and attacked them. As they fought for supremacy, Izuku's ship never knew that they were followed to this point as they moved on towards Laugh Tale. The one place where he could find the place where he could return to his world with someone along for the ride. As Izuku saw the carnage behind them, he ordered the Pirates to carry on with their mission, he has to find the One Piece before he disappears. Looking at his wrist now, he smiles sadly to himself because looking at the timer the world placed on him, because of coming straight to Shanks, he only had about 3 months before he would be permanently erased.


1 week before the talk with Shanks

Izuku was in the middle of training with Marco when he went for an attack against the man. But there was a singular problem with his attack, his left hand had phased through the man allowing Marco to land a hit on Izuku's back. As the boy collapsed to the ground, Marco noticed something was wrong as Izuku's mind wasn't on the mission at the moment he kept looking at his hand. As they took a closer look at the hand, they all noticed how it was slowly becoming translucent, as if it was disappearing. "What the hell is that?" Marco asked, as Izuku looked closer at his wrist. It showed a timer for 9 months, 15 days, and 33 minutes... but they had no idea about what it was for, but a few days later it was found out that Izuku's body was slowly disappearing from existence. If he didn't leave this world soon, it would erase him from ever existing. If he wanted to leave this place before he was destroyed from existence, he would have to find Shanks fast, and they only had about 9 months left before they had to find Shanks as well as the One Piece in order to escape from this reality. As Izuku looked at Yamato as well as Marco, they had looks of determination as well as defeat on their faces before he smiled at them. "Don't worry, we'll find the One Piece as well as Shanks before the timer is up. It can't be that hard, right?" Izuku asked, as both smirked at one another and chuckled. This would become one of their greatest adventures.

A/N That is the end of the chapter! I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did! The end of the Pirate Izuku arc is here! Izuku will be finding the One Piece within the next chapter as a month will pass for Izuku to find the One Piece! Don't worry he will be capable of finding the One Piece before his timer is up. I know that the whole timer on Izuku being in the One-Piece world was a bit overdramatic as well as increasing the stakes by a lot, but Izuku has made the impossible possible, so let's root for him! Get this story up to around, 390 reads and I will release another chapter for you all! See you all later!

2323 Words!

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